6:15pm Jan 24 2010
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Naomi cocked an eyebrow. "A shrink, huh...?" She looked away, thinking up reasons for needing a shrink. Eventually, she gave up, and just looked back at George and smiled. ~ Drew stood behind Alexis, watching his feet. Though he'd been offered coffee, he didn't want to take it. Somehow, he'd feel like he was taking advantage of Alexis. It was just in his nature to feel that way.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:33pm Jan 24 2010
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"Oh, she's crazy," She chuckled. "She tried to kill me iwth a knife, but she didn't remember it," She continued. ___ "...Something wrong? Don't you want any?" He akse.d
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6:42pm Jan 24 2010
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Naomi chuckled. "Oh, I see...That's not good, I guess." She laughed. "What happened after that? I mean, was there anything that caused her to...you know...not remember trying to murder you?" ~ Drew looked up. "Oh, um...Sure," He stepped over and poured himself a cup of coffee, bringing the cup to his lips so he could taste it. He frowned at the coffee, like it was its fault it tasted bitter, and poured a large amount of cream into it, along with some sugar. "Thanks," he said, swallowing audibly.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:49pm Jan 24 2010
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"..Well...I knew she was on anti-depressants, and we had just broken up, because she seemed so distant, and she was never around, y'know? So, after the break-up she wouldn't accept calls, she wouldn't let me in her apartment, and then one night she called me, tellign me she needed some help fixing a broken pipe, and she asked me to bring Duct-tape, a souldering kit and some glue. It semeemd liek a really awkward request, but... Then when I got there, she snuck up form behind me, and...." She shook her head. "..She scraped my sdhoulder up, but I managed to get out of the apartment and I ran into the superintandant, who called the cops. I collapsed and woke up in the hospital...I didn't press charges." ______ "No problem," Alexis smiled, and went to the register to pay. Afterwards he left, but waited for Drew to catch up.
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6:53pm Jan 24 2010
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Naomi brushed her hair out of her face, thinking for a second. "Guess she was upset about breaking up...?" She wasn't sure of what to say, but she didn't want to stay quiet. "I kind of understand why you didn't press charges, though." ~ Drew blinked, looking around the little coffee shop. "Oh...Okay? Where'd he go?" He turned around, completely oblivious to the fact that Alexis was right outside. After a while of standing there like an idiot and getting extremely uncomfortable, Drew walked out.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:57pm Jan 24 2010
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"I feel so bad for her, but...." She isghed. "She was my only friend, and I felt so betrayed. And it's not like I broke up with her because she was boaring me or anything. I just tohught it was itme we moved on. She grew so distant and cold to me, I already tohught she hated me, and....I just couldn't, but I was afraid of her. They said she snuck into my room before the cops found her, I just don't know what she did...." George said, not wanting to freak out. ______________ Alexis saw Drew walk past him, he was leaning against the wall waiting for him to come out, and walked up behind him a said "Boo," Smiling. Not yelling it, or tryign to make him jump, he just said it more to let him knwo where he was.
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7:08pm Jan 24 2010
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Naomi sighed, looking down at her feet. "I see," she said simply. "I wonder if she was being distant for a reason..." She stepped a bit closer to George and wrapped her own fingers loosely around her wrist, once again attempting to comfort her. ~ Drew jumped, squealing and accidently squeezing the coffee cup. Whatever he had left in the cup spilled all over his hand, and he dropped the cup, crying out. "Ow, ow, ow, hot! Dammit, it was hot!" He wiped his hand on his jeans, nibbling on his lip.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:27pm Jan 24 2010
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"Maybe she went off her meds..." George whispered more to herself. "..They wouldn't let me visit her...." She said, then sighed. "Well, I don't watn to mope. I'm with firends now, right?" She smiled, tyrign to get off-subject. "We're here, let's get some hamburgers!" She said oging itno the Wendies. "You order for us, I'll pay, but I have to go to the bathroom, so I'll be back," she said shovign a credit card in Naomi's hjand and rushign to the bathroom. ______ Alexis jumped and took a step back. "..I...I'm sorry, I'll get you another one," He said retratign back into the coffee shop feeling horrible about that. He figured it was stupid, but he didn't evne raise his voice.
Isn't this fun?
7:37pm Jan 24 2010 (last edited on 7:38pm Jan 24 2010)
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Naomi blinked. "How am I supposed to pay with a credit card?" she asked aloud, holding the card up. "I don't know her pin or...whatever I need to pay with a credit card." She frowned in the direction of the bathroom. ~ "No, wait!" Drew sighed, going after Alexis. He grabbed him by the shoulder, hoping to stop him. "No, it's fine...I was almost done with it anyway..." He cleared his throat. "You really don't need to. It was funny,"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:51pm Jan 24 2010
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(Lol, the card I use you just have to swipe. XD) On the back of the card neatly etched into it was '99995' __________ Alexis looekd down, scratchign the back of his head. "...I'm..Sorry," He said, then walked out of the store. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. (Lol, wouldn't it be funny if Dante came in and was flirting with Naomi, then George ocmes in the room...? XD)
Isn't this fun?
8:24pm Jan 24 2010
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( o.o Do it. Really? e.o Isn't that just debit cards...? ) "Oh," Naomi blinked at the back of the card. "How convenient," she chirped, walking towards the front of the register. She ordered two salads, not sure of what George would like. After getting those two salads, she also asked for some fries. If you're gonna get food from a fast food restaurant, you always have to get some french fries. Naomi thought, smiling to herself. ~ "What wasn't such a good idea...?" Drew followed him, somewhat confused. "I don't really have a problem with what you did, Alexis. It's fine..."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:35pm Jan 24 2010
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Alexis sighed. "..I...Just feel...Real awkward, I mean...I don't know." He said, turning around to face him, his hands in hi9s pockets "It's just that..I guess.....I think I'm just paranoid." He said lookign down. _____ "Mind if I sit here?" It was Dante, who slid into the chair oposite of Naomi, facing her. "How are you, cutie?" He said seductivly. (C'mon, you gotta admit he's hot. XD)
Isn't this fun?
8:41pm Jan 24 2010
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( xD He is. But Naomi's only fifteen. :o ) "I guess I am, too." Drew said, looking away. "But, it's not you...I'm always shy around people. I'm socially awkward, and I'm not exactly sure where I fit in...If that makes any sense..." He sighed. ~ Naomi jumped, then blushed. "I-I'm fine...Just waiting for a friend to come back from the bathroom..." She swallowed, smiling slightly. "Um, what about you?"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:46pm Jan 24 2010
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( o____o' Dirty Danty, the Pervie..Kinda liek Herbert the Pervert like Sherbert....bet. XD) "I guess we have more similarities than I thought..." He said. "...Oh, uhm..Are you boarding, or going to school form house?" _____ (Okay, I'l turn him to seventeen! XD...Backwards puberty?!) "Me? I'm doing great. I wask ind of hoping to find a very cute girl to go to the movies tonight, and I tihnk your perfect," He said, lookign her up and down.
Isn't this fun?
8:46pm Jan 24 2010
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( o____o' Dirty Danty, the Pervie..Kinda liek Herbert the Pervert like Sherbert....bet. XD) "I guess we have more similarities than I thought..." He said. "...Oh, uhm..Are you boarding, or going to school form house?" _____ (Okay, I'l turn him to seventeen! XD...Backwards puberty?!) "Me? I'm doing great. I wask ind of hoping to find a very cute girl to go to the movies tonight, and I tihnk your perfect," He said, lookign her up and down.
Isn't this fun?
8:51pm Jan 24 2010
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( xD Okay then... ) "From home, unfortunately." Drew sighed. "Life would be a whole lot easier if I didn't have to be around my parents, but it's not like I can..." He blinked. "Oh, sorry...That was weird." ~ Naomi blushed a deeper red this time. "S-sorry, but I've got to be home by four-thirty or something, and I'm not really allowed out..." She let her voice trail off. "Well, maybe. If I can get my parents to agree to it." She smiled at him. "What's your name, anyway?"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:55pm Jan 24 2010
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"I'm boarding....But I don't tihkn it'll be good. Dante's goign to be my roomate," He said, looking down. ___ "I'm sure they'd allow," He said. "My name? It's Derek," He lied. He had two alias' he used, but perfered Dante. He needed to use his alias, at least for awhil until he was sure everyone had forgotten. "So, is your name as pretty as you?"
Isn't this fun?
9:01pm Jan 24 2010
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Drew pursed his lips. "Well, why don't you just ask for a different roommate? Tell them you don't get along with Dante or something..." He looked away. ~ Naomi giggled. "Well, it's Naomi...Is that pretty?" She smiled.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:06pm Jan 24 2010
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"..I...I'm afraid...He's going to do osmethign worse than break my arm...Agin..." He gulped. "He lied when he said we were boyfriends, you know that, right?" He said, lookign at him. _____ "Very. Seems kind of...Exotic. Liek a beautiful bird," He said standing up. "So, how's about we go, now?" He asked puttign out a hand for her to take.
Isn't this fun?
2:56pm Jan 25 2010
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Drew nodded. "I kind of figured," he said simply. He waited for a moment, as if to clear the air. "Um, Alexis...I have a question." Drew almost raised his hand. ~ Naomi looked away. "It's Japanese," she mumbled. Though, Mom 'n' Dad don't realize that. "And I can't," She looked back at Derek-slash-Dante. "I'm waiting for a friend to come back from the bathroom. Not only that, but I've got some unfinished food here..."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.