Homg I stopped Time![Anyone can join]

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12:22pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 2,065

((Shota is the bad boy type LoL >D))

Shota looked over to see that Len had finally woke up. He walked over to him and nudged his head. "You owe me for saving your friends."

"Ow, okay okay, I give!" Len said as Shota was hurting him a little. He then looked back up at Shota, "do you think we can tell them now of our past?" 

Beyond Birthday <3

12:22pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 3,318


12:25pm Jul 1 2010

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Aurora looked up suddenly interested"Oooh I wanna know!"she said in her sweet and inocent voice.Whatever is going on here I need to know or else coming here was worth nothing,she thought as she blew on her hands to put out the fire


12:39pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 2,065

"Fine, but just don't get too carried away," Shota told Len.

"Okay," he said with a smile. " You see, me and Shota had different clans in some other neighborhood. His clan could only control darkness and my clan could only control light or aura if you want to call it."

Beyond Birthday <3

12:43pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Aurora listened intently,she wanted to get every detail in her head so that she wouldnt forget."Cool!"she said but she stopped talking so that Len could continue.She wondered what it would be like to have enemies but she let the thought drift away."I have plenty of enemies"she thought to herself with a smile


12:50pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 2,065

Len smiled and continued. " Iwas very small when my parents introduced my to his patents."

"He was four," Shota said.

Beyond Birthday <3

12:54pm Jul 1 2010 (last edited on 12:56pm Jul 1 2010)

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Posts: 3,318
Aurora nodded,she felt like a little kid listening to stories and she smiled again"Aww you must have been so cute!"she tried to remember when she was four and she couldnt remember anything"Im sorry Im easily distracted"she said as she tried to focus again


1:03pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 2,065

" Every day I'd see him making different things with shadows. I wanted to go and get a closer view. We became friends two years after my training years started. I wanted to make things with my powers like Shota but... I ended up killing his parents." Len said.

Shota looked at Len, " you sent a stream of aura straight  at my house."

Beyond Birthday <3

1:08pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Aurora looked at Shota understanding in her eyes,her parents had been murdered At least yours didnt get killed on purpose she thought but she let it go.Aurora didnt want to remember her past"Im sorry"she said softly


1:21pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 2,065
"My parents had agreed to take in Shota, but the people of his clan disagreed. They shouted and I didn't know what was going one at the time. I got scared and went in my room. That's when war was declared on my clan. My parents had taken me and Shota somewhere safe to hide." Len continued.

Beyond Birthday <3

1:34pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Aurora nodded she wanted to say something but she didnt know what to say she just nodded and waited for him to continue


2:57pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 2,065

"We got into many fights and our friendship started to break. That's when things got out of control with me, and also when I killed my parents." Len said as a tear ran down his cheek.

"That's about the same time  the war had finished," Shota added.

Beyond Birthday <3

3:17pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Aurora got up and hugged Len,she didnt know why she did but she was sad for him and Shota but she was afraid that if she hugged Shota he would get angry''Im sorry,just thought you needed a hug''she said as she backed away


4:03pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 2,065

Len smiled, "Thanks, so that's how me and Shota have been. Even though were rivals, I stay in his apartment."

"..." Shoat stayed quiet wanting to hear Aurora's response.

Beyond Birthday <3

4:10pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Aurora noticed that they wanted her to say something and she hesitated before saying"Thats a really sad story...I understand why you guys are rivals,I guess if that happened to me I would have acted the same way..after all they were your parents.."


4:24pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 2,065
Len went to go get his shoes that were by the pond. "He is one year younger than so I think I can cut him some slack," Shota told Aurora. "Besides, his powers haven't fully developed like mine."

Beyond Birthday <3

4:27pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Aurora nodded and smiled"Im glad,but yeah thats also true"Aurora played with the fire in her hand again.This time she made a heart and she tried to figure out another way to break it."Hmm how can I divide this?"she said


4:34pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 2,065

"You can control fire, that's so cool!" Len said as he watched Aurora.

"Len, I'm gonna go to the store, I want you to stay here until I get back," Shota said as he left.

"O..kay," Len said as he continued to watch Aurora.

Beyond Birthday <3

4:40pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Aurora waved to Shota as he walked away and to Len she said"Yeah I only found out today but I guess it comes naturally"she said as she tried to make a different shape"I like braking fire hearts,it reminds me of how many times my heart has been broken"she said as she made the shape of a flower


4:48pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 2,065
A shadow butterfly landed on the flower that Aurora had made. "Hey that's shota's," Len said as he was always amazed by the things Shota did. Except for beating him down.

Beyond Birthday <3
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