2:35pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 27
((Recap: Clover wandered off to greet another wolf named Soul. They were approached by Reinen and her pups. Now they are sitting down having a small gathering and talking.)) Clover looked up from the pup and at Reinen. "I'm Clover." She added. "I don't think i've ever seen you around before." She shrugged. "Do you travel too?"
2:47pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 3,002
"Hmmm, sometimes." She looked down at the pup. 'Im just wandering around right now." She adjusted her rump in the gras.s, and then said " Are you hungry? Ive been wanting to go hunting with some one lately....." She looked around, and sniffed.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:55am Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Spirit stayed in the shadows. Only her bioluminescent purple eyes could be seen, glowing in the shade of the tree's. She was careful not to be seen. She licked her nose and rolled over onto her back. She began rubbing her horns on a tree, just like a White Tailed Buck would do. She sat buck up correctly and yawned, showing every single needle sharp tooth in her long snout. She shivered, she was getting a bit cold. She made one last stretch and was about to go on when she saw Soul. "Gosh, That wolf looks familiar." She looked at Soul in awe as she unknowingly stepped out into the soft forest sunlight. The steady glowing of her purple eyes came to a gentle fade as the sunlight bounced onto her white pelt. She put her nose to the air and sniffed. "Uhm, hello..." She said. Seeing all the other wolves, she didn't feel quite comfortable. Knowing that she is not even a true wolf, she flattened her ears and rammed into a tree. It instantly became dead from the venom and fell to the ground. The soft debris from the impact of the tree falling onto the gr*censored* created a almost Diamond Dust. By the time the dust had settled, Spirit was gone.
7:35am Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 1,117
"Aye." replied Reinen, nodding her head. "I'm a wayfarer, and so are these two. But we're thinking of settling mow; it's important for the pups." She had just finished speaking when she saw Spirit's act. Confused and surprised, she stared at the cloud of dust, and was shocked by the time it had died down.
12:09pm Mar 19 2010
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"What was, well who was that?" She screamed. She starded at the dust "That freaking wolf was suicidal!" She screamed angrily. "What the hell?"
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:16pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 27
Clover yelped as the tree crashed into her ribs. She layed trempling on the ground as the tree vanished into dust. Her soft blue eyes darkened trying to identify who did it. Clover sniffed the air. A familiar scent filled her nose. Clover's eyes flickered. She whimpered as she stood up. "I reconize this scent." She said, in a monotoned voice. "I think i met her earlier today." Clover turned her head. Her ribs were aching. "I bet we could follow the scent trail she always does on trees?" Clover layed back down.
4:41am Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Spirit ran like the wind. As her long streamlined body split through the air, slits tried to make there way into her eyes. "Oh *censored*, Not now!" She barked at herself, trying to keep back the horrible thing that happens whenever a surge of adrenaline pumped through her veins. She came to a skidding halt as she couldn't take the pain anymore. The slits went back down, and the pain stopped. "My, thats weird." She said to herself. She looked back, and continued off to find a kill, or make one.
9:03am Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 9:23am Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,117
"Are you alright?" Reinen asked anxiously, taking a step towards Clover. That could have crushed her ribs, she thought, staring in the direction the other wolf had run to. Reinen would have loved to follow her trail, try to find her. But with the responsibility of the pups resting on her shoulders, she didn't dare leave them for a minute, unless to go hunt. And thinking of hunting, she was beginning to get hungry. Glancing at the cubs momentarily, she could see they were having a great time. Asita was avidly batting his little stubby paws at a gr*censored*hopper, and his sister was contently chewing away at a portion of his ear, trying to get him into a play-fight, though he remained uninterested. OoC: This will be my last post for a few days. I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, back after about three weeks D8 I'm really sorry. But I'll post if I can when on vacation ^^
1:18pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 27
Clover nodded slowly. "I- i think so." She gulped. Clover hesitaited and stood up. "I think i'll be alright." Clover said.
8:44am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Spirit stalked into some hunting grounds. She stayed low to the ground, sniffing slowly trying to find the herd. She finally found a lone elk cow. She first disoriented it. She circled it quite fast. Once the elk had began to panic, she lunged at it, right in soft underbelly. She rammed into it, her horns went through the soft skin as if they where steak knives. Spirit stepped back, she slumped down in the shadows, waiting for the lethal venom to take it's coarse. The elk began to fall, after its front legs became practically useless. It fell down to its back legs, and reared up its head to call for its herd, which was too far away to hear anything. It was soon enough for Spirit to make her move. She jumped out of the brush, she landed on its side. She ripped in, and began to eat her dinner. Meanwhile, the elk was still alive. It screamed and groaned until Spirit jumped over to crush it's windpipe. Blood was splattered on her white pelt. Not to long later, there was nothing but blood stained bones left of the elk. Meanwhile, a overstuffed Spirit sat in the setting sunlight, whilst yawning furiously. She stood up and walked past the kill sight, she continued on until she reached a clearing in the forest. She walked on, until the snow capped mountains where in sight. She picked up a running speed and ran until she reached a sharp rocky point. Spirit hopped up the spear like rocks, sharpened by her constant scent marking. As she got higher up into the mini "mountain". Soon enough she reached the highest point. The ground was extremely hot here. She plopped down, and stretched out on the hot ground. She was going to sleep, because she becomes active at night.
10:54am Jul 20 2010
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