9:11pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 969
Interview chatplay! 8D readygo Kay, so here's the deal. I'm an interviewer. You're the interview...ee. Interviewee. o_O Or rather, your CHARACTER is. c: Pick an OC, pick 2, pick 3, however many, just don't overload the board with all your OCs and we'll be good. o-o Just bring yourself and your OC, and we'll see where this goes. Just hop in whenever. There's not much plot to it, so. X3 Question 1: So your name is...?
9:12pm Jul 23 2010
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My name is Hanari James...
Anzu is-Online^^
9:13pm Jul 23 2010
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Akila Monteik is the name.
 (Banner made by Kina)
9:15pm Jul 23 2010
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My name is Antoinette Scott.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
9:16pm Jul 23 2010
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My name is Aciecra Warrith, or Ace for short.
9:17pm Jul 23 2010
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My name is Phoebe Weathers.
9:19pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 9:19pm Jul 23 2010)
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Why hello there. c: I'm Uwi. And I happened to drag along Khalon. Khalon: Because I totally can't tell them what my name is. Thanks for the help. ...Right. So. Yeah. Hai~
9:21pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 969
(And just because I wanna be involved, here we go. XD) And I'm Aileron...without a last name. *sadface* Lovely. Question 2: And how about your species, gender o_O, and a little bit of background information?
9:23pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 12,418
I'm a werewolf. I'm a female. I sing, I'mthe lead singer of a band called The Black Roses. I also have a twin named Shane, I have a best friend, Holly J and she's going out with my brother's best friend.
 (Banner made by Kina)
9:24pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 9:25pm Jul 23 2010)
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Well... I a.ssume myself to be human. Not entirely sure as there's someone who loves to accuse me of being raised by moles, but. o_o; Not that it matters. I'm male. Unless we've suddenly entered an alternate dimension of some sort. I'm Lord of the Thieves. ;D Wallet went missing? Probably work of me of my clan. Err... I mean. I don't steal. >.> Who gave you that idea, pssh?
9:25pm Jul 23 2010
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I'm female, and my species is commonly known as a Lycan. I was born two hundred thousand years ago in london england on Hallows Eve or Halloween as it is called today.i visit all different countries and magical lands these days as well.Though long ago i did fall in love with a vampire who was later killed for our union.
9:26pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 1,682
My species? I guess I'm human. o.o Though I've been told I come from Mars. ;D I'm a female, as far as I know. Background info......I'm young. My family is a bunch of crazy mountain + farmer folk. I live in the states. That's all the background info you need to know, lol.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
9:27pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 2,036
I'm a 15 year old female vampire. I live alone in the nearby woods, only coming out to hunt. Oh yeah - sorry about your friend's uncle's daughter's boyfriend. o-o I didn't realise you knew him. ;o Don't be afraid. Seriously. I don't bite. Well, I do, but... Ahem.
9:30pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 9:31pm Jul 23 2010)
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Posts: 969
Well, I'm a mutt of sorts. We never did find that bit out. o_O And I'm male. Aaaand I'm an aerial extraordinaire. Born and raised in elevated...places. Yeah. Awesome. So Question 3: Have any interesting hobbies? Collections? Quirks in general?
9:35pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 12,418
I love to sing and dance. I collect rocks and pictures of family, friends, and animals.
 (Banner made by Kina)
9:35pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Ace shrugs. My only hobby is exploring planet earth, my only collection is my memories of historical points in time(seeing as i'm over 200,000 years old). No quirks really...
9:36pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 1,682
Interesting hobbies? Um...not really, because collecting scabs isn't interesting....um I'm not an quirky individual. You're more likely to get better conversation from one of my scabs...mostly the bloody ones, just to let you know. :/
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
9:37pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 9:38pm Jul 23 2010)
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Posts: 1,731
Well, besides a.ssa.ssinating people as my job requires, keeping control of my clan and hoarding riches, I find myself to be quite the casanova. ;D I love ladies. As much as I love riches. o3o I guess I'm just a greedy fiend, then, but that's quite alright with me. Uhmmm. Yeah. Oh, I love sarcasm too. Who doesn't, though? ;3
9:44pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 969
Hmm. Not really. I love practicing aerodynamics though. My collection of headbands, though I really only wear this green one. And I'm pretty quirky, but you couldn't get me to list 'em all out. It'd be too hard. o-o; So yeah, if I leave you behind you can just answer the questions from where you left off. Anywho, those are some interesting hobbies y'got there. Question 4: Any love interests? Where'd you meet 'em? When'd you meet them? And how? Tell me a little something about 'em.
9:46pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 9:47pm Jul 23 2010)
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Posts: 2,036
I used to have Tourettes syndrome and OCD when I was human, back in 1877. Though it's left me now, I still need to do certain things to stop that annoying itch. -straightens your tie- :3 Sorry. I don't really have a collection... Well I do have one, but it's kind of gruesome. I don't think you'll want to hear it. x3 I try to do have as many adventures as I can to keep my life worth living, but seeing as I'm immortal... nothing is that exciting. EDIT- this was for question 3. ;3