12:37pm Jul 12 2011
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((Lol. Sure Reina thats fine with me as long as shatter is OK with it.))
6:11pm Jul 12 2011
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6:13pm Jul 13 2011
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((Tri! Where are you!))
3:07am Jul 14 2011
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((Yuz I don't mind, Reina =) LOL))
11:05pm Jul 15 2011
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1:10pm Jul 16 2011
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(Sorry. I couldn't get it on yet. Cause of finacial problems.)
 (Banner made by Kina)
1:13pm Jul 16 2011
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ooc:// Understood but now Cece needs Blondey. *-* we start nao, ya?
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2:03pm Jul 16 2011
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((Yup now we can start. I guess I'll post first)) Kasey wandered around the first floor looking around at the random paintings and ghosts that were roaming around the school. It was close to noon but today was one of the days where no one had classes so Kasey wasn't sure what to do. Others were walking around in pairs or in groups with a few wandering around alone like him. He knew most of the people after being here for a couple years and has gotten to know many of the new kids. He wasn't all about tricking the new kids and pranking the teachers though that is what usually filled his day, He could be nice some times too. His red wings flaped slowly behind him even though he was waking on the ground. They had a mind of their own sometimes and their mind was that of an ADDA child. They never stoped moving and the more Kasey moved around and the faster he did so they faster his wings moved. Paige looked up into the foliage of the oak tree above her. He back was cold as it layed against the cool grass below. She had been awake a while and this is where she had been. She watched as the sunlight moved acrossed her body as the slow moving sun filtered in through gaps in the leaves. She closed her eyes and hummed quietly to herself. She smirked as a gentle breeze moved through her hair that she let down. She finally sat up pulling her legs up to her into a criss cross. She pulled her hair back and wrapped the hair band that was around her wrist around her hair. She stood up brushing any grass off of her before she started to walk. She slipped her hands into her pockets as she walked. She looked around seeing hardly anyone outside yet. She passed by the Demon pond and the Gym right across from it. It didn't look like a scary pond just a normal pond and for many it was just a normal pond.
3:25pm Jul 16 2011
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Again. More school. Different name, same kind of prison. Whatever. Cecelia sighed, pulling her magenta hair away from equally unreal eyes. Just another day of pure, unadulterated torture. Freaking brilliant. Her eyes were lined today with heavy black, a sign of her mourning over the start of classes. Why couldn't summer just last forever? Because nothing that great could ever last. When she'd set her aunt on fire, Cece had thought she'd just be able to drop out of school. But nooo. Nothing ever went according to her plans. She sighed, making her way through the strange new halls that would be her new home. Today's outfit of a cute black mini over neon pink ripped leggings, her knee-high black leather boots with the shiny silver buckles, and a tight black t-shirt definitely screamed 'witch', a least in Cece's eyes. Her gaze, however, was drawn to... BLUE! She squealed, running forward to throw her arms around Strify's broad shoulders, feet leaving the ground as she hung. The young man gave an oomph, though he showed no signof being made unsteady by the attack. After all, one got used to such things when friends with Cecelia. His long aqua was pulled into a braid, which swished around his knees as he took the blow like a linebacker. The tight peacock gold, green, and blue shirt clung to his slender musculature, his black skinny jeans interwoven with shimmering threads to match the colors of his shirt, adding a brilliant irridescence. He narrowed his honeyed amber eyes on Cece, voice low and menacing. "Must you greet me in this fashion every morning?" Cece only giggled, nodding. "Well of course I do. How else could I show you how happy seeing your pretty blue hair makes me? You're my best, bestest, best friend in the whole wide world, you know that." Though he wanted to be upset a little longer, Strify chuckled. "Yes, unfortunatey."
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6:27am Jul 17 2011 (last edited on 6:37am Jul 17 2011)
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Tyler stood on the grass, looking around tiredly. “I hate this,” he muttered to himself, shoving his hands into his pocket. He glared out at the world from thick-lashed blue eyes, mumbling under his breath. He noticed a girl hugging a boy tightly – man, he missed Taya and her amazing-ness. Quite abruptly he turned and strode away...walking straight into his ex, making her school books go everywhere. “Oh no,” she muttered, her eyes widening, but not because of her books. Tyler grinned sheepishly, picking the books up and handing them to her carefully. “Um...hi?” he mumbled guiltily. “Hello. Goodbye.” Taya brushed passed him coldly, and the small grain of hope inside him died. He sighed, and paused, looking back at the cute girl. He wondered if the boy was actually going out with her. Taya sighed. When will he ever learn a break-up means a break-up?! She thought in annoyance. Tyler was so compulsive and cute, she thought, before mentally slapping herself. YOU DUMPED HIM, she screamed at herself. She stopped, shaking her head in disbelief. Sometimes she wondered what was wrong with her...apart from the obvious. Suddenly she saw a familiar face... “Paige!” she shouted, breaking into a run. “Omigod, don’t tell me you’re stuck here too!” she squealed, relieved to see a familiar face. “Man, it’s been so long!” she sighed, hugging her friend tightly. “Um...is Kasey here?” she asked shyly. ((Um. Sorry if you didn’t want Paige and Taya to be friends =/)

1:16pm Jul 17 2011
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Being the kind of person who noticed everything, it was only natural that Strifeous noticed the young man gawking at his rather boisterous companion. With a sly grin he grabbed her at th waist, pulling her off of him with a bit too much ease. Thus freed from her vice-like grip, he turned her head pointedly in the boy's direction. "Pardon my interruption of Friendship Time, but that young gentleman seems to be watching you." So diverted Cece followed the direction of Strify's gaze, her eyes widening with the glee of a child marveling at a giant lollipop. Oooooh, such pretty eyes! She pulled Stify by the hand, making a bee-line for the pretty boy. Those eyes... He looked like a fairy-tale prince, with those flowy lashes, tha gorgeous hair... She smiled up at him, showing only the most friendly of open warmth. "Hey. My friend Strify thinks you think I'm cute because he caught you looking me. Is that true? Because if it is then you should know that you're like really super cute and you have the coolest eyes." Strify sighed, the sound filled with regret. "Please excuse my friend's bluntness. She seems to have been born without the part of the brain that acts as a filter between thought and action. I am Strifeous De Danaan, and this rather obnoxious young woman is Cecelia Caves." She nodded vigorously, eyes lighting up. "But you can call me Cece, and he's Strify."
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7:51pm Jul 17 2011
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ooc:// ^ up
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2:58am Jul 18 2011
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Tyce was a little taken aback by Cece - Taya had never been like this. Ever. "Hiya," grinned Tyce, already liking the girl's personality. "I'm Tyce. Um, thanks." He tried to lean against a tree, grinning suavely, and missed, stumbling backward. "Ooops," he mumbled sheepishly, his smiling breaking into a real grin, displaying dimples. What would Taya say? he wondered a little guiltily. ((LOL I already LOVE Cece xD))
12:39pm Jul 18 2011
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ooc:// Why thank you. She is one of my alternate personalities. ^-^ I didn't know how well her obnoxious good nature would go over, so I'm glad you like her. bic:// She giggled, eyes twinkling. He was adorable. And so just chill. She took a step toward him, holding her hands behind her back and swishing back and forth, making her skirt swing with the motion. Her smile curled up at the corners, giving it a new depth. "Pleased ta meetcha, Tyce. You seem like a pretty cool guy." With another giggle she took his arm in her left hand, flicking the one long-nailed finger on her right. With a little flick the nail began to glow, and she put it to his skin. The etching was painless, and probably only tickled a little. As her nail moved acoss his lower arm her name and number appeared in bubble-gum, as if in gel-pen, and would wash away about as easily. "I gotta go to Charms, but I get outta class 'round two-ish. We should hang out." She winked, then flounced off, taking Strifeous with her. "You know, you could've just used a regular pen." She grinned up at her friend, eyes crinkling. "Shut it." With that the two of them made their way to Charms, looking forward to a new day of spells and cantrips. Of course, Strify wouldn't have Potions, but they'd have Arithmetic together... And while she was in potions he had Earth Magic, a faerie-only class. Poo. And she didn't have any were/shifter friendly classes except gym and English... Hmmm. ooc;// Oh p.s.: Making my own classes. Geared towrads magic-users.
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2:53am Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 4:04am Jul 22 2011)
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"Thanks," he grinned, flashing his dimples. He touched the number, then walked off. He wondered if he'd have any classes with Cece - she seemed like a nice girl...He grinned to himself, wondering if Taya would be jealous. Guilt started gnawing at him again, and he sighed. She doesn't want you no more, he reminded himself. You screwed up - face it. He sighed, heading toward his class. On his way he stopped by his locker, twisting the combination. He opened the door and a note fell out. Just stay away and nothing'll go wrong. Got it? You screwed up, you deal with it. Taya.
Thanks, Tay, he thought ruefully, and tucked the note carefully in his pocket before heading off to his class. In gym, he saw Cece. "Cece!" he called out with a grin. "Over here!" ((Sorry it's so short =())
9:45am Jul 22 2011
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ooc:// No problem! Roleplaying as Cece makes me feel better. Also, I'm going to put Taya in this class because I'm cruel like that. Hope you don't mind. bic:// Cece's eyes shot up, as did Strify's. The tall, lean boy stood apart from the others, watching like a hawk as Cece giggled. Her gym shorts were so short as to be obscene in his eyes, long legs stretching, the tight-fitting tank showing off the curves of her figure. She jogged toward Tyce, her bright pink hair bouning with every step. "Hey! Fancy seeing you here." She grinned up at him, eyes twinkling like the magic stars she'd applied to along her cheekbones during Charms. Strify glanced from Cece to the shifter girl in the corner, who he'd seen Tyce with moments before they'd gone t him this morning. She seemed... off. Cece must have seen without looking, a handy trick for a girl like her, because she reached up, toying with Tyce's hair. "I will never get over how gorgeous your eyes are. Like aquamarine."
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10:00pm Jul 22 2011
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ooc:// bump
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11:33pm Jul 22 2011
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((LOL =P)) Tyler stared at her for a second, before regaining his composure. "Hi you," he grinned goodnaturedly. "Thanks. My eyes were...um...blue..." his voice trailed off. He looked distracted, shifting uneasily from foot to foot. His fiddled with the note Tayaa had sent him, looking at her across the room. She ignored him coldly, pointedly looked outside. "So," he mumbled, still watching Taya. He opened and folded the note again and again in his hands, turning it over and tracing the writing over and over. "*censored*," muttered Taya, folding her arms. Well, she thought, Tyler seems to have no problem in getting another girlfriend. Deep down she felt a little guilty, but she just couldn't deal with Tyler right now. Sighing, she glanced across at the tall, lean boy that Cece had been with a few minutes earlier.
12:07am Jul 23 2011
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After a second of blatantly staring at Tyler, Cece dove her hand into his pocket, pulling free the piece of paper he'd been messing with incessantly. She read it, looked at Taya, and put the note back without breaking her smile. "She doesn't seem like a very nice person. I don't know if you're noticing, but she keeps staring over at us. I mean, she's staring at Strify now, but that's neither here nor there. If you're flirting with me to make her jealous, it's not going to work. It'll ujust make her mad, and she'll go out with my best friend to get back at both of us." A shrug followed the blunt, simple flow of words, her smile still present and sincere. "I really do think you're cute though. So if you ever get over her, call me." With a little wave she pranced back to Strify, who had also noticed Taya's attentions. He turned at Cece's return, his mouth a pressed line. "It would appear that we are in danger of being used as pawns, dearheart. I don't think I much appreciate the thought."
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6:48pm Jul 23 2011
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((Sooooo sorry I wasn't here for so long but I was at camp. But I'm back now and nice to see you guys have made friends (: )) Paige's eyes got wide as her friend attacked her with a vigorous hug. Why was it that all of her female friends ended up being the up beat girly type? Oh well they allways could be depended on for advice. She returned the hug and pulled away so she could breath. "Hey Tay." she said. She was happy to see one of her friends today but she never reallt cracked a smile. She never did though. She just wasn't that kind of person. "Uh Kasey should be around here somewhere." she said looking over her shoulder trying to see if she could see him close by. She quickly followed her friend to Gym class and stood next to her as they all waited for the teacher to arive. The teacher was stricked and enjoyed watching her students suffer but Paige had never stood that which usually ended her up with cellar duty for long periods of time. She looked up at the glass ceiling as the bright sun light filtered in. Her fingers played with the hem of her shorts. She hated shorts but thats the only thing they were alloud to ware for Gym class so she usually just pulled them down so that they would be at least an inch or two longer. Kasey spotted Paige and Tay in the corner of the Gym. He gave them both a friendly smile and a small wave as he walked over to them even though his wings prevented him from touching the ground, "Hey." He said as he got to them, "Hows it going?" He asked. "Nothing unusuall." Replied Paige as she continued to focus on the glass above them.