8:38pm Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
Damian looked outside, noticing the clouds covering the sky. He could leave. Wear a hooded jacket as to not burn. A smile graced his lips. He grabbed his hoody and ipod and left his room, ready to go the cl*censored*es of the humans for a little visit. Soon he was at the girl's cl*censored*room after lunch and waited for a few minutes before opening the door. "Please excuse me Sir, but I am here to study the day cl*censored*es activities compared to the nights (true). I do hope you won't mind, it is due tomorrow (lie)." He removed his hood and smiled shyly at the female teacher who didn't mind in the slightest. "Please, sit in the back next to Denthe, she won't mind," the teacher said and pointed to a desk next to the girl in which he would be tortured to smell the scent of for the rest of the hour. "Afternoon, little chick," he whispered in her ear as he took his seat.
8:45pm Dec 21 2009
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Denthe had been doddling on her notebook. It was of her strangling her teacher. She was smiling and didn't hear the exchange between Damian and her teacher, Mrs Smythe. It was when she heard his voice in her ear that she froze. Stopping in mid-doodle. Glancing out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed Damian. She resisted the urge to cry out in shock and fall out of her chair. But in her mind's eye, she could see that happening at the moment. "What are you doing here?!" she whispered back to him. Her tone sounded curious yet oddly defensive.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:46pm Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
"Actually, instead of doing this project, I came to see you. You intrigue me, you really do," he whispered back, giving her a heart melting smile.
8:53pm Dec 21 2009
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Seeing his smile, her heart froze and nearly melted inside her chest. Grumbling something incoherent under her breath, she turned back to her doodle. It was getting more complex than just strangling. It now invovled several automatic amchine guns, a bazooka, and a tank. Not to mention the USS Enterprise in the background.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:56pm Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
Damian took a quick peek and chuckled under his breath. He would watch to make sure she didn't get in trouble.
9:03pm Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 5,310
[[As you can tell, Denthe is good at drawing. I can't draw to save mah life...]] Denthe continued to doodle through almost the whole clas$. And her doodle grew more complex. In fact she stopped near the end of clas$ and tore the page up before cumbling it up and stucking it into her slingbag; where her sketch pad was.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:04pm Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
He chuckled again and quickly wrote down everything he had observed in the hour in about one minute. It was easy really. He sat back and put his feet on the desk, then pretended to snore.
9:16pm Dec 21 2009
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Denthe relaxed her shoulders at the sounds of Damian 'snoring'. She slipped her sketch pad out of her bag and flipped to the page of her newest work-in-progress. Her pencil added more detail to the broken wings, making them look bloody. Like they've been ripped off from the elbow-joint down.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:19pm Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
Damian opened one eye and quickly scooted his seat over next to Denthe's. "Damian please scoot your chair back." "I'm sorry miss, I was only seeing the work she has been so diligently working on. She must have a high grade in your cl*censored* I suppose?" he smiled at the teacher and pretended to help Denthe with her work. "Just play along, you don't want to get in trouble do you?" he whispered into her ear, but at the same time, inhaling her scent. His eyes darkened and he felt his gums tingle with pain almost like pleasure. It was intoxicating.
9:27pm Dec 21 2009
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Denthe had been owkring on the girl in her picture that she didn't hear Damian talking until he was whsipering in her ear. That startled her a little bit before she glared at Damian with her dark brown eyes. Sticking out her tongue in a childish manor, she whispered; "Sure, just as long as you stop startling me!" She had moved her hand away from her drawing, so that anybody with enough brains would see that the girl in the picture was a close proximity to herself.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:29pm Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
"Sorry," he chuckled and smiled at her drawing. "So, whos the dark and light couple?" he asked, moving her hand to look at the other figure. Her hand was so soft. He wondered if the rest of her body was too...
9:33pm Dec 21 2009
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Denthe glanced at her drawing as some colour creeped up into her cheeks. "The girl is me. The dude, not to sure yet. I got the idea during breakfast." She also noticed that he hand her hand in his fingers.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:36pm Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
He nodded and regretfully let go of her hand. He wanted to feel her hand again. But he couldn't. He wasn't the cool and bad boy everyone thought he really was. He just used an outlook of that.
9:45pm Dec 21 2009
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Denthe picked up her pencil again and finished up the details of the girl. Finished, the girl's back was curled upward with an arrow through her breastbone. The tip was coated in blood. Her arms were hanging loosing at her sides and her face was turned out slightly with glazed eyes. It was obvious that the girl was dead. Smited upon a holy arrow. Her white robe was even strained with her blood. Dead was the Fallen Angel. Flicking the pencil tip against her lips, she thought about the boy. What to do. What do to...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:47pm Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
Damian sat back again and waited. He did see the drawing of the girl and he appealed to it. Except the part about the girl being dead.
9:58pm Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 5,310
Then, Denthe turned her head slightly to look at Damian. She looked at him up and down before a smile touched her eyes. Nodding to herself, she turned back to her drawing and began to add details to the boy.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:00pm Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
Damian felt warm as he felt Denthe look him up and down. Was she usinghim as a referance for her drawing? No she wouldn't. He wasn't that great of a guy, nor was he handsome. His may be feelings were one sided most likely.
10:15pm Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 5,310
As Denthe continued to add detail to the boy, the appearance of him began to sharpen. He gained black leather clothes, messy hair, and a few bracelets on one wrist; the one that was holding the fallen angel's head. The other arm was wrapped around her waist. His exposed eye was half closed as tears rolled down his cheek past clecthed teeth in an open snarl. Two small fangs could be seen. "The Demon mourns his Fallen Angel," she muttered.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:19pm Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
Damian heard that and looked at the drawing, only to freeze in fear. She had drawn something that resembles them both. He almost growled in pleasure at the thought of holding her so close to himself. But the death was less then attractive as well. the blood he would drown himself in if she did die. He inhaled her scent again, but this time the hunger was very promiant in his mind. He wouldn't be able to keep himself from making her his bride (the only person he can drink blood from. Read bloody kiss for more info ) for long.
10:28pm Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 5,310
[[Timeskip? I ran out of ideas at his current moment in time.]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.