Damian didn't hear the conversation, but he knew the intent. He heard her gasp of pain and everything in him turned off, only the power inside of him telling him that he needed to protect was alive. An enourmously loud growl escaped his lips, making a lion seem insiginificant next to him.
His eyes turned tark and feiry as he stepped forward and easily swatted a group of girls away. His mind knew nothing but the fact that this girl was his, and his alone. He was the only one who would ever hurt her, even if not purposely.
"You little b*tches! How dare you hurt her?! Things -he spit the word at them- do not deserve to be in my presence. If you ever touch my girl again, I will personally kill every one of you, and take pleasure in doing so! This body aches for blood and if you don't get out of my sight, yours will be shed on this ground. LEAVE ME!"
he roared at them, his fangs protruding past his bottom lip in rage, dripping with the venom he had kept away from Denthe to keep her from changing. He stepped forward with a predatory glint in his eyes, making the girl's scream in complete terror and run from him.
He turned quickly and bent down, looking at Denthe with tenderness in his eyes. The anger was still there, as well as his fangs, but the tenderness in his eyes could not be mistaken for anything else. He couldn't speak, but his fingers fluttered around her helplessly, afraid to anger her, but wanting to help at the same time.
His fangs shrank and he smiled gently.
"I am sorry you had to see me in such a state. Really I am. But I couldn't let them harm you. Forgive me, I shall leave you alone now." he smiled sadly and strated to rise.