12:57pm Jul 7 2010
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The bird had let out a chirp as it flew. When it had gotten there, Len was eating lunch. He noticed the bird but didn't want to get caught. Len finished and went to his room to read the letter. As he read it he had already known what to get Aurora.
 Beyond Birthday <3
1:00pm Jul 7 2010
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Aurora sighed and said"I have to stop doing this to myself,Len isnt my whole life"she reminded herself as she grabed her coat and headed outside.She decided to visit Ranu her ex but she knew he wouldnt bother her for he was already over the past
1:13pm Jul 7 2010
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Len had been training now for a month and also been sending letters to Aurora. Its almost her birthday, Len had read on his calender. He got packed and bought a train ticket to go back. Len had asked Shota earlier and he approved of it, but he could only stay for the weekend.
 Beyond Birthday <3
1:15pm Jul 7 2010
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Hisa sighed andwondered if Shota was ever going to come see her.
Anzu is-Online^^
1:18pm Jul 7 2010
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Aurora was sitting in her bedroom with a bowl of cereal in her lap watching tv,she laughed as a person fell down the stairs.Life was getting much easier for her and she had made more friends that could keep her company.Nonetheless she was still the same but just more known around town.
1:24pm Jul 7 2010
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Ash wandered. She ad begun wandering in wolf form more and more, and being in human form less and less. It was rare now to ever see her in human form.
1:26pm Jul 7 2010
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((Can Ash come to Aurora's house?))
1:35pm Jul 7 2010
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Len had gotten off the train and head for his old apartment and unpacked. Shortly after he finished and went to the pond to see if Aurora was there.
 Beyond Birthday <3
1:37pm Jul 7 2010
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Aurora hadnt been to the pond in like a mnth but she had a feeling that she should go.She got ready and headed towards the pond,when she got there she saw Len and ran towards him
1:43pm Jul 7 2010
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Ash walked towards Aurora's house. She caught Aurora's scent and realized that she had left. Followng the scent, she broke into a run.
1:58pm Jul 7 2010 (last edited on 1:59pm Jul 7 2010)
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Len was happy to see that Aurora was okay. He ran to her and gave her a hug. "I missed you," he said to her.
 Beyond Birthday <3
2:05pm Jul 7 2010
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Aurora almost cried and she felt tears fall down her face."I missed you soo much.."she said as she tried to wipe the tears away I knew something good was gonna happen today!Always listen to your gut is my motto she smiled at that thought
2:06pm Jul 7 2010
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Hisa saw Len and sighed.
Anzu is-Online^^
2:10pm Jul 7 2010
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"Oh I got something for you," Len said as he reached in his pocket.
 Beyond Birthday <3
2:12pm Jul 7 2010
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Aurora smiled and watched Len"You didnt have to get me anything"she said.Aurora never celebrated her birthday,it wasnt because she didnt want to it was because she was always alone and she wasnt so used to gifts
2:17pm Jul 7 2010 (last edited on 2:23pm Jul 7 2010)
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Len had pulled out a necklace with a silver bell on it. The bell had Aurora's name engraved in it. "Happy birthday Aurora," Len said as he gave it to her with a smile.
 Beyond Birthday <3
2:20pm Jul 7 2010
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Aurora looked at the beautiful necklace and hugged Len again"Thank you its beautiful!"she said as she hugged him
2:25pm Jul 7 2010
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"Yuor welcome," Len said as he hugged her back. "So how have you been this past month," Len asked Aurora.
 Beyond Birthday <3
2:54pm Jul 7 2010 (last edited on 2:54pm Jul 7 2010)
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Aurora looked up at him"Ive been fine,just trying to reconnect with my past I guess...but somehow I survived"she joked
3:44pm Jul 7 2010
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"I've been able to do more things since I've been training," Len said to Aurora. He stood back a little and held out his palms. Len concentrated and an image started to form. It was a heart made of aura. Len looked at Aurora, "What do you think?"
 Beyond Birthday <3