12:09pm Mar 14 2010 (last edited on 12:09pm Mar 14 2010)
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Trinity waited for a while and closed her eyes in concentration. Then a reply came. My name is my own. Yet I was as.signed here as the protector and as the leader of what is to come. Wait for me in the woods please. Trinity’s eyes snapped open. She put her hand on her leather bag and felt the egg. It was still humming; she could feel it barely vibrating. Could she trust this stranger? Was this the person pulling all the strings? Oh well. She’d give it a chance. Very well she answered. The woods were unlike any of the other woods she’d ever been in. The plants were different looking. Strange how they can handle the cold like this she thought absently, then stopped herself. If that person could read thoughts, she had better be careful to try and hide some things.
3:03pm Mar 14 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Silent grinned. Your smart. He commented as she blocked his mind. But not as strong. He added dryly. He retreated from her mind and very carefully, he propelled himself out of the ground with his magic. He landed lightly on his feet. The black cloak covered his whole body. he threw the cowl over, his face disappearing in blackness. He sighed. Time for work... He thought tiredly. Yet he was curious.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
3:16pm Mar 14 2010
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Kaina paused in her walking. Her face was frozen in disbelief that she was hearing all this. Wait for me in the woods please. Should she bother waiting in the woods to for this mystery person? Kaina narrowed her green eyes to small slits. Maybe she should, maybe she shouldn't.
3:36pm Mar 14 2010
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Posts: 5,310
The blood elf female paused when she wabout to leave the cavern. She tilted her head to one side when a voice entered her mind, telling her to wait in the woods. Her brows narrowed, and she followed the voice's instructions. She walked to the woods, though she kept one hand resting on the pommel of her sword.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:29pm Mar 14 2010 (last edited on 11:06am Mar 18 2010)
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You’re smart came the reply to Trinity. She smiled faintly in spite of herself. But not as strong. She instantly scowled. We’ll see about that later. She felt bad; hopefully the stranger hadn't heard that one. The thought came out ‘louder’ than she had meant it to and rang with anger. She instantly felt sorry for the stranger whom she hadn’t even met yet. But she didn’t apologize. She kept her thoughts to herself, though she did have the feeling that the stranger definitely had the power to get through these weak barriers she was putting up in her mind. So the stranger’s comment was true; he could easily overpower that particular aspect of her. He was obviously powerful, and it would be better for Trinity if she be his ally than his enemy. She paused and looked around the forest. When was he going to show up? Or was he going to contastantly going to hide himself?
9:45pm Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 9:47pm Mar 16 2010)
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Serenity laid the egg on the shone and looked at it her blue eyes shining. She touched it gingerly and it hurred again. Then she felt a voice touch her mind. Wait for me in the forest.... It was male, definitely. Strong too. She thought about the voice was mysterious but it didn't seem all that dangerous. She sighed Lucky for you I'm already in the forest she thought. She didn't think he would here so she got up and put the egg back in her bag. She hugged her jeacket and scarf closer and walk father into the forest to meet whoever called on her.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:52pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( whoa, sorry for late post, but i have to go... i'll post tommorow, or maybe in around 2 hours ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
11:22am Mar 19 2010
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6:24pm Mar 20 2010
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3:35pm Mar 26 2010
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((Bump... e.e))
9:29pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 867
Suiko looked everywhere before looking inside the iceberg that she came upon a little while ago and saw no one near, except for a few birds here and there. She peeked inside and blinked as the seemingly coldness of the crystals quickly made her eyes frost. As a bird p*censored*ed by overhead, she put one foot in front of her and slipped inside to where it was a scene of beauty, and took a look around the place. She spotted the eggs and only one caught her eye. It was a wonderful amber and she reached forward to touch it, when she felt a warm feeling inside of her and the egg glowed a honey golden color. She smiled as she picked it up and looked at it from all angles. I'll take it with me. Let's see what happens... she thought and stood up, still holding it in her cupped hands.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
9:31pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 867
((sorry I haven't posted in a long time! It's 'cause I haven't been on lately <3))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
4:53pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 4:53pm Apr 3 2010)
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Posts: 22
Silent walked into the woods and he settled against a tree in a small clearing near the edge of the woods. There he waited. He felt two eyes watching him and looked up into two ice river blue eyes that belonged to Riven Fidell. ~ Riven grinned at the Silent's hooded face as he watched him. Then, Suddenly, he was staring into two deep amber eyes. he froze and he found himself sinking into those amber eyes..... Soo deep..... ~ Silent looked away sharply and Riven fell out of the tree with a crash. The egg fell from his bag and Silent gazed at it curiously. Hello mind-speaker... The egg whispered to him. Hello ancient one. He replied softly.
8:55am Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: I'm going to try and post something soon... For now I'll bump this. ^^
12:07pm Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 22
(( Thankies. ))
9:45am Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: A little bit of at a loss of what to post so it's gonna be short... O.o Trinity waited in the woods for something to happen... She watched for somebody to appear. Then, quite suddenly, there came a crashing sound of something as it hit the ground. She whirled around to see... Two boys? One with ice blue eyes... The other had to be the one who had spoken to her in her mind. She simply stood there, waiting for them to see her. But she was impatient, so she spoke. "You..." she said, her hand on the bag with her egg in it.
10:54am Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 22
Silent's head snapped up and instantly his eyes were hidden from view. THe only thing visible was his mouth, which was in a small smile. Hello Trinity. Then he looked at the egg, his head never moving. Hello Ageless one... He whispered to her egg. ~ Riven stood up, grimacing as he rubbed his backside. He turned to Trinity and smiled. "Apparently this is the Silent Brother who's been in our heads." he said with a grin. Riven was easily likable.
1:11pm Apr 7 2010 (last edited on 1:16pm Apr 7 2010)
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: I still have no idea what importance the eggs have, if they hatch, or anything x3 –is so ignorant-. BiC: Hello Trinity. Trinity stared at the boy. He looked fairly normal. But Trinity knew that looks were almost always deceiving. He didn’t speak to her with his mouth. He spoke to her with his mind. She had heard of some species that did that… She couldn’t remember at all what it was though. It had been on one of her travels and somebody had mentioned it. Oh well…She watched as Silent looked to her egg, too, although she did not catch what he was saying to it. The other boy turned to her and smiled. Trinity noted that this boy had silver hair ((well it looked like it in the pic xD)) that looked nearly like hers, though she knew that her hair was completely white. “Apparently this is the Silent Brother who’s been in our heads,” he said. Trinity smiled back. It was hard to resist. Silent Brother. So that’s it. It was good to hear somebody else’s voice. Unlike Silent, Trinity liked to speak and liked to create sounds-- music, mostly. Then again, Silent probably liked listening to music. Trinity sighed and shoved all stray thoughts to the back of her head—it was unnerving to know that the person she was standing next to could easily hear her thoughts, break into her mind, and was probably able to even control it… “I believe Silent already knows who I am,” Trinity said, glancing at Silent then returning her gaze to Riven, “though I have not yet been acquainted with you. I’m Trinity.” She wondered if the two had ever heard of a Luck Stealer before. Probably.
6:49pm Apr 8 2010
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12:37pm Apr 12 2010
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OOC: Bump~