How Could{Exotic Pet RP} You Do This To Me?

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4:57pm May 5 2010 (last edited on 4:58pm May 5 2010)

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Posts: 17,364

(( ima make a new charry ^^))



personality- ask and die....

history-ask and die.....


looks- 5 times bigger than an ordinary tiger, is black with purple stripes. had strange horns/blades that come from both his sides, down his back, and on all heels. also has one on end of tail, and on forehead, that he can hide them, or show them.has violet eyes, and dragonic wings.


4:59pm May 5 2010

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A loud screech caught Judith unaware. Her extremely sensitive ears stuck to the back of her head as she fought against the urge to snarl. She sat, frozen, waiting for the noise to secede. Her fur raised and she glared at where she thought the noise was coming from.


5:02pm May 5 2010

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Zallion layed in his cave, with his blades hidden. He twiched his ear, more....?he thought as he got up. he streched his legs and trotted out of his cave. Then he spotted Judith. He snarled and his blades started to show. my teritory.....he hissed to himself as he began to stalk her.


5:10pm May 5 2010

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Judith turned. The screech still rung in her ears. Standing in front of her was a huge, tiger-dragon-hybrid(lol). Her hackles raised and she snarled, forgetting the other group of hybrids in a heartbeat.
Claws retracted as she bounded behind the hybrid, her rabbit DNA allowing her to do so. She waited for it to make its move, sizing up its strength. Her tail lashed as claws dug into the earth. Her heart was pounding at the thrill of battle, something she missed, actually.


5:13pm May 5 2010

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Zallion smiled evilishly, and jumped into the air. He circled Judith like a buzard. Finnaly he bolted torward her. He tackled the Hybrid and looked into her eyes. " this is my land, my land." he repeted. He got off of her and sat down." if that was real, you would be dead. you need to be more prepared." he snickered, his real intentions were to just give the young hybrid a lesson. " so who are you?" he asked.


5:26pm May 5 2010

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"If this was your land, you’d kick all those other hybrids off, I’m sure.” Judith spat, pointing her muzzle towards the other group of hybrids. “And I’m sure I would still be very much alive.” she said, refusing to introduce herself.


5:31pm May 5 2010

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" what....?" he snapped. He turned to the other hybrids. He growled, then sighed. He turned back ti Judith. " you very much would be if i lunged for your neck." he teased. " but.....i say enought killing."he added. " now......well...Im Zallion." he said. " and i think i should go talk to those....." he paused and walked over to the ohers, forgeting to retract his blades.


5:34pm May 5 2010

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ooc; I'm gonna wait for the others. And I think Iheart might still be lost. :o


5:37pm May 5 2010

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Zillah snickered at Nathair, she knew he was just trying to bother others or let them know they were there.  He dagger like teeth were revealed as she growled at Nathair to stop the racket.

Nathair stopped immediatly.  He snarled at her and pulled out his claws.

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5:42pm May 5 2010 (last edited on 5:44pm May 5 2010)

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((im a make a new one too :D))

Name: Zhane

Gender: Male

age: high teen- young adult

species: dragon-lion

personality: mean, rp it out mostly xD


Lion_Dragon.jpg Hybrid image by UchihaTiegra200

crush: none (yet)


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5:46pm May 5 2010

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((bumpers for zillah/nathair))

Zhane stalked his territory snarling aggresively at anything he didnt like.  Soon he wandered back to his rocky outcrop home, dozing away the bright day...


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5:46pm May 5 2010

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(( awesome sauce :D ))


5:48pm May 5 2010

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(( can Zallion and zhane be like brothers?))


5:50pm May 5 2010

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((zozo, yeah that would be coolio! lol...))

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5:53pm May 5 2010

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(( yuss xD....wait....r they like.....friend brithers or......dun dun du dun.....))


6:01pm May 5 2010

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((um its up to u, which ever xD and nice with the "dun dun du dun.." lol))

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6:01pm May 5 2010

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(( lolz xD they shall be BEST BUDS FOR EVAH. lolz xD ))


6:06pm May 5 2010

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((hahaha ok xD))

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3:20pm May 6 2010

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( bump u post xD ))


7:10pm May 6 2010

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(( iposted already before the convo xD))

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be back tonight

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