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6:28pm Jul 24 2011

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Posts: 5,578


4:13am Jul 26 2011

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Posts: 224

"I dumped Tyler," shrugged Taya. "Other than that? Not much else."


"No! Cece, I wouldn't do that!" Tyler ripped the note quickly, tossing it away. "And Taya -" Tyler shrugged, taking Cece's hands and looking into her eyes earnestly. "Taya doesn't matter. She dumped me ages ago. She...she isn't important to me anymore. I-I'm sorry."

He squeezed her hands gently and looked at her beesechingly. "Do you believe me?"


3:50pm Jul 26 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Paige put her arm around Taya's shoulders, "Good he was to..." she looked up trying to think of the right word, "to...to..well I just didn't like him. Though I don't really like many people so...yeah." Paige looked back at Taya.

"You OK?" Kasey asked looking at Taya a slight frown replaicing his smile. Right then the Gym teacher walked into the room. The students fell silent and turned their attention to the woman. She had long white hair that was placed in a bun at the top of her head and bright purple tatoos curled arouns her arms, legs, neck and some of her face even. Her lips were in a stern unwavering line, "What do you think this is? Social hour?" Her voice was ragged and raspy but clearly heard, "50 jumping jacks. I wan't to see you sweating!" she anounced placing her hands behind her back as she paced the room making sure everyone was doing the jumping jacks.

Kasey quickly turned to the front where the teacher was and began the jumping jacks his body still hovering. Paige just rolled her eyes and did sloppy jumping jacks. The teacher came around and glared at Paige, "What do you think your doing?" The teacher asked her bright blue eye seeming to burrow into her soul. "Jumping jacks." Paige answered simply making no efort to make them better. "I hope you do a better job during cellar duty which you have for the next month. Including the night of the dance." she said with a smirk. "Thank you!" Paige said faking a smile, "Now I'll have something to do the night of the dance!" she stoped her jumping jacks and leaned up against the wall behind her. The teacher scowled at her again before moving on.


7:21am Jul 27 2011

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Posts: 224
"Yeah." Taya flashed Kasey a quick, rare grin and leaned next to Paige. She leaned over to her friend and murmured, "Waaaay too stressed is our amazing teacher."
She grinned again, enjoying watching Kasey struggle through the work.
"Having fun?" she called to him, laughingly. "Looks like it!"


3:47pm Jul 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578

"How else to you supose I stay in such good a shape." Kasey joked. He wasn't flabby by any means but he didn't really work out either. Well except for Gym class but he didn't count that. He continued the jumping jacks untill he reached 50 the he stoped. He was sweating but not all that much. He took in deeper breaths than usual but he wasn't out of breath.

Paige stood up from the wall as everyone finished the work out. The bell above them rang shilly in their ears which signaled the end of Gym. Paige took Taya by the hand as they walked out of the Gym to get changed. Afterwards they walked to anger mangement class which all shape-shifters and wherewolves had together. It's basicly nap time for Paige. A hippi dude comes around to you as you lay down on a yoga mat and waves good smelling sticks around you. Though once the burned part of the sticks fell on Paige's arm which of corse mad her angery. So she shifted (whch is what happens when they get angrey) and she kind of chased the hippi dude around. It made for an entertaining class though.


11:18pm Jul 31 2011

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Posts: 12,418


(Banner made by Kina)

11:22pm Jul 31 2011

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Posts: 5,578
((So far everyone has been in Gym but that just ended. The where wolves and shape shifters are going to anger management :), Fairies are going to flight class, and whitches are going to spells which is basicly their time to magicly create their Hallows eve dresses and tux's))


12:40pm Aug 1 2011

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Posts: 12,418
((O Okay))

(Banner made by Kina)

2:43am Aug 2 2011

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Posts: 224

Taya groaned. "I love this class," she muttered, "not."

 She followed Paige reluctantly. Unlike her friend, she didn't sleep or rest easily, and was nearly always alert and suspicious.

 Sighing, she entered the classroom. Eyeing her classmates suspiciously, she took a seat at the back of the room, very close to two large, open windows. The heavy smell of musk wafted toward her nose, and she frowned, baring her teeth. Clenching her hands, she struggled to stay in control. 

Man I hate this class! she thought to herself angrily, glancing at Kasey and Paige.

"Do you guys hate this class too?" she growled to them, shifting restlessly on the lumpy mats. Maybe if Kasey or Paige wanted to leave...Nah, she thought, instantly dissmissing the idea. Then the hippies would just make her repeat this class in her spare time.

What a joke she sighed in her mind, leaning against the wall. She kept one hand on the window ledge, just in case.


12:57pm Aug 2 2011

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Posts: 5,578

((...Kasey isn't in that class with Paige and Taya...))

Paige layed down on the green mat next to Taya. She was on her stomach her arms crossed in front of her so she set her chin on her arms and closed her eyes. The hippie in the front of the class had his long gray hair in two braids that he put over his shoulders and tied off with brightly colored pieces of fabric. He wore a dull beig tunic that matched his dull beig bants both of which were ill fitting. He wore no shoes and from how he smelled didn't believe in bathing either. As the room filled up with Wherewolves and Shifteres alike he stood up from his medatating position in the front of the room a broad smile on his face which displayed his very rotten and quite crooked teeth, "Welcome dudes." He said his voice high pitched and sqeaky. "Take a place on one of the mats and lay down, relax, and let your mind go blank." The hippie closed his own eyes and took a couple deep breaths in and out before he opened them again just to see the class staring back at him like he was from a diffrent planet. The hippie moved to the desk next to his matt and grabed a bungle of leaves that were held together by a piece of string and took out a box of matched and lit the tip on fire. The leaves started to smolder and filled the room with it's strong odor that nobody but the hippie really enjoyed. Paige could see the smoke that was starting to spread through out the room and looked at Taya who had her hand on one of the windows.


3:06am Aug 6 2011

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Posts: 224
((Ooops sorry! =/ ))

"Oh come on," growled Taya, staring at Paige. "Let's move!"
She drummed her fingers against the windowsil restlessly, and then, with a quick glance at the hippy, vaulted out the door.
"Be back soon!" she whispered to Paige and darted off.
The grass was squelchy under her sneakers as she raced on, legs and arms pumping. Soon, she skidded to a halt and consulted the timetables for lost students. Scrolling down the list, she quickly found Kasey's name. Pausing only for a quick breath, she took off again.
This time, Taya stopped outside Kasey's classroom and waited, watching the teacher's movements carefully. Then, when he wasn't watching, she reached inside and yanked the window open a little wider and fumbled around for pens and paper.
In her haste, she knocked over a jar of scissors. Swearing violently under her breath as they clattered to the floor, she yanked away from the window and ducked behind a bush, watching the window with wide eyes.
She waited for the teacher to come over.


2:54am Aug 10 2011

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Posts: 224

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