High school for mythical people.

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10:53pm Nov 22 2011

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Posts: 9,781

We know your secrets your special powers.Who are we,well we're the school for mythical people,and we want you to come join us here,
we won't treat you like an outcast,a creep,freak,weirdo,ect.If you come to this school you will be treated right,like what you are,your
respected for your specialness,powers,and secret.

You will be a student a human at this igh school,but you will have powers,secrets,ect.,like your a shifter,vampire,werewolf,ect.
You will act like a high schooler and stuff.


*There must be romance,violence,drug takers,ect.,just like a real high school.


Also known as:


Name:Lily Taylor
Also known as/Nick name:Shadow
Power(s):She is also a shifter.
Looks: http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu228/yumi_03/Anime_Vampire_girl.jpg
Personalty:Dark,gloomy,mysterious,she loves to stay out of the attention of others unless it's her closest friends or something.Rp the rest out.
Scars:A few on her wrists and one deep one over her right eye.
Markings:A black and blood red dragon,that goes from her shoulder to her hand,the head is on the back of her hand.
Pet(s):A black king cobra,with a blood red under belly,tongue,eyes, and markings on the neck flap.
Other:She is emo.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

1:37pm Nov 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(Will atleast one person join,please?)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

2:06pm Nov 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 94

Name: Princeton Gingbrug
Also known as: Princeton
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Golem(Go-lem, Living Statue)
Power(s): Super Strength
Looks: Princeton is tall guy. He is eight feet tall, he has pale curly brown hair and blue eyes.
Personalty: Is it okay if I role play through his personality?
History: Unknown
Scars: He has no scars.
Markings: He has no marks.
Pet(s): A small pale brown puppy wearing a light blue collar. It has a dark brown circle around his left eye, long floppy ears.


2:53pm Nov 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(Ok good character,we can start anytime.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

9:20pm Nov 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 94
I will might wait for you to post your intro.

6:28pm Nov 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781

(Ok. Sorry I've been gone. No computer access lately.)(We'll start with them heading to the new school and stuff like that.)

Shadow started to talk to her cobra as soon as she got half way to her new school,"So Midnight what do you think this new school will be like?" Midnight slithered down from Shadows neck and to her arm and hissed happily as she tried to say 'Good'. "You really think te school will be good?",Shadow asked her,understanding what she was trying to say. Midnight noded her head in agreement with Shadow. "Oh,here's the new school Midight!",Shadow said picking up the pace as she got closer to the new school. Midnight raised her head and looked at the school happily.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

2:52pm Dec 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

12:31am Dec 11 2011 (last edited on 7:44pm Dec 14 2011)

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Posts: 301
Name: Aiden Carlton
Also known as: Aiden
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Fallen Angel
Power(s): Anything to do with shadows, darkness, etc. 
Looks: Aiden looks very reserved and quiet, his hands always tucked in his pockets and headphones always covering his ears. He has tousled black hair and warm hazel eyes, and a lean build. He is very tall, standing at 5'10, but he has stopped growing. 
Personalty: Quiet, reserved, guarded, shady. When he chooses to speak, it seems taunting and sarcastic, herding people away. 
History: Hmm. Do I have to do this? Owell. 
Aiden grew up in a warm, inviting family but it was hard to adapt to it because of one thing: They weren't his real parents. Aiden had been a foster child since birth, and has had to cope with the orphanage up until he was 13, and it was only luck that they had adopted him at his age. 
Scars: He has a large claw scar raked diagonally down his back, starting at his right shoulder. 
Markings: Other than his scar? None. 
Pet(s): --
Other: He smokes? Lol. 


11:35am Dec 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 222
Name: Aria
Also known as: Aria
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Power(s): If she looks into your eyes she can share her memories
Looks: Long dark brown, almost black, hair, pale skin, and light brown eyes.
Personalty: Secretive, quiet, a little mean. But when you get to know her she is quite nice.
History: She had a great life, she was popular, and she had a many friends... until she fisrt changed, when she was 14. The first time she changed was in front of her parents. They immediatly started abusing her, mentally and physically. She soon withdrew from evryone but her boyfriend. They seemed so in love to everyone, until even that was shattered. One night they were taking a walk and she changed, killing him in the process. The next day she ran away.
Scars:Long scar across riht cheekbone
Markings:Rose tattoo on left forearm.

The only reason people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.

12:06pm Dec 11 2011 (last edited on 12:42pm Dec 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 301
Aiden leaned against the wall, watching as people passed in the hallways, all in a hurry to find their new classes. A lot were freshmen, but Aiden had been here since he entered 9th grade. Listening to the last few beats of Led Zeppelin, he left his post and head over to his first period, bag slung over his shoulder casually.

Aiden stood taller than most, which made it easier for him to see where he was going. Casually, he brushed past everyone, getting a few glances from curious freshmen and some sophomores. Sliding his hands in his empty pockets, he changed the song to Iron Maiden, shaking his head slightly as people started to shove past as the warning bell rang. 

Running a hand through his hair, he pushed open the door, plopping into his seat just as the last bell rang. The teacher began, starting the torture of the First Day of School preparation- Where the cafeteria is, what the rules are, what you are expected to be behavior wise, etc. It all bored Aiden to death, which was why he found music. To get away from his life and tune into someone else's. That, and smoking. 


12:16pm Dec 11 2011 (last edited on 12:26pm Dec 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 222
Aria was still going to class when the bell rang, she cursed. When she got to her class everyone was staring at her. "Sorry I'm late" she mumbled as she hurried to the back of the classroom. She found an empty seat and looked around. This was her first day and already everyone was staring at her. A guy next to her kept looking over at her until she finally just punched him in the face, she had already had enough crap today. She did it so quickly the teacher didn't see her, plus he was facing the board. The guy said, "What the...Why'd ya do that." She said, "Please stop staring at me." Then Aria faced the front of the class once again.

The only reason people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.

12:59pm Dec 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 301
Aiden smirked as he caught the girl punching the guy, but he pretended not to notice, leaning back in his seat and stretching his long legs out. Running a hand through his air, he checked the time on his crappy flip phone- 8:27am. Time flew by fast, but it seemed to slow in this class. Sighing, he crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for what seemed like hours before the teacher stopped, the bell cutting him off before he could say something. 

Checking his phone again, he raised an eyebrow. Lunch already? Suddenly realizing the same song had been playing over and over in his iPod, Aiden got up from his seat, quickly leaving before the teacher could say anything else about lunchroom etiquette. People seemed to get the gist, too, exiting as fast as they could and pouring out into the hallways, meeting up with other friends and filling the rooms with their loud, annoying chatter. His mouth turned down in distaste, as he turned up his volume and slid his hands back in his pockets.


1:14pm Dec 11 2011 (last edited on 1:40pm Dec 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 222
Aria was swept into the hall by everyone. Luch time, she thought to herself. If only I knew where the cafeteria was! She hurried to a wall and just sunk down and sat there, ignoring everyone's confused stares. She would just wait until the hallways were a bit less crowded. She pulled out her notebook and started to draw, but she couldn't concentrate and it took about 30 seconds until she put it away again. Then she leaned her head back against the wall, content to just to sit there for a few moments.
     She thought about punching that guy in the face and smiled. She knew that the teacher hadn't seen her, but had anyone else. Probably not, she was sitting near the back of the class... but nobody here was normal really. She opened her eyes and started studying people, trying to see what people actually were. With most people it was pretty obvious, then she saw a guy walking with his hands in his pockets and headphones on. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't figure out what he was. She stood up and started walking behind him. She had seen him in her last class, so she knew he was going to lunch. Soon enough they would probably be in the cafeteria.

The only reason people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.

10:50pm Dec 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(Both accepted ^v^)
Shadow smirked as she thought about missing every class that was before lunch and stretched out her arm so Midnight could slither out to see every thing that was going on in the halls full of people heading to lunch and the groups that stared at her as she stroked Midnight's head and neck gently as she quietly whispered to her. Shadow then noticed two other students,a werewolf and a Nekromancer,and decided to follow way behind them.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

6:39pm Dec 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Can I copy and paste bios? O:

And can we be people with ears and tails?))


7:22pm Dec 14 2011 (last edited on 7:44pm Dec 14 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 301
(I've decided to make another character, if that's alright with you. And I want to change Aiden to a fallen angel, but he still has his shadowy powers and stuff. x]])

Aiden strolled down towards the cafeteria, the ajar doors inviting wind inside the already cold cafeteria and causing goosebumps to spring along his pale arms.  Pulling on a jet black windbreaker, he left the hubbub of the auditorium to the quiet of the outside grounds, a few benches here and there inviting students to come and sit at. During the summer there'd be more teens outside, milling around with their lunch trays and relaxing beneath some of the large trees providing shade from the hot sun.

Through fall and winter, though, it was different. Everyone retreated to the cafeteria to avoid the nipping, bone chilling winds that ripped through the land, which was why Aiden preferred here more than anywhere else. Leaning against one of the trees casually, he slipped out his pack of Camel cigarettes, lighting one and sticking it in the corner of his mouth, keeping it wedged between two of his fingers. 


7:43pm Dec 14 2011 (last edited on 10:14pm Dec 16 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 301
Name: Violetta Etude
Also known as: Vi, Vy
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Something.
Power(s): Violetta has the power of electricity. She's very steampunk, and also has a talent with mechanics. Due to her electrical powers, she also has some fire powers. 
Personalty: Vy is fiery, hot tempered, and adventurous. She is that go-getter kind of girl, and doesn't let anyone slow her down. Headstrong and stubborn, it's extremely hard to change her mind once it's set on something. 
History: Vy has grown up distant from everyone, ever since her mother died and her father drifted away from her slowly due to the haze of his alcohol. She lived with her aunt, who desperately tried to reach out to her until one day, her aunt fell sick and had to be hospitalized for a while. She moved in with her uncle, who was abusive and addicted to drugs. Ever since, she has hated the smell of smoke, alcohol, and she hates belts. Only when she left for highschool was she able to escape him, but she dreads the day she'll have to return. 
Scars: None. 
Markings: Other than her scars, none. 
Pet(s): None.
Other: None. 

Sorry, this one isn't that good. I didn't want to spend that much time on her. o3o


9:59pm Dec 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 222
Aria saw the guy walk outside and went to the line in the cafeteria. It was probably the longest line she had ever seen, She sighed and walked away thinking, so not worth it. She was about to head outside, but then she remembered that the strange guy was out there. She didn't want him to think that she was following him. She stood by the door for a moment and then walked outside. As soon as she got out there she walked to the other side of the courtyard, away from him. Being a werewolf and all she didn't feel cold. That was one of the things she missed. She had always loved winter and ever since the first day she changed, she didn't feel cold... ever. She sat on a stone bench and closed her eyes. She thought about what she had been through to get here and everything else. She knew that there was no use dwelling on the past, it only made her regret everything she couldn't take back. Finally, her curiosity won out and she walked up to the guy she had followed. She asked, "What are you?" She was nervous, but only a little. She smiled.

The only reason people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.

9:11pm Dec 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 301
Aiden felt a wave of icyness sweep through him has he thought bitterly to himself, "I thought I was the only one out here."  Shaking his head, he lowered his cigarette and raised an eyebrow at her. "Strange. Usually people introduce themselves first." He said, crossing his arms over his chest casually in his "I don't care" attitude. 

(Sorry, Short. >:I)


10:10pm Dec 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 222
"Well", Aria said, "I don't usually give out that information to just anybody. She smirked, "I guess you can know that I'm Aria, I bet you can figure the rest out on your own." She looked around and then back at the stange guy, "Now, as I asked before, what are you... I can't tell. And since you know my name, you should probably tell me your's." Her dark hair was flipping around like crazy in the wind, but, as customary during winter, she frowned again at the fact that she couldn't feel anything. She knew most people thought she was a freak because she only wore a short sleeve shirt one even the coldest of days. She stood there in front of the guy waiting for answers to her questions.

The only reason people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.
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