6:37pm Jul 26 2010
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(( Yeah, Incubus, a loner, was excepted into the pack by Selene, the Alphess))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
6:53pm Jul 26 2010
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((oh i should get moug (alpha male) to meet the new member. but he can be mean.)) Myst sat stiff, in the silence of the wood. The echo of paws on the soft path made her turn her ice like green eyes towards the approacher...it was Rui. She let out a low sigh as she rolled her eyes and returned her gaze to the scenery. Rui approached his sister with caution, she was always quick to attack. He gave a low sigh. "Myst, Moug requests our return back to camp." he reported looking up at his younger sister by a few seconds. Myst flicked her tail in annoyance, before jumping down the rock, landing gracefully at her brother's side. "Let us go then." she stated crouching and launching herself through the path, the rythm of her brother's paws echoed at her heels. The two arrived at Moug's feet several minutes later. Moug gazed upon his siblings and strode past them. "Thank you, Rui." he stated, before going back to his buiness.
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6:54pm Jul 26 2010
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(( Yeah, you might want to read the last few pages.))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:49am Jul 27 2010
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:50am Jul 27 2010
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11:50am Jul 27 2010
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:05pm Jul 27 2010
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Name: Saillus (sai-lus) Gender: Male
Age: Young Adult
Rank: Hunter
Persona: Roleplay it out History: Nope Looks: Saiilus is a rather lithe wolf and better for hunting. His main colour of fur is white. The tip of his muzzle is black, his shoulders are black. He has a black ring around his left eye and black paws on his back legs. Black "socks" on his forelegs. Large black patch on the backside of his neck that curves down his back and reaches his waste before stopping. His fur is rather soft. :3 His eyes are emerald green. (Unless he's looking through the eyes of another animal, then they're white :P) Any special power/s?: He can see through the eyes of other animals .. Just wanted to add another character. xD
1:39pm Jul 27 2010
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((yes! I read the pages *does happy dance*)) Moug heard of the newcomer to the pack from his little brother. A low growl rippled through his throat as he stalked around the territory. He was unsure who this wolf was or what he was doing in the territory to start with, but he might as well meet him. Rui glanced at Myst before he looked to the sky. Myst rolled her eyes and raced to the stream to get a drink.
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1:44pm Jul 27 2010
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((oh btw i described moug, myst and rui's looks :D))
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2:34pm Jul 29 2010
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
1:18pm Jul 31 2010
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((Inna's back. |D)) Selene paused for a bit. "It should be fine," she whispered back. "Moug wouldn't like it, butI can convince him." She paused again. "Hopefully," she added.
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
6:16pm Jul 31 2010
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Vincent huffed quietly, and dove under the water. He shook his head, and then resurfaced quickly. ((Brainfart.))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
6:38pm Jul 31 2010
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8:06pm Jul 31 2010
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((Selene allowed a loner into the pack, Vincent diagreed with her and Moug's coming.))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:28pm Jul 31 2010
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Moug raced through the brush, the rythm of his and Myst's paws beat against the earthen soil. The sunlight flashed on their pelts from the froest canopy. A low growl erupted from Myst's throat as she exploded from the undergrowth and arrived several paces away from the others. Her dark green eyes, cold and threateing. Moug landed directly beside her. He rose his head, his golden eyes unafraid and dangerous. He rose his head as his gaze drifted amoungst the wolves, resting on the 'new' member
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1:25pm Aug 1 2010
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Incubus sat up straight as two new wolves appeared from the trees. There were two, a male and a female. He guessed the male was the Alpha. Meeting the Alpha’s gaze, Incubus lifted his chin and waited for him to speak.
3:53pm Aug 1 2010
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Myst growled lowly, falling silent as her brother motioned for her to cease her threat. Her dark green eyes were like venom. Sending shudders through anyone who dared to stare. Her fur pricked but she sat, her muscles stiff, as she allowed Moug to stroll past her. Moug stalked pack Myst and towards the loner. He gave a dangerous look towards the pack members before returning his eyes to the 'new' member once more. He didnt speak. His golden eyes simply glared dangerously.
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9:50pm Aug 1 2010
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((I'm going on vacation tomorrow for about a week. Sorry if I dont post. I am trying to convince my parents to let me bring my laptop. See you all soon!))
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1:15am Aug 2 2010
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Incubus ignored the wolf’s dangerous glare, he had seen enough of those looks. More than enough to become a common thing to him. “I’ve had enough of those threatening stares, alright. Just get on with what you have to say.” Incubus urged, holding Moug’s gaze without flinching. ooc; Bye Fun! Get back is fast as you can. xDD
7:40am Aug 2 2010
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Moug growled. "I have nothing to say. You're not one of us." he stated expressionlessly. He relaxed his muscles, he glanced at the other packmembers before beggining to walk back the way he came. Myst lowered her head. Respect was her brothers number one rule. She remained still and silent as she returned her brothers dangerous glare. ((sorry this was rushed, I posted a minute before we leave... sorry for the failness.))
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