9:48pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 9:50pm Jul 23 2010)
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I try not to stick one one person. One person means commitment, you know? I like a new girl every now and then. ;3 But... There is one that I've had my eye on for a bit. Her name is Eyre. She's... not the nicest lady you'd meet, but she has flare. I can't tell if she's just messing with me though. She's a thief. I met her. I dunno. xD Sometime in my life.
9:48pm Jul 23 2010
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Right now it's a guy named Andrew. I met him in Science clas.s. It was the day after something really bad happened. He rights stories and songs. He can sing but he doesn't like people to hear him sing.
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9:50pm Jul 23 2010
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Well, I did like one guy, back when I was only a newborn. But my lust for blood was too strong. -chokes up- Sorry, I can't say anything else. -wipes eyes-
9:51pm Jul 23 2010
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Eh, i have a thing for vampires. My own species is just too boring and young and proud these days. I met my first love in a war between vampires and lycans a while ago. I met him in the forest and my friend introduced me. He was sweet,kind, Romantic and at the time part of a counsel of the vampires leaders,though due to a fear of the bloodlines being crossed because of our union and since we were at war eh was put to death, i ran from it all so i myself would live on.
9:53pm Jul 23 2010
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-snorts- Love interests. Not a one since.... anyway, all the guys are jerks and you can trust 'em. Haven't found a decent one since Marcus died. -tears up- We were out on a date....he proposed we get married after college....then a stray bullet pierced his heart. It was the worst day of my life.
Made by Ian (Renaissance)
10:13pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 969
There's this girl. And I hardly know her. But she's gorgeous, man. o-o And smart, and funny, and interes--I could go on. ^^; Aw, how sweet. *cough* Kinda. D8 Question 5: What about favorites? Favorite music style, song, artist? Favorite color? Drink? Picky eater? Anything else?
10:15pm Jul 23 2010
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My favorite food is ribs, i don't have a favorite music style, my favorite drink is orange Rockstars and tahts it. Ace waits for another question.
10:18pm Jul 23 2010
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Favorite music: Hard rock/metal, with a bit of Adam Lambert pop. Favorite color: Black. ♥ Favorite drink: Tea or diet cherry pepsi *yawns* You lot are really interesting. Vampires, Lycans, Thieves.
Made by Ian (Renaissance)
10:19pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 10:20pm Jul 23 2010)
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Uh. Hm. Any music is okay with me... Red or black are my favorite colors, water is cool. Not picky on what I eat at all. I'll eat raw stuff, blood and all. Mnnn. Not much else that I can think of. And I can't quite tell if that was sarcasm, Antoinette. :o Because the internet sucks like that.
10:19pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 10:27pm Jul 23 2010)
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OoC: Sorry if my character's kinda hard to understand in parts. xD He has a really thick, ever-changing accent. Anyway.
Name's Jahr. Like a jar, a'course - mum was obsessed with 'em, so she couldn' help h'self. Anyway, very nice ta meetcha, Lady. Yer voice is right pretty, far as Humans go. I bet ya'd be ee'n prettier if I could see ya. Ah.. Tha's a hard one, actu'lly. Not really sure 'f I have a species. I jes' include m'self as one a' the Creatures from another dimen'n from yers - mighta heard 'f us with all that stuff w'th us try'na kill ya and take over yer lands n' all a while back - an' I call it good. Nev' met any other skinless hunchy things like me, eev'n 'fore we all tried th' conq'st on man, so I guess mayb' I'm the only'n of me? Oh, an' I'm male. Er 'least, pretty sure I am. Heh, you can nev' tell with some things. BY TH' NIGHT, I DO. Ah, ye'd love to see me shoe c'llection - I jus' know't. Thur's NOTHIN' in the world better than a nice shoe. Thur jus' so wond'fully delicious - 'specially these new'nes bein' made. Tenn shoes, right? Oh, thar much better th'n those ol' met'l an' wood'n ones you Hum'ns used to make. So soft.. chewy... If it counts as a collecshun, I also 'ave three hearts. None of 'em are mine, I'm proud t'say. Kinder 'as to do wuth a hobby 'f terr'rising people. Gore jus' hunting to hunt, I thunk a good chase 's lots more fun. Ye peeple alwees get so d'lightfully scared out 'f yer wits - out a' yer skins, ev'n. Maybe tha's how I los' my skin, eh? Hm. Nev'rr really fall'n in love 'fore - I got all th'love I need 'n a good pair a' shoes. Act'lly.. yerr shoes are vurry noice. C'n I 'ave them?
10:22pm Jul 23 2010
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Fave music type; Country, rock, alternative, and pop Fave color; Orange Fave drink; Coke zero and orange sunkiss I'm not a picky eater.
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10:22pm Jul 23 2010
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Oh gosh, Jahr made me snort. xD
10:24pm Jul 23 2010
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*snickers* You probably can't, cas.sanova. The "*yawns*" kinda says a bit, don't you think? Raw bloody meat. How attractive.
Made by Ian (Renaissance)
10:25pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 2,036
My favourite drink is Human blood (Obviously. XD) I love the colour purple, and dancing, and yeah. Dancing isn't very fun when you're a loner, though. ;.; I don't like much else. It's a bit boring being a vampire~
10:26pm Jul 23 2010
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Ace*scowls* hmf, you ain't seen raw an bloody like i have. I lived way back when humans fought and lived by the sword.
10:26pm Jul 23 2010
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OoC: Yay. xD He's kinda turned out a lot more stupid and less intimidating than he was intended to be, but I find it incredibly fun to roleplay. Darn it, I was slow and missed question five. x3 *writewrite*
10:26pm Jul 23 2010
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Well, aren't you one with a sharp tongue? ;3 I find that rather appealing myself, hm. And I'm sorry we aren't interesting enough for you. I don't eat that on a regular. >_>; Just emphasizing how I'm game for trying anything. But really though. If there's anything else I can do to catch your attention, by all means, tell me. ;D
10:30pm Jul 23 2010
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*sigh* I'm acctually getting quite bored. Ace yawns.
10:34pm Jul 23 2010
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wow. You really think you are a cas.sanova. I'm chuckling now. Poor you, so confused.
And see? I'm not the only one. Ace is getting bored too.
Made by Ian (Renaissance)
10:37pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 10:40pm Jul 23 2010)
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I supposed I am confused now. Probably as to why you say that. But hey, what can I say, arrogance makes one blind. *shrugs* We should find something to do then, hm? Anything... since it seems the questionnaire has lost its flare. Haha, that rhymed.