2:16am Aug 19 2011
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((why feel bad for him??))
2:59am Aug 19 2011
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((He's only second best... Ah well, it's ok.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:24am Aug 19 2011
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((awww... It's okay.. Kentaro is a loner XD no girl requested him..))
10:39am Aug 19 2011
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ooc:// Why Roy?
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11:58am Aug 19 2011
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((I'll air up with him then. And because he is so different from my Garrett character I usually use. I just feel like it suits him better.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:25pm Aug 19 2011 (last edited on 12:40pm Aug 19 2011)
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ooc:// Who does that leave for Wolfie? o.o Who, by the way, didn't ask me before she posted her bios... Edit: Also, note how I randomly assigned ranks. :3 My idea behind this is that the only reason these rich, snooty parents are letting their sons participate in the club is because they're learning how to lead and organize a business, so they have to show some kind of order and, God willing, profit. Because important business-type people are all about the bottom line.
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9:12pm Aug 20 2011
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ooc:// Well, who wants to start?
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9:18pm Aug 20 2011 (last edited on 9:20pm Aug 20 2011)
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((omg! roy Hughes! XD FMAB
Edit: guess I can start?))
9:22pm Aug 20 2011
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((O.o Nobody is left for my charries to choose...))
Love is all we need~
9:24pm Aug 20 2011
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ooc:// Well... Sorry? And YAAAAAAAAY RURU! You're, like, my hero. o.o
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9:32pm Aug 20 2011
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((wait.. What happened to Kentaro? Who's he with then?))
Kentaro looked around the empty music room they used for their club. His forest green eyes closed for a moment then reopened. He pushed his glasses back up and searched for the Presidend. Young ladies were slowlu filing in and finding pkaces to sit onthe plush couches and seats. Even some sat on small chairs around a few tables placed in the music room. He looked down at his phone and put it back in his pocket. The main club members should be there by now. He sighed and hekd his hand to his forhead.
((i'm going to wait to have Rukiea come in..))
9:38pm Aug 20 2011
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ooc:// Fyre claimed him for her character Maddison.
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9:45pm Aug 20 2011
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Benny entered the club with all his usual show, throwing the doors open. He stood in the center of the doorway, waving and bowing as if to an adoring audience, blowing kisses left and right. "Please, please, no applause necessary. Ladies, ladies, allow me to reach my seat, at the very least. I know I'm gorgeous, but really. Some decorum, as ladies of your class and beauty should have." Many giggled and applauded just to make him laugh, swooning at the occasional flash of his emerald eyes, blushing under his charismatic gaze. He played them like marionettes, a suitable metaphor for the powerful, entitled young Italian. He went to Kentaro, greeting the young women he knew by name as he went, picking two or three out of the many for more personal exchanges, but eventually reaching his goal. "Ah, Kentaro. Early as usual. Or am I simply late?" Flashing his impish grin Benjamani winked to the ladies that appeared to have gathered around them. From the doorway, having entered seconds after the pompous president, Lizzy Shirland shook her head, chuckling. "You and yer fat ego. Can't believe it fits in the room with ye." His grin widened, and she ignored it completely. She was holding out, and he knew it. He wasn't hers to charm, anyway.
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9:50pm Aug 20 2011
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((Okay. I guess that I'll just have my character sit with Benjamani? After all, there's no rule that only one girl can be with a host club member at a time. I guess that Lucian will just be sitting in a corner reading or something.))
Love is all we need~
10:03pm Aug 20 2011
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((lol. I love Benny already XD))
Kentaro sighed. "You're late Benny... You're the most requested so far and it's getting difficult to keep up with all the requests.. And your shows as you come in.." He removed his glasses and his eyes narrowed to make up for his sight. "Well, you should get on with what you usually do. The other members haven't come yet but I hope soon. I can check off a few things." He gave benny a small smile. The italian was so different from his Korean and Japanese descent. "Well, get along with it... You're leavin your 'adoring' fans to wait Presidenr."
10:07pm Aug 20 2011
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Altair slid his hands into his pockets, his ponytail swaying behind him as he slipped in, his heterochromatic eyes closed. He wasn't one to flaunt himself, and was sually pretty quiet. He was more of an artist than a conversationalist. Speaking of which, he had his sketchbook tucked under his arms, a light sigh escaping his lips. When he finally opened his eyes to glance at the girls in the room, many of them seemed to swoon under his intent, searching gaze. A slight smile worked its way onto his face, the corners of his lips turning up ever-so-slightly. A low chuckle echoed form his throat as he lifted his head and held it high, flashing the girls his slight, yet enticing smile before he moved over to the other two members of the club that were currently there. Then he sat down and flipped his sketchbook open, brushing his bangs out of his face as he began to sketch, glancing up every now and then. Hmm... ((Oh look something kind of decent,))
10:39pm Aug 20 2011
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Roy burst into the room, his charasmatic grin firmly in place. "Hello, ladies! How are you doing this fine afternoon?" Seeing the other members of the club, he lifted his hand in greeting, before giving hugs to the small line of girls waiting. He laughed with them all, complimenting this one on her hair, that on her footwear. Giving only a couple his trademark "deep peircing stare," he made his way over to the other young men. "Afternoon, gents. How goes it so far?" ((I think Roy and Benny have slightly similar personalities, only Roy is less self aware. Both are kinda out there though.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:59pm Aug 20 2011
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Kentaro smiled. "Nice Drawing. At last! All you are here!" He sighed from the releif. "Now, you should all get to wuere you're requested.. I mean... It's not like we can keep everyone waiting right?" He moved his hand to the audience of young ladies that were all arouns the room and tables and sofas. "Now, don't you want to keeo these young ladies occupied?"
12:22am Aug 21 2011
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Benny nodded, laughing at his stern vice president. The boy needed to loosen up a bit. Still he rose, looking around for a moment before locating the table that had been marked as his favorite spot since the beginning of the school year. Once there he smiled at the ladies that had shown themselves, softening up from his usual boisterous exterior. "I trust you all slept well last night. Not that any of you need something so frivolous as beauty sleep. I fear that if any of you grew lovelier, I would have to shield my eyes from the light."
The girls giggled, falling over themselves to preen and titter before the princely figure that was Benjamani Dante Borghese. He continued with a softer line of compliments, choosing subtlety over obvious flattery. All the while he began to brew his favorite tea blend, a soothing chamomile green tea with a touch of catmint and bergamot. Continuing a smooth line of conversation he poured the tea, using the fine Italian porcelain his parents had sent as a gift.
But he poured one too many. No... She would be here soon enough.
Liz made no detours, going directly to Altair with the spritely buzzing that accompanied a woman of her petite stature. She sat across from him, smiling with an innocence that few but herself could pull off sincerely. "Would I be a terrible snoop if I asled to see your drawing?" The Irish brogue gave her voice a sweetness, copper curls bouncing and flouncing with little regard for the pirate girl's attempt at making them into something ordered and tameable. Well, so much for that.
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12:38am Aug 21 2011
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Roy made his way over to his favorite couch, laughing quietly to himself at the way their "king" handled the vice president. The smile on his face was set to charm as he greeted the two ladies sitting on either end of his couch by flopping down and flinging his arms around their shoulders. He laughed as they sighed and snuggled slightly closer to him than they needed to. He enjoyed the attention, but wondered if there would ever be a girl he could trust enough to let his guard down. He thought fleetingly of her, his newest prospect, and wondered what she would be like. He chatted with the ladies rather loudly, flirting without even realizing it. Maddison surveyed the room as she stepped in, late. Cooking class had run late, but she was glad to have been able to escape. She soon spotted Kentaro and made her way over to him, giving him a low, "Hello," as she took a seat. From the depths of her bag, she drew out a tupperware container filled with freshly baked oatmeal, sugar, and chocolate chip cookies, the reason that the class had run so late. "I brought you something!" she told Kentaro brightly, noticing his sober state. "Well, really, they're for all of you guys. You look like you need them."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!