((Well, I haven't heard from iheart. Here are my bios, anyway.))
Name: Savannah Snow Shepherd
Age: Fourteen, almost fifteen.
Gender: Female
Grade: 9
[If female] I am requesting: ( I'm still struggling to choose which one that Savannah would like the most... Any suggestions, guys? -.-' )
[If male] Currently requested by: N/A
[If male] Rank: N/A
Personality: Savannah is mostly a shy girl, but she can be quite social if she finds you to be interesting. She normally stares off into space, and is quite gullible. However, if you set her off, Savannah can have quite the temper. She is known to throw whatever is near her at you- whether it be pillows, stuffed animals, teacups, or knives. If there is nothing near her to throw at you, she will simply tackle you, and hit you with her fists. Of course, that is if she has nothing else to throw at you. Once she get in that state, she can be a bit blinded by rage... Savannah absolutely loves animals, also.
Appearance: Standing barely at 5'2, Savannah is considered a pipsqueak to most people. However, she is very doll-like when it comes to her features. Savannah's hands and feet are delicate and small. Her skin is pale, but it isn't quite as colorless as porcelain. Her cheeks don't have any freckles on them, but they blush a bright pink when you embarass her, or when she is upset and has been crying. Savannah's white-blonde hair is wavy, and travels down to her mid-back. She usually wears it in a loose braid that falls onto her right shoulder, or she wears it in a side ponytail. Her blue-grey eyes are always vibrant, and seem to hold an unspoken curiosity. She normally wears dresses, but she doesn't limit herself to a specific style of dress.
History: Savannah was considered a miracle baby. Her mother was supposively infertile, but she greatly wanted a child. After years, Savannah's parents gave up. However, at age thirty-one, Savannah's mother went into labor. It was an unexpected pregnancy, but Savannah's mother was delighted when she got to see her baby girl. Due to the unexpected arrival of Savannah, their parents had to order the maids to select baby furniture immediately. Within a couple hours, a nursery was added to the house, and Savannah came home.
Savannah's parents spoiled her. Instead of playing with baby dolls, she preferred the company of a dog or cat much more. Today, Savannah has a stable full of horses, and a house filled with five dogs and three cats. She also has a few other more... exotic animals that roam the hallways of her parents' mansion.
Other: She likes to sing, and play the piano. Her family owns the Shepherd tea company. Their product are sold world-wide. She is Lucian's cousin.
Name: Lucian Hunter White
Age: Eighteen.
Gender: Male
Grade: 12
[If female] I am requesting: N/A
[If male] Currently requested by: Nobody Yet
[If male] Rank: Just a regular Host Club member.
Personality: Lucian is a ladies' man, and he knows it. He knows how to impress the ladies, and enjoys doing it. Normally, you would find him in a library with his eyes glued to some random book. He tends to stay quiet, but if he sees an opportunity, he will seize the moment. However, Lucian can come off as a bit cocky at times. Along with all of this, Lucian also has a dark side. {Fail deion. Sorry, guys, but he's new to me, so...}
Appearance: Lucian stands at 5'11". He has jet black hair that stops just above his shoulders, which is usually pulled back in a short ponytail. However, this doesn't make him look girly at all. He has dark grown eyes, that seem to captivate you and pull you in. His skin is tan, and he has long, lean muscles all over his body, along with a well-built torso that he isn't the least bit shy to show off. He usually wears long, dark jeans along with loose t-shirts. He is supposed to wear glasses, but he doesn't, due to the ladies' requests for him to take them off.
History: Lucian's family is rich, like most of the families of the host club members. However, his family is rich for a different reason. His family is known for breeding horses, which are known for winning competitions that range from show jumping to races. Between selling horses, and entering them into competitions, their family got a lot of money. Therefore, they built a mansion, and were considered 'rich' from that day on.
Other: He plays the acoustic guitar. Also, he is Savannah's cousin.