11:43am Mar 13 2010
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ooc; Was Soul with the other wolves?
11:45am Mar 13 2010
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((no she wasnt she just walked over to you...))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:49am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Okay. Was confused for a sec. ic; Shadow turned his head to look at the other wolf. He lurched slowly back up. He obseved the wolf for a moment before speaking. A wolf with scales? That's new. he thought. "Heh. I might have just been staring out in space for a second, not focusing on anything." he seemed to ramble, "Well, I was just watching that group of wolves." he motioned his muzzle towards the wolves.
11:51am Mar 13 2010
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She went the way he motioned walking carefully, and slowly. "My name is Soul, and may i ask who you are my fine sir?"
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:41pm Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 27
Clover sat down ruffly. This wolf was obviously not interested in a conversation. She looked around with her bright blue eyes. Then she spotted two other wolves talking. She left the wolf and approached them. One was male and had reddesh pink eyes. The other seemed to move with such speed. Her tail brushed against the ground as she walked. She wasn't smiling but her bright blue eyes certainly were. "Hello, i couldn't help but notice you staring earlier." Clover cocked her head as she turned towards the female next to him. "How do you do?" Clover bowed slightly, for manners.
9:13pm Mar 13 2010
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Spirit looked back at Clover, but by that time she was gone. She sighed. "Yeah, I know." She said, "Not from these places." She said. She turned and walked away, looking for food.
7:00pm Mar 14 2010
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"Oh, Im uhh doing good I guess... Uhhh oh umm my name is Soul" She said with a small fragile voice "And uhh whats your name?" She asked with a great big smile
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:11am Mar 15 2010
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Reinen watched the other wolves from a distance. Beside her, she heard yaps and squeals as Taiga and Asita play-fought. Glancing at them briefly, she wondered if they'd make it through the next moths, for she saw there would be competition. Or friends, maybe, she thought as she walked up to them, gesturing to the pups to follow.
10:14am Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((Soul and the others or Spirit?))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:18am Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 1,117
OoC: The other wolves, I suppose ^^'
11:27am Mar 15 2010
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((okay)) Soul saw another wolf aproaching and gestured for the other wolf to look too.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:00pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 27
Clover smiled back. "Im Cloverrrrrr." Clover noticed Soul's gesture as she said her name. Clover cut herself off. She glanced over to the direction Soul was looking. Clover planted her front paws infront of her and placed her back legs firmly behind her. She lowered her head. If this wolf is looking for a fight by golly she'll get one. Clover thought. Then she noticed cubs following behind the wolf approaching. Clover raised her head a little."Hello?" She called to the wolf, slightly edging herself forward.
6:42pm Mar 15 2010
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Soul read her ex pression closely. "Im not here for a fight" She said tightly, kind of angry. But she smiled trying not to be rude.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:56am Mar 16 2010
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Reinen glanced at Clover momentarily. Though the cubs weren't hers, Reinen always felt protective over them - perhaps because they were her distant relatives. Hackles slightly raised, she stepped over them, head low. But being friendly by nature, she said in a level tone, "Neither am I." Asita and Taiga watched the other wolves with growing interest, not at all worried about their own safety.
10:39am Mar 16 2010
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Soul smiled slightly and said "Okay so none of us are in danger here," She said sitting down calmy "Good, thats's good." She started to lay down but got back up,looked around and then layed down. "Sorry,force of habit." She said quietly.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:06am Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 1,117
Reinen raised her eyebrows slightly, then smiled. "I'm Reinen," she introduced herself in a formal way, then indicating the pups, she said, "And these are Taiga and Asita, my, eh, relatives, sort of. We come from the North. And you are?" She bowed a greeting and glanced around, suddenly feeling tense. "Is this your pack's territory? If it is, we apologise for tresp*censored*ing."
11:13am Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 11:13am Mar 16 2010)
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" Oh, no I don't really belong... to a pack." She trailed off and looked away. After a little while she looked back smiling. "My name is Soul." she sat up and said in a high happy voice "Hello my little darlings, how are you today." She smiled at the pups " So youre just pup-sitting?"
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:20pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 27
Clover backed up and sat down. She nodded her head in approvel. Clover didn't really understand herself. She was being calm at the moment which didn't happen usually. Clover whatched the pups gathering around Soul for a good sniff. Probably seeing if they could play with her. A pup noticed her and waddled over. It sat down right next to her. Clover narrowed her eyes and looked down at a big ball of fluff. "Scat." Clover spat. She moved her paw in a shooing motion. The pup seemed to take this as a fun playful move. It moved its paw just like Clover. The next thing Clover knew the pups tail was swaying to and fro like hers. She sighed. "Your quite a handful young one." She mumbled.
11:16pm Mar 17 2010
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Taiga and Asita sat silently near Reinen, hoping she'd give them the go-ahead to explore. When she didn't, Taiga began getting restless, and tried to wander, but the young she-wolf stopped her with a paw. Over the months, Reinen began to get overprotective of them,perhaps because ever since their real mother died, she was the one who kept an eye on them. Afterwards, when her uncle had slain Reinen's mother as well, the pups were solely dependent on her, and since she couldn't bear to stay there any longer, she took the pups with her on her voyages. Now, as she looked around, she felt the urge of belonging to a pack tug at her heart. Though she had never been a member of one, she felt it would be nice if she could now. Besides, the pups need to settle.
5:20am Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Recap? x_x ))