11:28am Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 239
Im back :3
♥your the PEANUT to my BUTTER ,♥
♥your the STAR to my BURST,♥
♥your the M to my M,♥
♥your the POP to my TART,♥
♥your the MILKY to my WAY,♥
♥your the MILK to my DUDS,♥
♥your the ICE to my CREAM,♥
♥your the SWEET to my TART,♥
11:29am Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,713
((Yuh. :3 I'm too busy trying not to throw up right now to start, though. -w- So someone else start.))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
11:30am Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 239
♥your the PEANUT to my BUTTER ,♥
♥your the STAR to my BURST,♥
♥your the M to my M,♥
♥your the POP to my TART,♥
♥your the MILKY to my WAY,♥
♥your the MILK to my DUDS,♥
♥your the ICE to my CREAM,♥
♥your the SWEET to my TART,♥
11:32am Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
(I'm trying to balance several other RP's and sites, so not me. I don't have the time to type up a lengthy intro, plus I don't really know where to start. I'll probably jump in somewhere. ^^ )
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
11:36am Jun 22 2011 (last edited on 11:37am Jun 22 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 239
((Fluffer nuggets i really dont want to...Ill wait for someone))
♥your the PEANUT to my BUTTER ,♥
♥your the STAR to my BURST,♥
♥your the M to my M,♥
♥your the POP to my TART,♥
♥your the MILKY to my WAY,♥
♥your the MILK to my DUDS,♥
♥your the ICE to my CREAM,♥
♥your the SWEET to my TART,♥
11:44am Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 87
{Well, bleh... XD} Beep! Faye grumbled and rolled over. Beep! "No...," she mumbled in her sleep. BEEP! Faye sat up, glaring at her alarm clock. She slapped it to turn it off. And turned it towards her to check the time. The neon green glow glared at her, showing a bright 7:02 A.M. Faye groaned. "And on a Saturday, too!" she moaned. Knowing she'll never get back to sleep, she climbed out of bed and walked towards her closet. She threw on black and white stripped halter top with lacy frills on the top, dark skinny jeans, and white flats. She brushed her bright red hair as she walked down the stairs, then threw open the door to go on a morning walk. ... Jace looked around from the top of the house he'd flown up on while in raven form. The morning air was crisp and cool and he sat back, enjoying it. The rising sun glared at him and Jace shaded his eyes. He threw back his raven colored hair and watched the sleeping neighborhood awaken slowly.
11:46am Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty walked around in the forest. She was in her Folf form and she loved the way the forest smelt and loved how the wind felt in her fur. She hated her human form because humans only looked at one thing and that was how they looked. Where as in the animal world it was how you could protect the family and that they where healthy. Soon she arrived in the edge of the forest and turned back human. She walked towards her appartment as she looked at the shops and at the people walking around living their own little lives unknowing of the world that lies under their own.
11:52am Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 87
As soon as she was sure that no one was in sight, Faye turned into her fox form. She padded through the large meadow, her tongue lolling. Jace flew down from the rooftop once he began to hear the people inside beginning to wake. He circled the city a couple of times, surveying the activity. He cawed pleasurably.
11:53am Jun 22 2011 (last edited on 11:56am Jun 22 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 239
Remeleen was walking around the woods in her fox form. She ran back to her house and took a warm shower rinsing of the mud she had collected on her walk. She got dressed in black skinny jeans and a lacy pink top with a white cardigan over. She pulled on some boots and went back outside and began walking around town her white-blonde hair blowing around in the wind. She fiddles with her necklace going nowhere in particular.
♥your the PEANUT to my BUTTER ,♥
♥your the STAR to my BURST,♥
♥your the M to my M,♥
♥your the POP to my TART,♥
♥your the MILKY to my WAY,♥
♥your the MILK to my DUDS,♥
♥your the ICE to my CREAM,♥
♥your the SWEET to my TART,♥
11:54am Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
Alicia - will post in this color Athena - will post in this color I feel sneaky, mysterious even. My tail drags slowly on the thick carpet that I wade through. being small does have it's advantage's, but also can be annoying. I pick my tail up and give it a quick cleaning. My fur feels slightly greasy, but that just comes with being a weasel. I slither, almost, along the floor, behind the big leather couch. 'Almost.....there....' I mutter, my tongue sticking slightly out of my mouth. I scrunch up my body, much like an inch worm. Then, I spring. I land on the gray, marble counter. "Phew....that was fun!" I say, although all that comes out are little dooking noises. I begin to slink along the counter, around the sink, and across the dishwasher. Then, I reach my prize. 'The last slice of Apple pie...mmm...' I think, licking my chops eagerly. I dive under the cellophane wrap, and munch on the juicy apples, crunching a bit of pie crust here and there. 'So...tasty....' I think in between chews. The pie now disheveled and almost completely nibbled, I creep out, and slin back along the counter. I'm halfway along the dhiswasher when, 'BAM'. A huge net slams on top of me. I would scream, but I'm a ferret. ((Have a few idea's. Open to join if you like!))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
12:04pm Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 2,713
Nicole paced back and forth within her cage, her white fur bristling along her spine. She looked around the dingy apartment in frustration. She watched as the man who called himself her owner went to the fridge, popped open a beer, and sat in a tattered recliner in front of an old black-and-white television. If she were in her human form, Nicole would have shaken her head in disgust. Her "owner" had a taste for exotic pets. Around her, also in rusted in dented cages, were animals from all over the world. Nicole was the only shapeshifter there, and her owner didn't even know what she was. He just thought she was an Arctic fox he had rescued from starvation on a trip to Canada. Nicole snorted as best as she could. If the cage were big enough to allow her to shift to human form, she would have been out of here long ago. Instead, the cage was barely big enough to allow for her and her food and water bowls. Nicole was surprised that Animal Control hadn't broken down the door already. She sighed and sat down, staring out a grimy window which had been painted shut.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
12:04pm Jun 22 2011 (last edited on 12:09pm Jun 22 2011)
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Posts: 239
Remeleen runs her fingers through her hair. She frowns, the only entertainment she has is the clicking of her heels on the pavement. She notices a house that smells of many animals and out of curiousity she peers through the window. She gasps at the terrible sight of animals of all kinds in extremely tight cages. When the man -who was some grimy old human- left to go to the bathroom she grabbed her knife from her boot and tried to scrape the paint off the window to free some animals. She sniffed again and smelled a shifter. It was an artic fox too!
♥your the PEANUT to my BUTTER ,♥
♥your the STAR to my BURST,♥
♥your the M to my M,♥
♥your the POP to my TART,♥
♥your the MILKY to my WAY,♥
♥your the MILK to my DUDS,♥
♥your the ICE to my CREAM,♥
♥your the SWEET to my TART,♥
12:09pm Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 87
A strong, sudden gust of wind buffeted Jace, and he let out a surprised caw as he toppled over. He tried to regain his balance, but since he was so distracted, he didn't notice the blonde in front of him. He crashed into her and fell to the floor. Way to go, Grace, he thought to himself as he transformed back into his human form, gritting his teeth. He looks at the girl, Remeleen. "Sorry," he mumbled as he stood up, brushing off the dirt on his shirt. A burst of pain shoots up his right arm.
12:10pm Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 2,713
Nicole stiffened as she sensed a shapeshifter stop outside of the window and gasp. She looked towards the window and met the shifter's eyes with her own golden ones. She sent out a silent plea for help, though she knew that the girl wouldn't be able to hear it.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
12:12pm Jun 22 2011 (last edited on 12:13pm Jun 22 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 239
She giggled until she saw that he was in pain "Oh my gosh!" "Are you okay! Im so sorry!" She stood up brushed herself off and stuck out her hand "Im Remeleen, You can call me Remmy" Her green eyes flashed with excitement. "What's Your name?!" She turned to glance at the poor artic fox shifter trapped in a cage. "Can you help me get her out?" she questioned
♥your the PEANUT to my BUTTER ,♥
♥your the STAR to my BURST,♥
♥your the M to my M,♥
♥your the POP to my TART,♥
♥your the MILKY to my WAY,♥
♥your the MILK to my DUDS,♥
♥your the ICE to my CREAM,♥
♥your the SWEET to my TART,♥
12:13pm Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,406
((i has no clue what to post XD))
12:14pm Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 239
((folf just like find us or something...lul))
♥your the PEANUT to my BUTTER ,♥
♥your the STAR to my BURST,♥
♥your the M to my M,♥
♥your the POP to my TART,♥
♥your the MILKY to my WAY,♥
♥your the MILK to my DUDS,♥
♥your the ICE to my CREAM,♥
♥your the SWEET to my TART,♥
12:14pm Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 87
Jace smiled politely at Remeleen. "I'm fine," he said, ignoring the fiery burn that shot up his arm. "I'm Jace," he said as he took her hand. He looked at her through his black bangs.
12:16pm Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,713
((Spice, I'm guessing you got Jace's name from the Mortal Instruments? xD))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
12:16pm Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 239
"Nice to meet you!" She tucked her hair behind her ear looking again at the shifter. She has really prety eyes, she thought. She turned to smile at Jace.
♥your the PEANUT to my BUTTER ,♥
♥your the STAR to my BURST,♥
♥your the M to my M,♥
♥your the POP to my TART,♥
♥your the MILKY to my WAY,♥
♥your the MILK to my DUDS,♥
♥your the ICE to my CREAM,♥
♥your the SWEET to my TART,♥