7:35pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Strify turned to Annika and nodded. "We were both born and raised in Grmany until recently. We learned English beforehand, though," he said, tilting his head slightly. ((My foot fell asleep. owo -sitting on it lol-))
7:40pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Sweet!" she exclaimed, "Where did you live? I lived in Meissen when I was there. 5 years."
8:30pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
"Berlin," they both answered at the same time. Strify blinked, then glowered at Shin a moment before smiling. ((-tried to find their hometowns- A lot of references said BErlin, so... e.o))
8:32pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Sweet" Annika said again, "I've never been but Ive heard its beautiful. Or at least the tourist sttractiosn are. I know waht it's like to be the poor abused one"
5:42pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Strify snorted softly. "It may be beautiful now, but it wasn't always, you know. Remember the BErlin Wall...? Well, our families went through that split..." he murmured, shaking his head slightly. "I've heard stories from them that it was just...terrible..." ((D;))
5:49pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Annika ndodded her head sadly, "It sucks, being poor and jailed I mean. When I lived in Croatia, its wheere I was born, my father was an abusive drunk and we were poor"
5:52pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Strify frowned a little more. "People like that need to go rot in a jail cell," he muttered, fuming silently. Shin blinked, then sighed, lifting a hand to rub the back of his neck. "Well...how about we get to talking about a more pleasant topic...?"
6:28pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Annika grinned, "Sure. So what's your favourite clas.s?"
6:35pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Shin and Strify grinned wide. "Band," they said simultaneously, looking at eachother a moment later. "You know, that gets creepy after a bit..." Strify told Shin, blinking. Shin nodded in agreement.
6:40pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Ahh." said Annika with a grin, "I love taking German because its practically a gimme., but other than that I loe art and english"