1:31am Nov 28 2010
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Leah: Ooh. Deer. <3 I've never done deer before, but I love deer. And not eating them, either. <33
1:33am Nov 28 2010
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((Now I'm thinking about lions w/ MDD... O-o' Wanna do the deer one, or make Simba's grandchildren have MDD?))
1:33am Nov 28 2010
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I could think one up. :o Suggestions for a setting? And like, what are the powers?
1:34am Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 12,418
I'll do a neko or anthro rp with Rika!
 (Banner made by Kina)
1:41am Nov 28 2010
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Leah: Lions omaigawd. I want lions. <3 Det: Er. -insersadistthoughts- Medieval castle town? I took a whole day to read about midieval torture... >>;;;; Tri: Awesome! 8D Beforehand, however, will it be straight pairings or are you willing to do shounen-ai with me? :D
1:48am Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Medieval torture? D:
And er...
How 'bout the town is where the...iunno, Duke's castle is set, and he has like, a son, or something. And the son needs a viable maid for his wife, but there aren't any of the correct status nearby. >_>
I'm really frazzled right now. D:
1:51am Nov 28 2010
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((So depressed Lion King. Should we be Kiara, Kovu, their children, etc, be the ancestors, or should we go further in the future?))
1:57am Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 12,418
I can do a shounen- ai rp.
 (Banner made by Kina)
2:02am Nov 28 2010
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Det: Yes. Medieval torture. >> And yes, sweet little Rika is a sadist, but those things cared the heck out of me. o.o And okay. That works. <3 Leah: Mm. Farther into the future. c: Tri: Awesome~ <333 D'you wanna make the topic? c:
2:04am Nov 28 2010
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Bwa. :3 It could be 1x1, I suppose. This sounds like a workable plot. <3
And yeah. Been to too many Ripley's museums to not know about medieval torture devices, or torture devices in general. Iron maidens are so cool.^o^;
2:09am Nov 28 2010
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Ah, the Iron Maiden. The big spikey sarcophogus. I kinda liked that one, too. The crueslest torture has to be between the Spanish Spider and the water torture. o.o
2:10am Nov 28 2010
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As in a water droplet being dropped onto one's head continuously for hours? Ayep, that was pretty...cruel. >_> I hate the electric chair though. D:
2:12am Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Can you? I'm a bit busy at the moment.
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2:14am Nov 28 2010
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Hours, days, weeks...until it ate away the skin and killed the person..
There are more form of water torture, though. O.o
2:14am Nov 28 2010
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((Who should play as the depressed lion?))
2:18am Nov 28 2010
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Who should make the thread?
And reminds of the prison we saw in Vietnam. To hold...american soldiers, I believe. There were these things called tiger cages that held the prisoners, and were barely bigger than them and made of barbed wire. ;-;
2:18am Nov 28 2010
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I can if you don't want to. Cx
2:19am Nov 28 2010
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It's not that I don't want to, but I'm so preoccupied with watching Hj's streaming. ><
2:19am Nov 28 2010
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Det: Can you? XD -busy-
2:20am Nov 28 2010
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