1:39pm Jul 6 2010
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Hisa giggled and smiled.She kissed Shota and smiled.
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1:39pm Jul 6 2010
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1:43pm Jul 6 2010
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"Thats why"Aurora said to Akila as she let out another sigh.She got up and looked at Shota"How much training does Len have to go through?"
1:44pm Jul 6 2010
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Akila sighed. Hopefully not too much training.
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1:52pm Jul 6 2010
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Anzu is-Online^^
1:52pm Jul 6 2010
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"It took me two years of training," Shota said. "I don't exactly how much training a person who controls Light needs." Len looked at Shota and then also glanced back at Aurora. "I don't care how many years it takes me to do my training, as long as I get to stay with my friends it okay with me," he said in a determined voice.
 Beyond Birthday <3
1:54pm Jul 6 2010
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Aurora nodded This only happens to me,wow my life is a comedy.Aurora looked up at the sky and closed her eyes,she transported and she was up in the tree sitting on a branch
1:55pm Jul 6 2010
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Hisa smiled and made a bunch of roses.She handed them to Shota.
Anzu is-Online^^
1:58pm Jul 6 2010
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Akila sat next to Aurora. "It'll be okay."She said, hugging Aurora.
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2:03pm Jul 6 2010
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Aurora hugged her back"Yeah I guess....but its not that my life is funny,I laugh at my misery because theres nothing else I can do"
2:07pm Jul 6 2010 (last edited on 2:08pm Jul 6 2010)
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Shota took the flowers from Hisa and smiled. "Len...we will be leving soon." Len nodded and went up in the trees with Aurora. He hugged her."I'll try to vist as much as possible," Len before he laft with Shota.
 Beyond Birthday <3
2:08pm Jul 6 2010
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Hisa smiled at Shota and looked at Len.
Anzu is-Online^^
2:10pm Jul 6 2010
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Aurora nodded and said"Alright"as she watched Len leave There he goes she thought
2:14pm Jul 6 2010
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"Come on Aurora. Let's go to my house."Akila said.
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2:18pm Jul 6 2010
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Aurora looked at Akila and nodded"Alright"Please be safe Len,and if Shota hurts him.. aurora clenched her fists
2:22pm Jul 6 2010
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Akila opened the door to her house. "Shota won't hurt him and Len will be safe."
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2:27pm Jul 6 2010
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Aurora sighed"I guess but Len already has all those bruises.."
2:33pm Jul 6 2010
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"Trust me."She said.
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2:40pm Jul 6 2010
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Aurora sighed and said"Alright but trusting people isnt my best strength"
2:43pm Jul 6 2010
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"I can tell. Hello, mind reader here!"She said.
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