Homestuck OC Roleplay

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3:53pm Sep 25 2015 (last edited on 5:57pm Sep 26 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 111
Welcome, fellow Homestuck fans! I've decided to start a roleplay thread using OC's (trolls and kids) and I hope anyone who decides to join enjoys!

Use this key for your character:

(If troll) Blood color:
Mutant (If so, how):
Text color:
Typing quirk:
Strife Specibus:
Dream Self:
Powers (If any):
God tier:
House/Hive desc./location:

Remember a few of these rules:
1. No relationships with canon characters. This is an AU where the canon characters never played SBURB
2. Humans: 4 letter first names, 6-7 letter last names. Trolls: 6 letter first and last names.
3. If you are a mutant, you're not supposed to flaunt it. Mutants are culled on Alternia. Hide, hide!
4. Don't be too OP. It's ok if your troll has psionics, just keep them kind of nerfed. Psionics as strong as Sollux's are rare, and are a mutation, but the Condesce wants psionics like this for her ship. (Yes, the Condesce exists in this universe. No other canon characters, though.)
5. No Mary/Gary Sues, please
6. Keep the God Tiers canon, and no Lords or Muses. Knight, Maid, Page, Mage, Rogue, Sylph, Seer, Thief, Heir, Bard, Prince, Witch, and Blood, Time, Breath, Doom, Heart, Space, Mind, Light, Void, Rage, Hope, and Life.
7. All normal rules of Res apply. Have fun!

I really live up to my username\r\n

4:04pm Sep 25 2015 (last edited on 6:03pm Sep 26 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 111
Name: Javlae Perigo
Gender: Female
Species: Troll
(If troll) Blood color: Dark Brown
Symbol: Eagle constellation symbol
Mutant (If so, how): Not a mutant
Chumhandle/Trolltag: rebelliousSpearhead
Text color: Dark brown
Typing quirk: begins statements with <--->, types in all lowercase without apostrophes, replaces c and d with < and >, respectively.
Strife Specibus: 2xSpearKind
Dream Self: Prospit
Appearance: Short black hair, relatively dark grey skin, short, horns that curve around her head and end in a spearhead-like shape (she had them carved that way)
Age: 6 sweeps
Personality: Friendly and outgoing, hates the hemospectrum, very curious, openminded, adventurous, helpful and selfless.
Quadrants: None with introduced characters yet
Powers (If any): Can communicate with animals (as god tier) can take life from one person/self and give it to another. Healer and fighter.
Lusus (if troll): 4-winged eagle
Planet: Land of Cliffs and Vines
God tier: Rogue of Life
House/Hive desc./location: Small hive in the mountains.

I really live up to my username\r\n

4:36am Oct 10 2015

Normal User

Posts: 111

I really live up to my username\r\n

8:16am Jun 28 2016

Normal User

Posts: 552
Name: Motone Monjor
Gender: Male
Species: Troll
(If troll) Blood color: Orange
Symbol: Canis Major
Mutant (If so, how): Not a Mutant
Chumhandle/Trolltag: FeistyPistols
Text color: Orange
Typing quirk: Replaces G with 6 and I with 1
Strife Specibus: PistolKind
Dream Self: Derse
Appearance: Black Hair,Grey Skin, Has Stubby Horns on the back of his head, Tall, and wear a cowboy outfit
Age:6 Sweeps
Personality: Likes to fight, Doesn't care for the hemospectrum, Jumpy, Easily Surprised, and Easily angered
Quadrants: none
Powers (If any): has Space power (when God Teir)
Planet: Land of Sand and Wind
God tier: Heir of Space
House/Hive desc./location: UnderGround hive in the Desert

(Is this still open?)


10:26am Jun 28 2016

Normal User

Posts: 111
((i'm glad this thread has gotten some activity, but that's necroposting! you're not allowed to post on a thread that hasn't been posted on in more than two weeks. this thread will now probably be locked, but i might make a new homestuck thread))

I really live up to my username\r\n

5:43pm Nov 18 2022 (last edited on 5:43pm Nov 18 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 127
Locked thread due to inactivity, however the thread can be unlocked if requested by the thread owner! :)

Support Staff

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