Hold Your Head High{Warriors Cats}Dont Ever Let 'Em Define, The Light In Your Eyes

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1:54pm Mar 9 2010

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Posts: 5,512
((Feralwind will just be jealous cuz he has more friends than Adderstrike but no mate xDDD))


1:55pm Mar 9 2010

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((HA! Bloodstar-2.jpg Feralstrike picture by SnowyWerewolf57 this is the old feralwind! DANG DID HE CHANGE xDDD))


1:55pm Mar 9 2010

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Posts: 9,641
ooc; *dies* X0


1:56pm Mar 9 2010

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ooc; XD :D XD 8D


1:58pm Mar 9 2010

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Posts: 5,512
((wow Det, you have issues, so, imma make a who likes who post thing, just give me a second, we can make mates, change it, edit, whatever if i get it wrong xDDD))


1:59pm Mar 9 2010

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2:01pm Mar 9 2010 (last edited on 5:04pm Mar 12 2010)

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Feralwind likes Breezewing

Leafstorm likes Burningcloud

Cinderdust likes Snowdrift



The only solid relationships AS OF NOW

Minxstar and Adderstrike



Cats uninvolved in anything:




Demonsoul{deceased ;^;}


Ashpaw{left the clan}







2:02pm Mar 9 2010

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Posts: 9,641
ooc; Well then XD Lets start :D


2:05pm Mar 9 2010

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Posts: 5,512
((yes Det, you start xD))


2:07pm Mar 9 2010

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((Yay! I don't have to start to day!XD))


2:19pm Mar 9 2010

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2:28pm Mar 9 2010

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((I guess I can start because I don't know if Detneth is on right now.XD))


  Ladybug yawned stretching. She looked around the warriors den not reconizing it at first. She blinked a few times as she remember. She smiled getting up and walking over to the apprentices' den,"Ashpaw! Time to train." She whispered poking him with a paw.

 Ashpaw graoned rolling over,"But I just went to sleep." He said. getting up and shaking the moss off his fur.


2:39pm Mar 9 2010 (last edited on 2:40pm Mar 9 2010)

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Posts: 5,512

((UGH! I'll just start then!!!)) late post lol ))

Adderstrike padded into camp with a jawful of prey. He set down a narge rabbit, a vole, and two mice in the freshkill pile, then slipped unnoticed to a small sunny patch at the edge of camp, he stretched out with a yawn and closed his eyes for a nap...only to be awoken again by the sound of.........Pawsteps.

"Hey! Addersrike! What are you gonna sleep all day?" Feralwind hissed, prodding his brother awake.

Adderstrike opened one blue eye, "Don't you have some fleas to scratch or something? It may not be sunhigh yet, but some of us get things done at night and don't try scaring away all the prey with out snoring." He closed his eye and tried to get back to sleep.

"Not fair! I do get things done! but I'm A normal cat and get them done during the day." Feralwind protested.

"If you have things to do, then go do them." Adderstrike pointed out. Feralwind turned around and stalked away. Adderstrike grinned and fell back to sleep.


Snowdrift sifted through her herbs, "Cobweb, cobweb, cobweb, Ah here it is!" she meowed happily, snagging a wad of the sticky substance. She turned and padded over to Demonsoul, and applied the cobweb to his gash, "Maybe next time you should try and NOT provoke foxes, eh?" she purred.

"Better I chase it off then it get into camp." Demonsoul said. His green eyes not looking at snowdrift.

"Well, it should heal fine, leave the cobweb on so it doesnt scar okay?" She said.

Demonsoul nodded and left her den, heading for the freshkill pile, and snagging a vole, which he quickly ate in two gulps. He was aware af when Swiftdash joined him, and he nodded in greeting to the she-cat.

"we sure showed that fox huh?" she said with a laugh.

"Well I should hope so!" Demonsoul purred, "But then again, I don't think it was a blind fox and could see us fine." he winked, "but yeah, we got him good." He watched as Dreampaw crept from the apprentices den, but held his tough as the slender she-cat crept up on Swiftdash. He burst out laughing as Dreampaw tackled Swiftdash from behind and watched with amusement and the two rolled around in a heap of mock-anger and flying fur.


2:56pm Mar 9 2010 (last edited on 3:03pm Mar 9 2010)

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 Jaykit yawned. He looked around and saw Dreampaw attack Swiftdash. He snorted once before setting his head on his paws.

 Crookedear grumbled something to himself walking over to Dreampaw,"Some of us are trying to sleep around here. And by trying I mean NOT succeeding." He nearly spat at the two cats. He walked over to a warm spot on the gr*censored* and layed down.


 Aloepaw looked up at her mentor,"What do I need to do?" She asked excited. She had just started to learn to be a medicine catapprentice and still didn't know much, but she couldn't wait to learn.


 Burningcloud looked around at all the cats. He got up and walked over to Swiftdash and Dreampaw,"Do you want to go on a patrol? We need to make sure no more foxes are around." He said. It didn't really look like the two cats were two busy right now.


3:02pm Mar 9 2010

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((*cough cough* SwiftDASH *cough* she is Dreampaw's mentor xDD))

"Sure!" Swiftdash purred, jumping away from her apprentice. She laughed, "I think we took care of those foxes last night. She said with a wink.

Dreampaw glared after Crookedear, "I know he's old, but does he have to be so grumpy? Seriously!" she stuck her tough out in his direction when he wasnt looking.


Swiftdash glanced at Aloepaw over her shoulder, "Um, we are low on Catmint, want to go get some with me? We need poppy seed too." she purred.


3:06pm Mar 9 2010

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 Burningcloud laughed,"I guess he thinks so. We should still check it out just to make sure it didn't have any other foxes with it." He said.


 Aloepaw nodded,"Okay!" She said pouncing in the air a little.


3:12pm Mar 9 2010

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 Dreampaw shrugged, "If i get like that when I'm an elder, feed me to the crows!" she said.


Snowdrift chuckled, "well then, lets go." She padded out of her den and joined Swiftdash, "I *censored*ume you are going on a patrol? Can I tag along?" She asked with a purr.

"Of course!" Swiftdash meowed happily.

"Thanks, me and Aloepaw need some catmint, so we have to p*censored* by the olf twoleg place." Snowdrift meowed.



3:17pm Mar 9 2010

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 Burningcloud looked down at the excited apprentice,"Okay lets go." He said leading the patrol out of the camp.


 Aloepaw followed. She sniffed the air,"What is that weird smell?" She asked wrinkling her nose.

 "It is probably just the scent of the fox from yesterday. it still smells pretty fresh, but there is no need to worry." Burningcloud said.


3:25pm Mar 9 2010

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Swiftdash nodded, "Not after what me and Demonsoul did to it." she winked at the Medicine cat's apprentice. She looked ahead into the forest. The sunlight dappled her calico fur and she purred happily.


Snowdrift matched her sister stride for stride and couldnt help notice how much smaller she was. It wasnt her fault though, while Swiftdash was running around and building muscle, Snowdrift was in camp, helping to keep her clan alive.


Dreampaw purred and walked beside Aloepaw, smiling, "Hey, where's you brother at? Or is that lazy tom not even out of bed yet!" she asked, tilting her head.


3:37pm Mar 9 2010

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Posts: 5,835

((Cats can wink?XD))

 "Probably...He was up late last night." Aloepaw laughed.

 Burningcloud looked at Swiftdash,"What did you kill it?" He asked. He didn't really know what happened but he knew that they had found a fox.

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