12:03pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 28
Sighing again Emmalieghia whispered, "Yea..." "Seriously, you need to stop being so shy!" growled Deedee then she grew a huge grin on her face. "After school we are totally going shopping for new party dresses!" Emmalieghia nodded, "O-okay, sounds like a good idea." "Well okay I still have to go to my locker so I'll see you in 3rd block." Deedee raced towards the school leaving Emmalieghia to herself once again. "Looks like I am going..." She told herself, then began walking towards the school. It seemed like it was going to be a long day. Her first of four blocks was Math--Joy that's always the first thing she wants to do everyday. --- Walking with his hands in his pockets, Richie reached his locker. He entered his combination and opened it with ease. Giving a groan he pulled out his Science and History books for 1st block this would be a lot easier if his locker wasn't a total mess inside. After achieving is books he quickly slammed his locker shut. Glancing around he noticed a shaggy blonde jock, Richie has seen him before just never talked to him. "Yo dude!" Richie called.
2:20pm Feb 21 2010
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Annika saw the note on her lockerand opened it quickly. "Ah, another party" She thought to herself, debating wheter oor not to go. 
2:48pm Feb 21 2010
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Sais smiled as someone handed him a not. He looked down at it. It was for a party at the big old house near the train station. He shook his heads. He really didn't like these huge parties he always tried to avoid them. He shook his head. He was the hig school quater back so he had to go to one of these parties eventually. He smiled at one of his football buddies and waved. He noticed to other girls who were squealling about the party, or so he *censored*umed. He headed up the steps to the school. He headed up the halls to his locker where he saw his step-sister. "Hey Sis." He said. Alissa turned around. "Oh hi Sais. You do realize our parents aren't married anymore right?" He grinned and messed up her hair. She smacked his hand away. "So Lise going to the party?" She bit on his bottom lip. "I don't know. Are you going?" a small smile lept across er face. "If you go I'll go." She said. HE shook his head. "Fine." He said. "Hey Matt Practise today!" he called after some guy who walked by. The guy grinned and nodded. (Sorry. I suck at intros.)
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:14pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 28
Emmalieghia walked to her locker, it was 5 minutes before the 1st bell. Most of the students were still outside so she was the one of the couple of people in the hallway. She stared at the combination lock, her face shaped the ex pression of deep thought. Well, I should just suck it up and go...But--what about a date? Do I need one or just find a guy at the party? Crap! Startled by the ringing bell, Emmalieghia quickly opened her locker and grabbed her Math and Science books. She darted for the stairs so she wouldn't be late for her cl*censored*. ---- Desiree walked from her locker to her first cl*censored*, Spanish. She didn't really learn anything about the language or how to speak it. The teacher just made them watch videos and made a quizzes about them. It was simple--unless you talk the whole time and not even pay attention. Desiree would multi-task as you would say, she would chat with the people next to her but write down the facts she thought would be on the test so she could p*censored* without worry.
3:17pm Feb 21 2010
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Annika dashed off to first perioad Math as the bell rang not wanting to be late for clas$
3:39pm Feb 21 2010
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Tess walked into the school as the first bell reng. 5 minuites, she thought, to get to cla.ss. She raised an eyebrow at her friends batting her eyelashed and letting out a dreamy sight, staring at Luke. "'Ell,?" .. "What?" She asked. "Ewwwww. You like some wierd jock? Wierdo." She rolled her eyes, oppening her locker and smiling into a mirror. "So are you going to that party by the train tracks, 'Ell?" 'Ell blinked, "Who isin't?"
4:09pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 28
Sitting in the middle of the room Emmalieghia noticed people walking in, she sat up watched the door. Well if I am going to be more outgoing might as well start talking that share my cla$ses. --- Desiree positioned herself next to the band kids and started talking joyously. It was a good 15 minutes before clas$ actually started.
4:12pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 6,800
"Bye," Tess waved as 'Ell walked away. She grabbed two books and a notebook, shut her locker, and walked to her first cl*censored*.
4:17pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( lol, i'm late XD ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
4:22pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 28
(( It's fine just post your intro as if you were going to clas$ ))
4:26pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Reverend trotted into his first cl*censored*. He was always late by about half a second, it was a weird problem he had. He had heard a few people over excitedyl blabing on about some party, and that had distracted him, but he silently told himself he was going. He was always at a party... if he's not at school that is. He took a seat towards the back, considering most of the seats were taken up already. Jacoby turned slightly, and watched as the rest of the kids trickled into the cl*censored*. For some reason, he was possesed to get to cl*censored* early that day, and read the 'party' flier during cl*censored*. (fail) Chelsea sat at her desk, her head propped up by her arm leaning against the table. She boredly scratched at the desk with her fingernails, making a quiet little screeching noise.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
6:53pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((S-sorry I am so late. Internet decided it hates my guts. ;n;
And I swear my ADHD meds are acrewing with my head because I nearly started crying twice. ;x;
And my body hurts because I have to have the laptop on my shoulder for this to post. ;x;))
7:03pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 28
((It's fine nothing major has happen, so just post what cl*censored* your in and post your intro. *I probably will not be on tomorrow due to the fact that I have Dance right after school and don't get back till like 6:30--so yeah :P
7:44pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 5,512
7:46pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Hrrr. I actually had something typed up partially, but I saved it to a word doctument so I could restart the computer. It had freaking German in there. Actual German. The basic gist of it is that they were looking at the invite together and were walking down the halls to go to clas$. I'm much too lazy to type that all up again, plus go translate my English into German. -stares at Internet-))
8:00pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 28
((Recap: Everyone is at the school and going to cl*censored* there are 4 blocks in a school day. My guy character started a convo with Snowywerewolf's guy. Here are the cl*censored*es and who is in which: Math: Emmalieghia and Annika Spanish: Desiree History: Richard And I don't know anyone elses first cl*censored* yet--so that is pretty much what has happened. ))
8:09pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 8:10pm Feb 21 2010)
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Posts: 5,512
Luke turned and saw Richie, "w*censored*up?" he asked, not at all startled by the fact that first bell had rung. He shut his locker and yawned. Maybe he should listen to his sister and actually sleep at night. ___ Deomi sat in math, head in her hands. This was NOT where she wanted to be. She yawned((at the same time as Luke, its a Branson twins thing, they do a lot at teh same time)) and rubbed her eyes, trying to wake up enough to pay attention. ((for future reference, call me snoweh ;3))
8:23pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 8:27pm Feb 21 2010)
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Posts: 11,785
((Strify and Shin shall go to Math. .w. Walk in talkin' German and whatnot. xD)) Strify walked side-by-side with hi friend, who was the drummer for a band he hoped to create one day. They walked into Math clas$, speaking to eachother in quick GErman,laughing every now and then. They sat down in seats where they could be next to eachother, pausing in their conversation when they noticed three girls in the room as well. Shin lightly shoved Strify's shoulder, grinning. "Gehen Sie mit ihnen reden, Strify!" he said, a huff sounding from Strify a moment later as he argued with the feminine-looking blond before he ended up standing up and walking over, Shin right behind him with a triumphant smirk on his face. Well, the half that was visible,anyways. "Hello," Strify said, looking back at Shin as he stepped up. "Guten Tag!" he greeted in German, earning him a smack in th back of the head from Strify. "Shin, not everyone in the United States knows German. So don't start a conversaion in German," he hissed. Shin simply smiled. ((Ffff. xD))

8:45pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 28
(( Luckily I can read German ^_^ I can't speak it very well but I can read it :D and okay Snoweh C: )) "You goin to the party this Saturday?" Richie asked shoving his hands in his pockets, he was a really outgoing person. --- Emmalieghia looked over and noticed Deomi, She's a twin, right? Sighing to herself Emmalieghia got up and walked over to Deomi, putting on her most friendly smile she decided to talk to her. "Hey, I'm Emmalieghia--You can call me Emmy. We haven't really had the chance to talk have we?" --- "Okay clas$! Settle down, Settle down!" Called the Spanish teacher as she walked into the clas$room. Desiree fell back to her seat in a lazy position, Just another video...ugh
8:51pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 9:13pm Feb 21 2010)
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Posts: 2,842
Annika saaw the two girls talking a couple seats ovre from her, "Hey guys. My name's Annika" se said in a thick Croatian and slight German accent, "I moved here last year. What are your names?"