1:02am Nov 20 2010 (last edited on 1:05am Nov 20 2010)
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Posts: 531
((Lovely movie ^^)) Bernard smiled shyly as his mom gave him a peck on the forehead, and his dad clapped him on the back proudly. For a muggle, his mom seemed genuinely pleased that her son was going off to a wizarding school. His dad, having gone to Hogwarts himself, was even more so. They exchanged final partings; a lot of "I love you"s and "take care of yourself"s. Then the boy turned around, took a deep breath, and picked his trunk off from the cart to haul it to the train. A silver bat squeaked from his shoulder, and Bernard smiled sadly as he stepped on the train, turning back to wave to his parents. This was a big step into life. As the bat nibbled on a lock of Bernard's hair that had strayed to close, the boy pulled on his case, dragging it down the corridor. Most of the compartments were full. He saw a boy in front of him enter one with two others, and hesitated, but decided to pas.s. Too many people for his comfort. He continued until he found an empty room near the very end of the train, and he entered, setting aside his trunk. Stormy blue eyes stared out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of his parents, but he had gone too far back to see them. Biting his lip, the boy sat down and nervously pulled out a book, knowing he would be too edgy to actually read it. "Well, Quin," the boy murmured, turning his head to the critter on his shoulder. He gave a forced, wavy smile. "Here's to the start of our lives." Softly, he rubbed the bat between it's ears with a finger, earning a cheerful squeak.
1:12am Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Willow sat down. Bello began throwing her self against the cage, she hated it in there, Willow opened the cage and Bello fluterd out of the cage and onto her sholder where she began to nibble her ear. (Brain dead)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
3:43am Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 2,036
When a girl came into the compartment Phoebe smiled, setting down her wand carefully. "Yeah, sure," She said to the girl. "Hey, do you have magical parents?" She asked excitedly; she would've loved to know what magical families were like. She herself was immensely fascinated by magic. Almost immediately after she said that a boy opened the compartment door, asked if he could sit wiith them and then sat down without waiting for an answer. Phoebe was a bit taken aback but then started chatting to the girl again. They became quiet after a while, so Phoebe, remembering her book, picked up her wand, and started to practice with her feather again. After a few minutes she had mastered it, so she moved to the next charm, which was to make the feather disappear and reappear again. It was complicated, so she had to concentrate hard on it. Soon she had forgotten she was sharing a compartment with two other people.
3:49am Nov 20 2010 (last edited on 4:14am Nov 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,256
(Feather, I'm seeing it on SUNDAY. Anywho:) Amelia looked nervously at the large red train infront of her, and children hanging out the windows waving and screaming farewells at their parents. In the carriges, there were many owls, cats, toads.... Amelia had... well... she looked down at her side, and brishing against her leg was a small, furry ball of fur. Amelia had met Hagrid in Diagon Alley, and he needed someone to look after a weak baby hippogriff he had found the Forest. "It need's a friend a' Hogwarts, an' you don' have a pe' ye' do ya? Well, here's Gandalf - take care o' him," and with that, he was gone, leaving Amelia with Gandalf in her hands. She smiled weakly at Gandalf, whose beak was poking out, and big black eyes looking sweetly at her. "Bye, mum," Amelia said, pecking her mum on the cheek. Her dad was a muggle, and at work. "I'll write to you every day, ok?" "Ok... bye, baby, I'll miss you! Fergus," Helena said, turning to an older looking boy with the same sandy coloured hair as Amelia, "Look after your sister," "OK, mum, I will..." he sighed, and jumped into the train. Amelia smiled at her mum for the last time, picked up Gandalf, and hopped onto the train. She wandered meekly around, looking for a compartment. Eventually, she saw a girl who had an owl on her shoulder, a boy, and another girl who seemed to pratcising magic. "Erm... hi," she said nervously to the girl with an owl. "Can I sit with you?"

Albino Uilus 24/120
12:14pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 1,256
(Anyone there? :L)

Albino Uilus 24/120
12:56pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 7,187
Andy walked beside his parents quietly, pushing his trolley in front of him. His parents weren't the warmest people that you would ever come into contact with but they were ok. They were both tall and blonde, and considerably attractive with eyes that were a cold grey color. Quite the opposite from Andy's warm, blue ones. On the platform Andy said goodbye to them. They both seemed proud of their son being Accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After their goodbye and turned and carried his bags onto the train. Everyone else seemed to want to sit in the front of the train, but he was fine with sitting in the back. His black cat, Salem, followed him down the isle until Andy found a small empty compartment and opened the door. His at let himself in and jumped onto the seat and plopped down comfortably. "well aren't you a piece of work." Andy said and got in with him, sitting on the opposite seat and looking out the window at his parents. They had somehow managed to figure out were he was sitting and were there to watch him go. The cat got up and came to sit next to his owner, purring against his thigh loudly, his large orange eyes closed.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:26pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 23,239
"Yes, my mum and dad are magical" she replied as Bello began to climb up onto her head "Of corse you can sit here" She said to the boy then eyed the tiny ball of feathers. "Is that a Hippogrif?" she asked. Bello flew down to the tinny thing and began to pren its feathers hooting sternly at it. Willow lughed "its not an owl Bello" she said gigling "Bello has always wanted a hatchling, she used to steel the eggs from our plates and sit on them" still lughing
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
5:22pm Nov 20 2010 (last edited on 5:39pm Nov 20 2010)
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Posts: 531
((ooc:: Tsu, did Andy go in the compartment with Bern? x3 If not, then just ignore this :U)) Bernard blinked, anxiously looking up to find another boy sliding the compartment door open. He went ahead and seated himself, followed by a black feline. Quin squeaked with curiousity, beady black eyes watching the cat. Bernard just flipped open his book randomly and began pretending to read, dark eyes flicking up to stare at the other boy. Well, this could get very awkward very fast. To ease the tention, Bernard forced a smile. "T-that's a rather l-lovely cat you've got." He had nothing against cats himself, so it wasn't a lie. He glanced out the window along with the other. "Are t-those your parents?" He was going to add something about them looking nice, but that in fact would have been a lie. Bernard had a problem with judging people by their looks. Something about this other boy screamed trouble, and he knew in an instant that he really shouldn't be mixing with that kind of person. Then again, he did need to make friends, right? It would be considerably dreadful to spend several years alone at a strange school.
6:25pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 2,036
OoC: I was just wondering, Feather, whether you are literate? Because it does say in the first post that this is a literate roleplay. I'm just wondering, and if you try to write a bit longer posts and check your spelling before you post it, then you can stay. It's just a little bit hard to read. :) Sorry if that sounded rude or mean or anything, I promise I didn't mean it to sound like that, I just couldn't think of any other way of saying it. o3o
9:05pm Nov 20 2010 (last edited on 9:08pm Nov 20 2010)
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Posts: 7,187
[[ Teen: ^_^ No, he didn't~ But I can make it so he did XD You're fine ~<3 Milo: Hey, I'm pretty bad at just posting when I'm done and not going over it >.< I'll stop that, promise :D ]] Andy was suddenly pulled from his state of thought and looked up at the other boy in the compartment with him. "His name's Salem, he thinks he owns the place." Andy replied, looking down at the now sleeping and stretched out feline at his side. He laid a hand on it, which only made the animal purr louder. Andy looked out the window at his parents once again. His father sneered, but that was his way of smiling. And his mother only raised her chin proudly, a small smile on her face. "Yeah" He replied, "Thats them." He was quiet for a matter of only seconds before he turned back to the other boy. "They don't look very nice do they?" He asked lightheartedly, an easy going smile on his face. "Hey, sorry about just barging in on you, I hope you don't mind sharing with me." Andy said, to him. "I'm Andy by the way."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:42pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(Sorry I think I have to drop out of this roleplay 8( I forgot I was in it and the roleplays im in are going crasy with the amont of posts in them 8()
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
9:44pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 12,418
(I have to quit too. Sorry.)
 (Banner made by Kina)
11:23pm Nov 20 2010 (last edited on 11:51pm Nov 20 2010)
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Posts: 243
((awwww)) Kiayo listened as the people talked around him. Cal, a white cat with a gray strip on his head and tail, who was about to go running out of the door he shook his head, indicating that if he made one move he would get locked out of the compartment. He looked up from his book to the girl in the compartment. She had been practicing magic or what to him looked like magiac, not that he knew what it looked like. When the door slid open and a boy walked in. He asked his question and as Kiayo would offten to he ignored the boy leaving to the girl to deside. Looking over the the Boy for a last glance he noticed a fluff ball. "What is gods name is that?!" He exclaimed as he bent into examine the creature. He was new to this magic stuff but dude this what a thing he had never heard of even from the headmaster. He placed his forgetten book on the seat beside him as he had examined the creature. He looked up to the owner of it looking for a awnser for his question. ((EDIT: entire post!))
11:28pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 531
((Quitters. xP And I apologize, Tsu. Thanks for being flexible <3)) Bernard gave a sheepish smile when the other boy gestured to his cat. Salem, it was. He followed the other's attention back outside, and when asked the question, the blue-eyed boy shrugged half heartedly. "They d-don't seem too bad," he murmured quietly. "Seen worse." And better, he added silently, but didn't bother saying it out loud. Then the boy introduced himself. Andy. A common name, Bernard decided. So it wouldn't be too hard to remember. "I-It's no problem," he managed, closing his book. "I'm B-Bernard." Sure his face was heating up, he glanced down at the floor, hearing Quin squeak in his ear. If anyone could create awkward tension, it was definitely Bern. He laughed, but it was forced and nervous, before looking up again. "M-my dad went to H-Hogwarts. What about y-your family?" Hopefully a simple conversation would ease things.
11:29pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 531
((Lol, Koh, you do know Bern and Andy are in a different compartment?))
11:31pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 243
((oh....opps thought they were in the same....-edit-))
11:51pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 7,187
[[ Teen: No problem ^.^ I don't mind ]] Andy raised his eyebrow at the other, wondering if he was nervous or had as speech problem bt didn't bring it up and forgot about it. He shrugged off the statement about his parents not looking so bad or not. He knew that they looked pretty mean standing down there. "Yeah, my whole family's gone to Hogwarts." He answered. For centuries his family had gone to Hogwarts and everyone of them had gotten into Slytherin. Which meant that he would probably get in too. He wondered when the train was actually going to leave the station.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:00am Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 531
((x3 I have my moments.)) "Ah." Bernard set his book aside, placing his hands on his lap and entwining his fingers. He opened his mouth to comment, but shut it again. Bernard wasn't stupid. He knew better than to spout out that one of his parents was muggle. What if this other guy had something against them? By now the compartments were probably full. Bern would be stuck with him, and if it wasn't already awkward, it would be after that. He tapped a foot on the ground, staring over at the door. Andy was right both guesses; Bernard was an anxious wreck, and he had speech problems. The boy, while grateful it wasn't brought up, wouldn't have minded it being pointed out anyhow. At least it would actually have started some sort of conversation. He cleared his throat, deciding to continue on with the topic anyhow. "A-are you pure-blood? You m-must have heard a lot about the s-school, then."
12:11am Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 7,187
Andy pulled his legs up into the seat with him and crossed them, getting more comfortable with himself. "Yeah, I've heard tons." He replied, placing his hands in his own lap. He was excited to get to go, finally, after everything that he's heard about the place. Where he could use his magic freely without having to worry about getting into trouble for using it outside of school. Salem opened his eyes, obviously not liking Andy's movement and had to move himself to get comfortable once again. Andy looked out of the compartment door window. Andy wondered why he had asked. "So, what about you? You said your father went but you didn't mention your mother." He asked, glancing out of the corner of his eyes at Bernard.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:21am Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 531
Andy seemed to be getting comfortable, so Bernard let down his guard. Just a little. He always was tense, always alert. He was thinking about asking what sorts of things Andy had heard about, but the boy turned too look out of the window. He asked, of course, the question Bernard was avoiding. The boy shifted uncomfortably under the other's sideways glance. "Uhm," he started, hearing Quin chatter comfortably. "Well, y-yea, my dad went. My mum..." He hesitated, pawing his fingers together. "...Well, mum is a m-muggle. So... o-obviously she didn't g-go to Hogwarts." He smiled nervously, wavy and unsure.