10:35pm Apr 17 2011
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10:50pm Apr 18 2011
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OoC; I'll start. Charries are up on the first post, according to grade. BiC; Aisho Brennan shifted out of her duvet covered bed, it was her first full week in this house. Not something unusual for her; changing houses. Being in foster care for even a small portion of your life changes you. It makes you feel unwanted, unneeded, and unnecessary. She relished the fact that she'd been released, that someone wanted her in their lives for as long as they live. She glanced at her clock, 5:00 a.m. flashed at her in bright red. I have enough time for a run and shower before school.... She thought. she walked down the stairs and knew her grandfather, Cecil, would be sitting watching the last of the sunrise. She grinned at him widely while trying a pair of Reebok Reetones, "Hey grandpa, I'm going for a run, I'll be back in an hour." Cecil nodded approval and she left the door, iPod on arm, earbuds in ear, and determination on her mind. ~ Aisho came back just over forty-five minutes later and saw her grandmother,Betty, coming down the stairs, sleep stil in her eyes. "Hey grandma, can I go shower before school?" Aisho asked softly. "'Course honey, yo don't haev to ask while your here you know right?" Aisho nodded and ran up to the shower, relishing the heat on her body. --- Viktoria had been up since the early hours of dawn. 4:30 a.m. to be exact. A bit unusual for her, she mostly like to sleep in, but every once in a while watching the sunrise was worth it. She stretched out her lean, fragile body, until there was no stiffness. She cracked her back, neck, toes, fingers, elbows; practicall everything possible. After this, she showered and blew her hair out. She applied a modest amount of makeup and headed down the stairs. Looking at her mother and almost step-father she smiled a smile that didn't reach her eyes. It was now 6:50a.m. Does it really take me that long to get ready? she asked herself internally. Shrugging it off she grabbed a bowl and poured herself a miniscule amount of Froot Loops. Escaping her mothers deadly gaze she drained the bowl of milk, grabbed her jacket, purse, and car keys before leaving the house at 7:00a.m. Upon reaching the car she sighed what to do for an hour and a half? School only starts at 8:30, but she couldn't stand being in that house for a minute longer. She sent a quick text to Lacey(is that okay? They're both popular, so they be BFFs?) Mom's driving me crazy. Mark's being a jerk. Meet me at Starbucks? Wating for a reply she drove to the cafe knowing she wanted a grande triple shot skinny cinnamon dolce latte with no whipped cream. 210 calories of pure bliss. Probably the only real food she'd have all day would be her breakfast. -- Seeley Fickens awoke at 7:15. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot ran through his mind.He woke up late. he ran downstairs, no Jared. Of course he's already at school. He has football practice. He smiled at his mother and grabbed a protein bar, his bag, binder and ran out the doors. He had to walk to school and it would take a while. -- Jared Fickens finished football practice at 7:45, showered quickly and changed into his school clothes. Striding into Sanford Webb Collegiate he waved at a group of girls before heading into his first period cl*censored*: Biology 30.
5:26am Apr 19 2011
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((Intro in tomorrow. I have to go for tonight. And yes, Viktoria may be friends with Lacey. ^_^ ))
9:51pm Apr 19 2011
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OoC; Bumpo :P
8:44am Apr 20 2011
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Sanae had arrived in school thirty minutes early, the usual time. She always wanted to be the best. Sanae mainly spent her time studying in the school library, listening as the noises in the school building slowly became louder. She snapped the textbook shut. "That should get me ready for units 1, 2, and 3! I'll ace this year!" She said loudly and confidently, resulting in an embara-ssing shush from the irritated librarian. After sheepishly apologizing, Sanae scurried towards her cla-sses. --- Miles hopped off the school bus, trudging towards the school building. He pas-sed a few friends, more like acquaintances, but Miles waved heartlessly nevertheless. Most of the time, Miles preferred to be alone, since he had to spend time studying. His recent tests did not show improvements. Sanae would sometimes help him, but she was too much of a distraction. Much to confident and energetic, not Miles' idea of the perfect study partner. [[Oops. I forgot social status. Miles should be high, and Sanae's shall be average ._. Since she tries to be an all-rounder o-o ]]

5:12am Apr 22 2011
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Posts: 818
"These Situations are irrelevant now She loves the way that I tease I love the way that she breathes
I touched her (ooh) she touched my (ahhh) it was the craziest thing.
I love the girls who hate to love because they're just like me A certain girl she took my hand and ran it up her thigh She licked her lips and pulled my hair, I fall in love for a night~" A young girl sang along with themusic that was blaring from her ear-bud head-phones. As she sang her hand danced across a large canvas. The picture on the canvas was already almost finished, she was merely putting the finishing touches on it. The picture was beautifuly painted; in the center there were two faeries, both female and both holding eachother closely. One of them had long flowing golden hair that covered the other female's exposed chest and private areas, the other had flowing black hair that sprawled out over her partner and onto the dark green painted grassy floor. The two of them were lieing in a forest with the moonlight shining down around them as they gazed into eachother's eyes. "Perfect!" She said with a large smile as she finished the picture. She then glanced around the room before darting across it for a large black Sharpie and a small squeeze bottle of dark green glitter glue. She quickly signed her name with the sharpie and went over it with the glitter before walking to the stairway that lead to the main house. Once she was out of the other room, she crossed the hallway to her bedroom, glancing at the clock first. "Only 5:15?" She laughed as she walked over and sat on her bed for a few minutes. After contemplating for a few minutes, she sprung to her feet again and headed out of the room and into the bath room. Where she flipped on the near-by radio and got into the shower. Once she was finished she got out, wrapped her hair and body in a towel and went to go apply her make-up. She then went to her bedroom again and took her leisure getting dressed. Once she was dressed she did her hair and made sure she had every thing ready for school. She then headed out the door at about 7:05, while replying to Vicktoria's text. Sure sure, be right there... You sure you don't want me to strangle 'em for ya? She replied back as she got into her car. She smiled, mutterd a few things to herself and drove off to the Starbuck down the street.
((Sorry it fails... I ran out of time... Other intros in later.... They will probably fail to. >_< ))

2:59pm Apr 22 2011
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; It's much better than most of my intros. These are pretty good for me xD BiC; Viktoria glanced at her Blackberry Bold and read Lacey's newest text. HA! I'm good thanks, bro. I'll get your regular aight? She went to the till again and bought another drink for her friend as she waited. Looking out the window and onto the busy street she sighed.She reached over and pulled out a large sketchbook from her oversized tote bag, along with some chracoals and she began to sketch the city street. The people walking by,the mustang parked ouside and her own Hyundai Sonata. Finishing her little doodle, the supplies went back into her bag and she sipped her hot, caffeinated drink. --
11:56pm Apr 22 2011
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Posts: 818
((Crappy reply post here.... Sorry in advance.)) Lacey got out of the black Viper Convertable and strutted into the coffe shop, taking a seat next to her friend. "Sooo... What's going on?" She asked first as she sat down.
12:03am Apr 23 2011
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[[ erp... Someone go bother my characters? // has nothing to do ]]
12:18pm Apr 23 2011
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OoC; Aisho needs a friend. She'll go stalk Sanae. xD BiC; Aisho walked down the halls and tried to find someone who appeared to be friendly. Seeing Sanae she asked, "Hi. Whats your first class?" Waiting for an answer she tugged at her denim skirt and smiled, trying to appear friendly. It was her first day at this school and she wanted to make an impression. Since going to live iwth her grandparents her self esteem had improved greatly. They bought her new clothes so she didn't have to wear stinky old hand me downs. She had curled her hair, and put on mascara. Her outfit was very unlike her; denim miniskirt, and a pink halter top. She wanted to fit in, she wanted to be liked. OoC; FAILPOSTGAIZ. Sorry >:O
3:11am Apr 24 2011
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Sanae looked at the girl over her shoulder. She seemed new, since Sanae's elephant-like memory didn't recall seeing her. The girl seemed strange, much too 'showy' and 'flashy' for Sanae. But Sanae didn't really seem to care. "Hi!" Sanae chirped happily. "Are you new here? I'm in Biology first! What're your name?" Sanae accidentally threw quite a lot of questions at the new girl. Pausing and taking a breath, Sanae resumed. "By, the way, my name is Sanae. It's nice to meet you!" Sanae grinned in a friendly manner.
12:38pm Apr 24 2011
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"I'm Aisho, Aisho Brennan." She grinned, "You can call me Ash, my grandparents do." Happy that the girl was so nice, she glanced at her timetable, "Do you have Bio with Mrs. Haynes?" Waiting for an answer she decided to become more familiar with her timetable, and learn her next clas.ses as soon as she possibly could. She glanced down at her old cowboy boots and smiled, one of the few reminders she had of her life before her parents left. These shoes were her childhood, she always went riding with her mother, she would wear her little pink one's and her mom would wear the leather ones Aisho had on at the moment.
1:40am Apr 25 2011 (last edited on 1:41am Apr 25 2011)
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Posts: 818
((I'm just gonna say all my character but Lacey are at school..... Sorry, I'm too brain dead to come up with good intros for them right now........ feel free to go taqlk to them... Oh and this is totaly random but... I'M UBER HAPPY RIGHT NOW. :D ))
3:46pm May 1 2011
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"You know I'm trying to lose weight for ballet right?" Viktoria asked Lacey. "Well moms being a cow, she knows I need to be lighter if I want to be the star of our upcoming recital, and she keeps shoving calorie, sugar and fat filled junk food down my throat." She contiued to rant for a few mintues, before glancing at her phone, "It's almost 8:00, we should head to school soon." OoC; Sorry fail :P
9:45pm May 3 2011
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