Name: Aer
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Thought they do change color due to her ability, Aer’s eyes like to settle on a strange mixture of green and yellow. Her irises are spring green with little black darts in them, and a pale golden ring on the outside edge. Her pupils remain pitch black, though when she uses her powers they slowly lighten into a more stormy dark gray.
Hair Color: Shoulder length pale honey-gold hair falls in slightly waved locks down her back. Aer rarely ties it back and prefers to let it free, so it isn’t restrained whenever the wind acts up. In Aer’s opinion, the feeling of wind through her hair is the best.

Persona: Well, she’s shy, I suppose, but it’s not like she actually shows it. Aer’s never loud, never brazen; she keeps her cool most of the time and rarely speaks in full sentences.
History: She’s actually the daughter of a very successful business man, but she doesn’t act like it and she never tells anyone this. Before the camp Aer was living at home, in their partial-mansion, being spoiled rotten. Luckily, this didn’t seem to make her into a brat.
Element: Weather, skip the fire. Someone else can have it.
Likes/Dislikes: The weather, obviously, and astronomy, must be her two top choices. Third comes drawing, though she never has the time for it. She dislikes extreme exercise, yet despises
Pet: Nothing…not really
Other: (Did I miss anything)