1:10pm Feb 5 2012
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Demon cocked her head. "You have water control," she murmured, half to herself. She had never met another horse her age with the same skill as she. Absentmindedly, she ruffled her feathered wings and spread them, lifting them up so that the black, useless flight feathers caught the light. As she did so, the stream behind her erupted, sending water spraying over her in an arc, creating a rainbow in the mist. Demon came to her senses when she accidently splashed herself in the face. She paused, and the arc of water came down on top of her.
She was soaked.
Demon shook her neck and head, sending more water spiraling from her soggy mane.
"Sorry," she muttered as water droplets rained down on the young stallion. Demon paused yet again to admire the glowing blue streaks in his mane and tail. She wondered if they glowed at night.
"I can't cure poison, and I'm not sure of any Nature Control horses that can either. There are a lot of them to the western flank of the island, but around here, they're pretty rare." Demon eyed the stallion.
"If you can stand, I might have a place to take you where you can rest," Demon said the words heavily. She didn't really want to share the underwater reef with anyone. It was located at the bottom of a large saltwater lake, a few miles from here. There this stallion could rest, and maybe recover enough strength to get moving again.
"What's your name?" Demon added, curious.
Ceran stood at the edge of the meadow, watching the foals dance around each other. They're trampling the flowers, he thought, outraged. But Ceran wasn't looking to pester foals, he was looking for his friend. He hadn't actually seen him for over a week, but Ceran wasn't worried. He knew the other horse was out there somewhere. He might have traveled to the cliffs though, where field fires sometimes burned. Maybe even now he was practicing his skill. Ceran pushed the thoughts away, they would just make him jealous.
Ceran snorted, and turned away from the field. He wouldn't find the one he truly seeked here, the old horse was bound to be off on his own, not watching over playful foals.
1:48pm Feb 5 2012
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No answer. "Cavall, are you ignoring me?" Nothing. "I'd enjoy an answer." Zip, Zero, Zilch. "C'mon, stop it." Mist nudged Cavall on his neck, and he stumbled back a bit, sort of surprised, to say the least. "Daydreaming again? What was it this time?" The winged horse sighed and shook his head, meaning he didn't really want to talk about it. His daydreams were his daydreams, and his mind was his sanctuary - nobody needed to know what went on inside of it and he didn't need to tell them. "How did I ever let you talk me into coming into the Eastern part of the island?" Mist laughed softly. Cavall smiled. "Maybe it's just my wits," he joked. "Anyway... Aren't we going to do something? We've been walking a lot. Can't we go and have fun?" Cavall's hooves stomped anxiously on the ground. He had lots of pent-up energy over these past few days that really needed to be expelled. Mist only smiled. "You know, how about you go off by yourself for awhile? Maybe even a day or two - heck, even go for a month. I'll be fine, really. We'll meet up again eventually." Cavall's eyes got wide. "You'd really do that? I mean, you'd let me do that?" he asked. Mist nodded, and Cavall burst into a run. Feeling the breeze, he felt alive, going at top speed. He enjoyed running and was pretty good at it. Leaping into the air like a pro, his large wings flapped once and lifted him into the air. He went high above the canopy of the trees and looked down upon the island. It was full of life and looked so much smaller from up here. Cavall's feathers loved the air and his wings loved the exercise and the sky's wonderful caress. --- Mist, meanwhile, walked off by herself. Most Nature Control horses were on the Western part of the island, and now she was on the Eastern. It'd definitely take her a while to get back, but that was what happened when you listened to a horse with Flight. They could always go to and fro whenever they wanted, so what was the problem? She realized it was useless to think this way and something caught her attention. Mist's ears swiveled to the source of conversation. Trotting over, she saw two horses - one who was wet with water and had wings, and another who was on the ground with and injury to his fetlock. Peering through the bushes, Mist was ready to run away, but stood her ground for now. These horses seemed to intimidate her.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:21pm Feb 5 2012 (last edited on 2:22pm Feb 5 2012)
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Jazz heard the wind rustle the trees surrounding her. She smiled. She loved riding the wind on a bright day like this. Forgetting her curiosity for the other horse she had heard earlier, she spread her wings. With two quick beats, she was in the air and out of the trees. She looked down from above, seeing the beautiful tree covered land. She flew with the wind, letting it aid her. After about a mile she looked back down and saw a meadow filled with bright green grass and flowers. She had been here once before, when she was a very young child. Her 'adopted mother' loved it there. She frowned at the thought. This was a place her mother loved, and the place she died. Jazz took her eyes off of the meadow for a moment, only to see a brown and white horse losing control of its flight. She dove down, not thinking of why he was trying to fly in this wind. Only a very experienced horse, such as Jazz, could fly in a wind such as these.
11:12am Feb 6 2012 (last edited on 12:30pm Feb 6 2012)
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Tu-Laro and Magwy continued with their wordless trek through the trees and down the road. The light was beginning to angle less. Becoming straighter, more direct. Where there were gaps in the canopy Magwy's hide shone like water caught in the sun. When they passed under the boughs Tu-Laro's grey fur became dappled with gentle dabs of shade that slid across his back.The trees came to a stop to give way to emerald shrubs and clumps of foliage dry of their morning dew.
A scream. Tu-Laro and Magwy halted with ears as rigid as stone. Their eyes flickered. After a few seconds Tu-Laro relaxed his stiffened head and walked on. It took a few moments for Magwy to do the same.
"That was chilling," he said.
"Don't think about it," Tu-Laro said. "Probably some horse being careless. Stay close."
They continued but unease made their hooves.... hesitant. Then Magwy snorted and broke into a frightened trot and overtook his companion. Tu-Laro's mane bobbed and shook as he thudded into a canter, sliding through the tall grass of the meadow they'd pursued. It hadn't been discussed and it didn't need discussing; they were going to find whoever had made the noise.
Further along the grass shrank into the sand of a bank by a stream. Nearer to the grass they noticed a black winged horse looking down at a brown stallion lying in the dirt. Now, they walked. In his trepidation Magwy slowed to allow Tu-Laro to surpass him. The older horse walked with a new purpose in his step now, his head nodding up and down in the rhythm of his gait. Magwy paused every now and then, his ears flattening.
He took in the gloss on were the mare's wings. He took in the depth of her fur. Narrow threads of blue lay in the stallion's scattered tail, in his tousled mane. There was a tiny smearing of red on his fetlock. Bitten.
Fifty feet from the strangers, Tu-Laro tossed his head, pushing his ears forward. No harm intended.
"Stop struggling," he called gently to the fallen horse. "Stay still or you could do yourself some damage."
7:59pm Feb 11 2012
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Posts: 733
((Hey guys, I've been realy busy, but I should be able to post tomorrow. Sorry for making you all wait D:))
4:10pm Feb 13 2012
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Posts: 733
((Sorry this came a little later than expected, but here we go~))
Demon whipped her head around, looking around for the owner of the voice. It was rough, and soft, like an elder creature. She pricked her ears at the sight of the old, grizzled grey horse. At least he looked as if his coat had once been grey, now it had turned white with age. There was a fire in the horses eyes that warned that he had years yet to come, and wouldn't go down without a fight. Demon snorted nervously. The horse had pricked ears, showing that he wasn't a threat, but Demon was not a trusting character.
Demon shot a glance at the fallen horse, and found herself mesmerized by the blue streaks in his mane. But she shook herself to clear her head, and managed to throw her forelock in her face. She pawed the ground in annoyance, and shook it out of her face. She'd taken a few steps back without realizing it, and suddenly she had the urge to keep moving, to run. The brown young stallion behind the grizzled old horse suddenly caught her eye. She looked him up and down, disapproving. He looked strong, like he'd spent most of his years on the move. He glared back at her, watching her with a similar ex pression. Demon snorted again, not impressed.
She retreated a few steps, and hid under the sweeping branches of a large elm tree. She spread her wings and flapped them noiselessly, uncertain.
"Can you help him?" Demon whinnied to the other horses against her will. She felt a little protective of the other horse now. Leaving him on his own was one thing, but leaving him with other horses? That was different. Demon couldn't trust others as easily as she would have liked, she'd been born like that. But she wouldn't leave someone on their own if other horses were looking to harm them.
5:33pm Feb 13 2012 (last edited on 5:33pm Feb 13 2012)
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"I... I..." Mist stammered softly from her spot in the bushes. She was watching everything go on, the horse with the injury still laying there, however she wasn't sure why everyone was in such a fuss. Two horses, one of them seeming quite old and wise, had come by just a moment ago and the black one with wings had stepped back. Mist peered around, the large group of new horses truly frightening her. "What's.... wrong?" she softly spoke out again, poking her head out of the trees. She examined the fetlock on the horse with the blue-streaked mane, seeing two small puncture wounds. "Oh my, is that a... a s-snake bite? H-how l-long... was it, um.. How long has the poison b-been in the s-system?" Her shyness was still there, but she became a bit more.... urgent, perhaps was the word for it. A horse was hurt, and now all that was really important was nursing this horse back to health. If she could, anyway.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:34pm Feb 15 2012 (last edited on 1:36pm Feb 15 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Guiven, please don't powerplay my characters (such as Magwy glaring). If you're gonna describe my characters, please only mention their appearances, and not any gestures I have not specified they made. :3
Tu-Laro walked right up to the horse in the ground without a pause or a change in his speed. He leaned his head down closer. The skin over his muscles shifted and quivered around his shoulders. But he didn't look at Demon with much scrutiny - a quick glance was all he spared her.
"I could cleanse you if there is fruit nearby," he said back to the stallion. "My companion will find something I can make use of in a moment. But first, I must see..." His voice trailed off, mirroring his concentration that drifted to the topic of greater importance: the stallion.
He walked around the horse's body, still with his head lowered, to smell the tiny holes. There was hardly any blood. Just a faint smearing. After all, snakebites on the leg would be clean punctures, bleeding only a little if at all. To worry about significant blood vessels being contaminated would have been futile - they would be far too deep. And even then, the ankle was a very bony part of the body, where venoms would have a much harder time to spread upwards to the rest of the body - Tu-Laro was bewildered that the stallion was suffering at all.
"Your wound is not serious. You must have been standing still for the snake to have this much of an affect on you - very still. If you'd been running, well... that serpent has superb aim and timing!" He raised his head to look at Magwy. "Find me something ripe and tender. Not too small."
Magwy gave a nod, without saying anything, although his eyes lingered over the stallion's besieged body. Just as he turned away, he noticed a horse's head in the foliage. Magwy stood still, watching.
But then his ears swivelled back in distaste - his only measurable reaction - as her words scattered into alarmed stammers. To avoid getting any more annoyed at this edgy little mare, he snorted and cantered away, raising his legs high with his ginger tail flaring. Too many horses all too suddenly.
Tu-Laro watched him go, awkward. "Excuse him. He's not too keen on females for some reason." To Mist, in a gentle, approachable tone: "He seems to have just been bitten. Please try to give him space. Having strange faces bustle around him won't be of much help."
6:28pm Feb 15 2012
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"S-sorry... I-it's just that, maybe, I can cure him.... b-but I can-n leave too-oo..." Mist stuttered, much to her own embarrassment. She turned to leave, knowing she was unwanted. Cavall was the only one who actually seemed to enjoy her presence and she enjoyed his presence back. It just was that way, and apparently things would never change. This horse, Magwy, must have a handle on everything so Mist didn't need to worry.
However, she was slightly angered on the inside for Magwy's response to her. He seemed so... huffy and annoyed. Tu-Laro's explanation was fine, but she already knew that the horse had a snake bite. It all seemed to obvious for her and others explaining what was in plain sight was as if she was a stupid foal. Which... she wasn't. And yes, that horse with electric blue streaks was crowded, and Mist was trying very hard to stay well out of his way. Not just because she felt incredibly uncomfortable here with all these new and strange horses, but because of the same reason Tu-Laro had said. However, her anger was quickly washed away by a calm retreat back to the forest. A bit dissapointed, but pretty alright with her.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:18pm Feb 17 2012
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Posts: 733
((Sorry Wolfeira, I wasn't really trying to, I'll be more careful next time :/))
Demon flicked her tail and turned silently. The fallen horse was going to be fine, that's all she cared about. The other horses would look after him--at least she hoped they would. She was rather shocked at Magwy's response to the other mare. She'd never encountered a horse such as him, the little grey mare had just stood there and stumbled a little over her words, but that was to be expected. She was obviously nervous. Who wouldn't be, with all these horses around? Regardless of whether or not Magwy cared for females or not, he should at least show a little respect, in Demon's opinion.
With one last glance at the old horse tending to the young stallion, Demon whisked around the tree, weaving in and out of low-hanging branches, and slipped back into the shade of the forest. She figured that the saltwater reef could do with a nice cleaning, or at least Demon should check it over. She hadn't spared herself the time to visit her favorite place for at least the past month, maybe longer. Demon had stayed away in order to get out and move around, to explore the island. It seemed that that idea hadn't been the brightest one she had ever come up with though.