3:46pm Feb 28 2013
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((Sonador, You may join when ever you are ready! Also, weve been waiting on John for quite a while. We might have to find a new one...))
4:08pm Feb 28 2013 (last edited on 12:02am Mar 1 2013)
Content Manager ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/678.gif)
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((Hnng, mind if I snag Equius as well? <3))
Kanaya hung at the back of the group, stomach rolling uncomfortably. As much as she wanted to see Rose, she wasn't too sure the other felt the same. Their relationship hadn't been exactly heaven, shall we say.
Of course, her other friends were here too. Karkat and Vriska, both of them, held special places in her heart.
Kanaya: I'm With Sollux On This One Guys Kanaya: Yes Rose Has Replied But Kanaya: This Isnt Really Safe Is It
She shivered, glancing up at the moon. Somewhere distant she heard a series of barks. What if... What if another human saw them?
5:12pm Feb 28 2013
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{Hmm. I'll join...IF you can promise not to spoil everything. I don't know how hard that will be, buuut...
If it wouldn't be too hard not to spoil things, can I be Dave please? c:}
5:51pm Feb 28 2013 (last edited on 5:52pm Feb 28 2013)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/14.gif)
Posts: 123
((Don't worry Sonador, This take place after the original homestuck plot. And Yes you may be Dave!))
((I'll be posting soon as John if TadaKiba doesn't...))
5:53pm Feb 28 2013
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{Alright, shweet. I'm not too familiar with Dave's personality, but I'll make it work~
Have we started yet?}
5:53pm Feb 28 2013 (last edited on 5:53pm Feb 28 2013)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/345.gif)
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Double post.
6:12pm Feb 28 2013
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Posts: 123
((Yesh we have! You might want to read the resent posts. And for Dave's personality, he's just a cool guy who loves being Ironic.))
6:14pm Feb 28 2013
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/345.gif)
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{Yes, he's obviously very freaking cool.
I'll go back and read the posts then think of an into.}
6:16pm Feb 28 2013
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Posts: 123
((xD ok. I might be dirk, IF someone takes Johns place, or Tadakiba actually comes and posts -.-))
6:51pm Feb 28 2013
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/345.gif)
Posts: 4,355
{Quick question. When Dave speaks in this RP, would it be formatted like this?:
TG: hi}
6:54pm Feb 28 2013
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/14.gif)
Posts: 123
((Well, when he pesters people yes, when they talk, it will also be like that, just without the tag, EX: TG, GA, CG etc. would not be included when the actually speak.))
6:55pm Feb 28 2013
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{Alright, sweet. One final question then I'll get my intro up. How do they contact the kids? Through Pesterchum or what? And who would contact them? I'm guessing their patron troll but what do I know.}
7:11pm Feb 28 2013
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Posts: 123
((Well, yes they will use pesterchum. And I don't know what you mean by only their Patron troll, but every troll has access to pestering, or trolling, every human, as well as the other way around.))
7:27pm Feb 28 2013
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{I mean, which troll message them? All of them or just one random one?
//So clueless omg
I'm really sorry...}
11:50pm Feb 28 2013 (last edited on 11:51pm Feb 28 2013)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/29.gif)
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((Sona, you would be best off knowing which trolls have relationships with which humans before you start writing. Knowing who is friends with who is essential. Try the MSPA Wiki under the 'relationships' section for each Homestuck character. Internet contact works like any instant messenger, with one exception. Characters can open 'memos' which are basically forum threads or group chats that anyone who hasn't been banned by the memo creator can enter. Humans have Pesterchum and trolls have Trollian, and they are fully compatible with one another. Also, Dave isn't really a coolkid, he just tries really hard to act like one. Basically he never breaks character but he tries too hard all the time. At heart he's a good person but doesn't think much of himself. Think of him like that.))
12:40am Mar 1 2013
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Terezi stood slightly away from her fellow trolls. She stared off into the distance that she herself could not see. She took in a deep breath and picked up on the various colours that littered this planet called earth "th3r3 1s 4 lot of gr33n h3r3" She whispered quietly to herself,"gr33n 1s 4 c4lm1ng colour 1f th1s pl4n3t 1s n4tur4lly gr33n th3n 1t must h4v3 som3th1ng to h1de why 3ls3 would 1t b3 gr33n? 4nd 1f 1t h4s som3th1ng to h1de th3n 1t must b3 brought to just1s3" She grinned before readjusting her glasses so that they rested on her face more comfortably Y3S SW33T JUST1S3 W1LL B3 S3RV3D 4ND 1 W1LL B3 TH3 ON3 TO S3RV3 1T she thought.
12:45am Mar 1 2013
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((...If nobody else takes her I may nab Nepeta...or maybe Tavros. o3o
And oh lordy are quirks a thing when they're speaking verbally in this RP? If so it's-
wait hold on can't speak of updates nevermind))
12:46am Mar 1 2013
Content Manager ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/678.gif)
Posts: 3,135
((I think Jess has Nepeta though? owo))
12:48am Mar 1 2013
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/380.gif)
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((Then Tavros if nobody wants him. XD;
I'll reply with Sollux once more people post. 8U))
12:49am Mar 1 2013
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/29.gif)
Posts: 989
((Jess does have Neppers but PLEASE take Tavros. Please. Also, the way I write quirks is I only write the ones that are audible when writing dialogue, like if Vriska repeated a letter but not if she replaced a b with an 8. That's just what I do, though.))