12:31am Nov 21 2010
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Andy nodded slightly, figuring that answer as much. His parents didn't like muggles, nor did many in his entire family, but he didn't have too much of a problem with them. Except that they were the main reason that you're not supposed to use magic outside of school. He turned to face Bernard completely now, figuring that he was starting to make the other a bit uncomfortable by now. He tended to have that sort of effect on people for some reason. He decided to change the subject again. "have you heard anything about Hogwarts?" he asked, wondering if he had heard anything that he hadn't.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:38am Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 531
Bernard was relieved that Andy didn't make a big deal of it. When the other turned to face him, the boy blinked, and then shrugged. "Well, n-not really. My dad didn't t-talk about it too much. J-just about some stories from his c-childhood." His smile turned a little more comfortable, even genuine. "D-do you know anything?" Surely Hogwarts couldn't be too bad. This would be a nice chance to hear some stories about the place, even tips, if Andy knew anything. Going there with no idea what was in store would be very troublesome. It was going to be a challenge anyway, no matter how prepared he would be.
1:08am Nov 21 2010
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Andy nodded, "You've heard how first years get to the school right? When we get there, we get into boats and sail across the lake to get there." Andy said, his father had told him that recently. "And a talking hat puts you into your house." He told the other. "Theres four houses. Gryffindor, which stands for courage. Hufflepuff, which stands for tolerance. Ravenclaw, intelligence, and Slytherine, ambition." Andy recalled his mother explaining to him. "Apparently the Houses compete throughout the year, earning and loosing points based on what you do. Like you get points for doing something right and lose them for getting things wrong." Andy knew all sorts of things from his parents. "Theres all sorts of secret pas$age ways leading all over the place~ And the staircases actually move. Like, all the time and all of the pictures there talk and move and interacts with you." Andy recalled, "And there are ghosts floating all of the place too."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:48am Nov 21 2010
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OoC; Ooooh bye guys. ;c Sorry you couldn't stay. Now. I've gotta fix up this a bit because of the characters. o3o Gotta go anyway. ;c
12:46pm Nov 21 2010
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(OMG. Saw HP7P1 today! AMAZING!) "Yeah, it's a hippogriff," Amelia replied, smiling at the owl and went to sit down beside the girl. "I'm Amelia Smith by the way, I'm half-blood, and my brother's here, he's in Slytherin. Hope I'm not. I'd love to be a Gryffindor, but Ravenclaw wouldn't be too bad, I suppose. My brother's Fergus. What's your blood status? Oh, the hippogriff's Gandalf by the way. What's your owl's name? And yours, of course?" The other girl looked slightly stunned by Amelia's long trail of speech.

Albino Uilus 24/120
2:29pm Nov 21 2010 (last edited on 2:30pm Nov 21 2010)
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Posts: 531
"Boats?" Bernard had murmured it while Andy was talking, looking a bit unsure. He wasn't the biggest fan of oceans or deep water in general. When Andy mentioned a talking hat, Bernard tilted his head slightly. He knew about the houses, of course, but hearing them from someone else felt different. His own father had been in... Well, he wasn't sure. He didn't ask his dad much about Hogwarts. Ghosts? That was pretty neat. Bernard smiled a little. "Secret p-pas.sages? Sounds useful," he commented. Then he went back to the house topic. "Having the h-houses compete is sure to make them..." He hesitated, trying to think of the right way to say it. "...Well, c-competitive, right? But..." He juggled with it in his head. "For example. Say you get p-put into a different h-house than me. We don't have to b-be enemies, do we?"
5:35pm Nov 21 2010
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Andy stopped, "No. I don't see why we couldn't be friends with people in different houses." He replied with a warm smile. "I think that that would be a bit pointless, if you ask me." he said. Hogwarts is a school for young witches and wizards to come and learn how to be the best they can be. But a school of any kind is also for making friends and learning to cooperate with others.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:32pm Nov 21 2010 (last edited on 6:32pm Nov 21 2010)
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Posts: 531
Bernard nodded, matching the other's smile with his own unsure, false one. "I-I suppose so. Do you know a-about any clas.ses or teachers?" He looked a little wary. "M-my dad did tell about how o-one teacher use to send b-bad kids to the dungeons or something. I think he was joking," he added, a little hopeful. He wasn't planning on doing anything bad, but still. If teachers were really that harsh, he wasn't so sure if he was ready for them.
6:57pm Nov 21 2010
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Andy flinched slightly when his cat suddenly decided to impale him in the leg, something all cats do called 'needing'. He glared quickly down at the little demon before he raised his gaze to finish his conversation. "Actually, my father told me about a teacher like that. Filch or something is his name. But, anyway, yeah, they did do that to students that misbehaved. used to hang them upside down by their toes but only until recently when the new Headmaster put a stop to it." Andy responded nonchalantly. "I'm not sure about all of the teachers, since they could leave at any point in time or change positions. But i know that theres uh... Astronomy. And Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology... History of Magic, Potions... and Transfiguration." Andy recited, a thoughtful look on his face. "Those are First Year clas$es. I'm not too sure about the others though" Andy shrugged. [[ Sorry it took me so long :C The Icon wasn't blinking DX ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:14pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 531
((xP what a fail. But no problems~)) Bernard swallowed thickly. Well, at least this 'Filch' guy was stopped. He didn't much fancy being hung my his feet. He listened to the list of cl*censored*es as Quin curled up on his shoulder. Then he admitted, "H-history sounds like a drag. Charms sounds kind of f-fun, though. What do you t-think?" He smiled nervously. He knew about what half those cl*censored*es were. I mean, Astronomy and Herbology sounded pretty straight-forward. Potions and charms sounded exciting. The others, though...
7:30pm Nov 21 2010
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Andy nodded, "I want to learn Defense Against the Dark Arts myself." He admitted, "You get to duel other students and put your abilities to the test." He said. "But I think my wand is going to be a bit troublesome...." He said with a small laugh, thinking about his wand. "But Charms does sound fun too." He added.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:07pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 531
"That sounds p-pretty cool," Bernard admitted. A moment after the wand comment, he shrugged, smiling a little. "My wand sometimes b-blows up in my face." He gave a laugh, short but not so forced. He was starting to ease a little, and not be so tense. Almost, but not quite, comfortable. At least he would know someone at Hogwarts, even if they didn't get sorted together.
9:17pm Nov 21 2010
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Andy was surprised to hear that, "It blows up?" He asked, "Mine doesn't do anything like that. It's just not a wand for Defense Against the Dark Arts." He responded. It was true, his wand was perfect for the Dark Arts, quite the opposite for defense against said arts. [[Imma just go ahead and post his wand here]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:30pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 531
"O-oh." Bernard blinked. "Y-yea, mine kinda just... sparks a lot." He grinned nervously, shifting in his seat a little. It upset Quin, who churred angrily and launched himself off the boy's shoulder, landing near Salem a bit. He chattered, frightened, and crawled to hide behind Bernard's shoe. The boy's grin turned into a lopsided frown. "Heart of a lion. S-so, what house do you expect t-to be put in, then?"
9:38pm Nov 21 2010 (last edited on 10:27pm Nov 21 2010)
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Andy watched the bat's display, knowing that Salem knew better than to eat another wizard's pet bat. Salem merely watched the bat lazily, eyes half open and ears perked slightly. He didn't even move when the bat came close. "Slytherin." Andy answered, glancing up from the pets and at Bernard. "Everyone in my family has been in Slytherin... I think that l would would be labeled a failure if I didn't get into that house." He explained, What about you?" He asked.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:04pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 531
((Slytherin, silly :U)) Quin gave a little warning hiss, just to show off, but Bernard poked him with his foot and went back to chatting with Andy. "My dad says he almost g-got put into Slytherin. But my family's had a long h-history of..." He thought about it, trying to remember the name. "...R-Ravenclaw, I think."
10:20pm Nov 21 2010 (last edited on 10:23pm Nov 21 2010)
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Posts: 243
"I've never seen a hippogriff before." He said sticking has hand over top of the animle, sqwushing the poor cat in his lap. As the boy sat next him he had told them his history. A half blood like him self bu he brother was in slyerin. What was Slytherin and Griphandor? "Well, from what I've been told I'm a half blood as well. My name is Kiayo Montali. and the cats Calamazoo." He said when the boy was done with his questioning. Then saying "What is Slytherin, Grifindor, and Ravernclaw?" ((Sorry he grew up as a moogle hehe.....and Calamazoo is named after my friends old cat who is names after a song called "My truck and a cat named Clamazoo"do we have to post what the wand looks like?))
10:24pm Nov 21 2010
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[[fail XD Edit]] Salem yawned, stretched, and got up and jumped down into the floor and padded over to Bernard's foot, calling the bat's bluff. Andy nodded, "Then that probably where you're going to be sorted then." He stated thoughtfully. He glanced down at the cat on the floor, watching him carefully. But he was pretty sure that he was only trying to scare the bat. He looked back up at Bernard. "So, do you know any spells?" He asked, he knew a few.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:41am Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Wow guys, almost 100 posts! :) Thanks for not letting this be a failure. :p I think Phoebe's alone in the carriage now that her new friends have jumped out the window. ;c So can she come into your carriage? c: She won't be a bother. Working on my post... o3o
1:14am Nov 22 2010 (last edited on 11:25am Nov 22 2010)
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"Well, they're the houses, of course! The four founders of Hogwarts. Slytherin is supposed to be EEEVVVIILLLLLLLL, my brothers in that, hope I'm not. There's Hufflepuff, they're supposed to be a bit dim, kind though, Ravenclaw's all the clever people, and Gryffindors for the brave people! "Well, if you've never seen a Hippogriff, want to hold Gandalf?"

Albino Uilus 24/120