5:09pm Jan 30 2012
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((Wait, Fluzz, I can't get the picture to come up. And, *pokes rules* a horse can only have one ability. Other than that you're good to go.^^))
6:02pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 6:18pm Jan 30 2012)
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((I edited it to Nature control, I can't figure out how to get a picture up, so I'll just do a disc[injection]ription and I have no clue what is going on with the coding when you hit the "Enter" button on your keyboard...))
11:13am Jan 31 2012 (last edited on 2:15pm Jan 31 2012)
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OOC: Question - Guiven, you know Ceran mentions "his friend with fire" and the old wise horse? Would they happen to be Magwy and Tu-Laro? xD
White-gold arms dropped through the leaves and stroked Magwy's blazing back. Small white insects, inflamed in the morning light, swirled about him. He swatted at them restlessly with his tail whilst his other end kept bowed to feed at the grass.
Further along, Tu-Laro also ate at the knee-high greenery they stood in. Two fleshy ships in a sea of stalks.
Both horses were in a narrow forest that sat like a bustling rug between two small, but sharply-sloping, mountain chains of umber. Rocky, impossible to climb, if you had hooves. The trees were pale like birches. The ground was irregular and dented with gaps impossible to deduct from the constant grass, still as ice. There was no breeze. But it was good where it grew. As long as neither tried to run, they were safe.
Some things rustled in the above. Magwy looked up. Flashes of moving colour around the flowers. They parted and regathered and shrieked. They'd been arguing since the first fingers of sunlight had combed themselves through the dense canopy up above.
"A nice start to my day," Magwy muttered. "Birds screaming."
Of course, his mentor didn't hear. He just crunched at more grass. Then he too looked up to the golden conures and flattened his ears in distaste. Slowly, gradually, they began to drift towards a trodden tongue of dust that snaked through the forestry. They kept their steps slow and careful. Precise. The two horses took the road and began a descent.

11:19am Jan 31 2012
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<div>OOC: Ok, I think I'll lay off posting for a bit until this glitch gets sorted.</div>
3:15pm Jan 31 2012
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(( Same with me, the glitch makes it near-impossible to post things that make sense. The 'wise horse I was figuring to be Tu-Laro, yes. The other horse can be Magwy, or it can be another horse, I left that open and hanging on purpose.))
10:11am Feb 1 2012
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OOC: I think the glitch is fixed by le way. :D It worked for me on another thread. Well, since he knows Mr Laro, it may make sense if he knew Magwy too :3 But that doesn't mean he needs to know Magwy as well as Tu-Laro, though...
10:13am Feb 1 2012
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((I fixed my bio. The glitch is over! Yay!))
10:43am Feb 1 2012
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1:22pm Feb 4 2012
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((Sorry guys, I've been really busy lately. Fluzz you're good to go and post your intro, the same goes for Ice.))
1:42pm Feb 4 2012
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[[Oooh, I a long time since I've done one of these. *o* Urrgh, Iviks are really skinny, and their head fur looks like overhang from a willow tree. xD Would it be possible if I can join?]]
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1:43pm Feb 4 2012
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((Sure Clouding, go ahead and post your bio(s). All right, I think that's enough people.))
1:56pm Feb 4 2012 (last edited on 2:26pm Feb 4 2012)
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[[Gosh. my keyboard makes everything small when I copy-paste.]]
Name: Elise Gender: Mare Age: Young Adult Looks: Keep in mind this is not my art. Credit to owner @deviantat.net
 Skill: Nature Control. Personality: Elise is calm, and is very down to earth. She doesn't pick fights with other horses, and she definately tries to be nice. Elrise isn't a very fast horse though, so she tires easily, and cannot run long distances. Elise uses her powers by focusing herself onto it. Not easy for Elise to do, so she is vulnreble when focusing to use her skill. She has wings, why can't she fly? Her wings are transparent and thin, and cannot carry her weight, not even a few inches off the ground. So she cannot fly. Rp the rest out? Crush/mate: I dunno. Open though. :) Other: N/A --- Name: Gwenn Gender: Stallion Age: Young Adult Looks: Ignore the necklace, please. Credit to artist@deviantat.net
 Skill: Water Control Personality: Gwenn is shy, and he isn't a very social horse. He is frail and lithe, so he can run very fast, but cannot withstand certain amounts of heat or cold. He uses his skill by simply kneading the ground, or clumsily rearing up on his hind legs, which, he doesn't do often, because he likes to avoid trouble, at most costs. Crush/mate: Open! Other: N/A
--- Name: Quincey Gender: Stallion Age: Young Adult Looks: Art is not mine. Credit to owner @deviantart.net
 Skill: Flight Personality: Quincey is stubborn and somewhat mean-spirited. He often has a short temper. But the good things about Quincey is he can think on the spot, and help himself and others in dire situations. But, he'll often use his skill for himself. Rp the rest? Crush/mate: Open! :D Other: N/A ---
Name: Tess Gender: Mare Age: Young Adult Looks: Credit to owner @deviantart.net  Skill: Fire Repellent Personality: Tess is good-willed, but very clumsy. Sometimes, she can be tripping over herself, and stumbling. She can often hurt herself from her clumsiness. But, Tess may be fire-repellent, but she is scared of fire. She will do it if she's saving someone, but often spooks and runs off in fear. So, I guess you could call Tess a clumsy, good-willed coward? With a hint of speed? Crush/mate: Sure. :) Other: N/A
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2:45pm Feb 4 2012 (last edited on 2:46pm Feb 4 2012)
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((Accepted Clouding, I just noticed Elise is an Arabian horse, one of my more favorite breeds :3))
2:52pm Feb 4 2012 (last edited on 2:58pm Feb 4 2012)
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OOC: Nevermind, that post was rubbish anyway... Consider this a bump? Also, nice characters, Clouding. :3 Nice one on the crediting (no sarcasm)...
5:49pm Feb 4 2012 (last edited on 5:49pm Feb 4 2012)
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[[Guiven: I like Arabs too. :D Wolfeira: I was too lazy to put the acutal user. xD Should I put my intro in?]]
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5:51pm Feb 4 2012
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((Yeah Clouding, you're good to go.))
6:17pm Feb 4 2012
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Elise slept in a large patch of tall grass, along with some damp moss. She woke up, letting out a snort, shaking off the moss and wet grass off of herself. She looked up at the sky, and trotted out of the tree covered area, near a barren cliff. She looked down below, jagged rocks, and water. She kneaded the ground with her hoof in frustration, cantering off somewhere else. She reared back in fear when a sharp cold feeling numbed part of her front limbs. She looked down, only to realize a steady stream of water churned by. She looked at it curiously, before bending her neck down to drink it. When she finished drinking, she lifted her head out of the water, water droplets dripping down off of her mouth. She turned around, and found a new place to explore. _____________________________________________________________________ Gwen let out a whinny in sucess as he watched his attempt to make the water dissappear. He ran back in dismay as the water reappeared and formed a huge tidal wave, rushing towards him. Oh no! He thought. He darted back from the wave, not bothering to look back, passing the birds as the shrieked loudly. A hiss rang out from behind him. Gwen turned his head, only to see a snake, lashing out at his back fetlock. --- Pain hit fast. His first instict was to run. The attempt was failing, for he literally was too stunned to notice he was falling over. He let out a loud whinny in pain, before laying his head against the ground, his legs kicking out involuntarily. _____________________________________________________________________ Quincey happily flew in the sky, some clouds blocking his view, but alas, he could care less. He looked down to see the island and the dark blue waves churning around it. He watched as an eagle swooped down and took a small bird in it's talons, the eagle flying off shortly after. He trotted in the air, his wings doing all the work for him. He looked over his left shoulder, only to see he was being followed by a large bird. He dived down, swerving through the trees, his wings getting caught in the branches, for he was too big to fly through the trees. He swirled down uncontrollably, his wings catching against branches. When he finally hit the ground with a thud, he shook himself out, stomping his hoofs in anger. Stupid bird! _____________________________________________________________________ Tess trotted throughout the hills and meadows, now stopping to graze for a while. I wonder if there are any other horses nearby. She thought, There must be. Maybe I should go looking. She continued grazing. Maybe not. I'm happy where I am right now.
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6:45pm Feb 4 2012
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Demon spread her wings and flapped them to no avail. They weren't strong enough to support her weight. Her ears were pricked for sounds of other horses. The gurgle of a stream reached her, and she whipped her head around. Demon was hot and thirsty, so she began to pick her way through the brush, careful not to snag any of her feathers on low-hanging branches.
But something held the mare back. Something didn't smell right maybe? It seemed as if another horse was near, or at least had been. Demon peered cautiously through the foliage.
The grass along the bank of the small brook was covered in water droplets, almost as if it had been swept onto the land. Demon snorted nervously, a tremor ran through her body. She pranced forward, taking light steps.
A horse lay on the opposite side of the river. He didn't look too good. There was blood around one of his back fetlocks. Demon gave a snort of surprise, and hurried forward. She hung back a few feet from the young stallion.
"What happened?" she asked coolly. The stallion had a beautiful pale brown coat, electric-blue streaks raced through his mane and tail like lightning. Demon was curious, but she had to restrain herself. She didn't know this horse, it could be a trap.

11:42am Feb 5 2012
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Jazz heard the water gurgle in the stream. She approached it, watching it intently as a fish swam by. She smiled and walked up to the edge. She put her head down and started drinking. Suddenly she heard an angry thud. Then another and another. There was only one thing that could make that noise, and she knew it. She started running in the opposite direction, then stopped realizing that there was no threat. She could either take flight and get away, or she could beat them in a fight. She turned around and started walking back to the stream and the stranger.
As she approached the stream once again she looked at it, thinking. It had only been about a minute since she had last been here, and there were no fish or other signs of life. Knowing she would not disturb anyone in the water, she slowly crossed. The cool water felt good on her warm hooves and legs. Once she was across the stream she started walking in the deep mud. As one of her hooves sunk in, she tried to pull it out. She did not succeed. She tried again and again, each time with no use. She let out a neigh of frustration. Damn mud… She thought with another neigh.

12:32pm Feb 5 2012
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"Snake." he said, kicking his legs out to try and stand up again. His back leg felt weird. It felt numbish, but also was hurting, alot. "I was getting away from the wave." he flicked his ear towards the direction of the water. Once again, he struggled to get up on his feet, but he couldn't. "I guess it lashed out at me." How come I'm not dead? He thought. That snake must have done something to my head. I don't usually ever even speak, now I'm having a conversation with some other horse. ____________________________ Quincey walked through the forest, coming into a beautiful meadow with flowers. He stopped though. Something wasn't right. He remembered this field, there wasn't flowers there. There was just delicious grass. He loved it. He let out a snort, and cautiously walked forward. He readied his wings, just in case this was a trap. Some horse in the bushes is just waiting for my death. They'll remove the grass, and I'll fall into a black hole of nothingness. He now stood on the grass now, just waiting to spring up to the air and fly off. But nothing happened. He reared up and as his wings caught the air, he flew back, carrying him several feet backwards into a clump of flower bushes. He got up clumsily, trying again to get up in the air. He galloped forward, only to see the same result. Stupid wind! But he realized something. The wind doesn't blow in all directions, stupid. He thought to himself. He walked to the other side of the meadow, and galloped forward, he lifted off in the air, the wind pushing him forward, going to fast to control himself. Oh no!
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