9:44pm Mar 6 2011 (last edited on 9:46pm Mar 6 2011)
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Posts: 375
Alexia walked into the building that had 'Girl's Only' printed onto the door, presuming that was the one she was going to stay in for awile. Right when she stepped into the front foyer, her eyes wondered to every wall and corner, seeing pictures and sculptures of breathtaking dragons. "Wow." she wispered under her breath. "Wow indeed, what might your name be?" Alexia quickly turned around to see one of the only adults on the premises. "Oh, uhh, I'm Alexia, Alexia Rose." Alexia smiled, followed my a small curtsy. "Oh yes." She checked a name off of a clipboard and looked back at the confused girl in front of her. "I'm Jennifer, but everyone calls me Jenna, I'm one of the leaders here, the other is Jake, you should see him soon. Anyways, if you head on upstairs, your bound to find a room with available beds. Meet in the center of the field outside when the bell sounds, okay?" Alexia tried to collect all the information at once, but found it difficult. Instead of speaking, she nodded in responce, letting Jenna smile and leave a moment later. Where am I going to sleep? Alexia thought as she walked up the stairs. I mean, I don't know anyone here. She timidly looked into a room that suprisingly didn't have any beds taken. She slowly walked over to one of the beds and threw her heavy bag on it. She sighed once again today and started to walk back outside, seeing as there was nothing to do inside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam saw Jake in the distance, one of the few leaders at the camp. He remembered seeing in the manual about them both. The girl was Jenna right? Liam shrugged it off and proceeded to walk to the lodge not far ahead. He noticed the sighn 'Welcome to Dragon Camp' he scratched his head. Why don't they name it something other then dragon camp? He chuckled at his own thought, that's when he noticed someone leaning against the sighn in a demure way, it appeared to Liam that she was hugging herslef. Liam walked over and smiled, hoping to make friends quickly so that he wasn't a loner.....and he wanted to see if she was alright of course. He sat down in a crouch like position so that he was at eye level, trying his best to seem as nice as he possibly could. "Hey what are you doing down here? This isn't a place to mope around, you should be chillaxing. Here, my name's Liam." Liam put his hand out, hoping she would accept the handshake. ((Don't be used to my long posts, there actually short most of the time. Also, you don't have to introduce yourselfs to the leaders, its not mandatory))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:31am Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 204
''Honey, do you have your phone with you?'' said the short, chubby lady as she hugged her eldest son for the umpteenth time. '' Yes, Ma...'' said the tall boy awkwardly, kissing his mother lightly on the cheek. He got out his cellphone, waving it out at her. '' Are you sure?'' said his mother. ''MOM,'' groaned Darren,'' Now your acting silly,'' ''Don't use that tone with me, young man. I'm not one of your friends, or pals, or whatever your generation calls 'em nowadays,'' she chided, ruffling his hair. '' 'Pals' is a very mundane term,'' he smiled, planting a kiss on his mother's cheek. He slung his vermilion bag over his shoulder, hugged her for the last time, and said,'' Bye, Ma.'' '' Have fun, honey!'' He turned around, and started walking in the direction of the sign that said 'Welcome to Dragon Camp'. He grinned as he saw a tall, if not of an average height, girl standing idly by the sign, her long hair rippling about her due to the gale. She was evidently bored, he stated to his mental-self, taking in her soft features and pretty normal clothes. Although he knew she wasn't one of the stupid yet hot bimbos that threw themselves at him, he was willing to take a shot. With his most charming smile on and confidence in his gait, he sauntered over to her, and leaned against a tree. She turned to look at him, her ex pression unreadable. '' Hey, hot stuff.''

6:46am Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Buh. Arana's gonna start off at the camp, since I'm lazy xD]] Arana had spent most of the morning lazing around in her bed, bored out of her mind. "When will the others get here?" She grumbled to herself. Once she heard the familiar screech of tires and slamming of car doors, Arana poked her head out of the window. "Yay, new people!" She crowed joyfully, clapping her hands. She took a look in her mirror to see if she looked like she had just dragged herself out of her bed. Once Arana had given herself approval to go outside, she bounced out the doors in a cheerful manner. Arana grinned when she saw some people. "Now the fun begins." She thought, wandering through the fields of the camp. She had, unfortunately, accidentally eavesdropped on a strange conversation. 'Hot stuff?' Arana thought, snickering to herself as she slowed her pace, eager to hear the rest. 'I wonder who else uses that phrase now. Grandpas? --- Marco slammed the doors of the car shut. "Thanks for the ride, mom and dad." He mumbled, not seeming very happy. His parents, on the other hand, seemed to be absolutely delighted. "No problem, m'boy!" A tall and rather intimidating man with Marco's blonde hair boomed. "Don't forget dear, we'll pick you up as soon as you're done!" His mother crooned. Marco's father nodded. "Mhm. Have fun, now, boy!" And with that, they sped off in their car, leaving Marco with his bag. He sighed again, this time louder and more whiny. Marco stalked by the 'Welcome' sign and into the 'Boys only' building. [[Derp. Do our characters each have individual rooms?]]

7:58am Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 375
(( Nahh, each room has about 5 people in it cause there are 100 people there (102 including leaders) so they share, poor them ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
11:45am Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Nikki frowned as the boy she had noticed earlier approached, crouching somewhat so he was at eye-level. At he voiced his concern Nikki allowed a small smile to flicker across her face. "It's just depressing to see people with their parents," she said in way of explanation, though it wasn't much of one. As far as she was concerned her home life had nothing to do with her camp life and she preferred to keep them separate. "But thanks for asking." Taking his hand she widened her grin a bit more to allay his curiosity. No need to make Mr. Nosy even worse. "The name's Nikki. Nikki Gervais." Turning her head slightly she lifted an eyebrow and smirked. "Hot stuff?" she asked incredulously, moving her arms so they were crossed. "You must live in a different world if you think that would attract any sane girl," she remarked tartly, pursing her lips. "Don't try that on me again. I don't care how hot you are, I'll break your pretty little nose before you can even finish your sentence."
6:48pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 681
"Please, mom don't make me stay here." Dinka pleaded, sighing heavily. He did NOT want to be at this camp, or anywhere near dragons. The truth was, he was in love with dragons at a young age, and then his father died when one went on the rampage. Then, it left him an eternal scare- his left eye was gauged out, and now he has a huge fear of dragons. His mother had been the one to make him come here even though her husband's death made her weary of dragons as well- his deathwish had been to send him to the academy. It also didn't help that he was homosexual, even though he managed to hide it from her, since his mother was severly against gays. "I'm sorry sweetie," she said, "You know your father wanted you to come here." Dinka looked down, water already developing in his eye. He saw his mother's feet retreat, and then heard her car drive away. He sniffled and looked back up, but she was gone. He turned to where the other people were conversing, and hesistated. "What if they think i'm wierd because I have an eyepatch?" he thought.

8:06pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 375
Alexia looked around the large open area of land, a bit more people were inside, probably getting ready for their "dragon picking". Rubbing her arms, Alexia noticed a few people standing at the main sighn. She cocked her head to the side in confusion of why they were there. She let it go and noticed a new person in the front of the complex. He seemed almost mysterious with the eyepatch placed securely over his left eye, but she then wondered where he got it from, mabye it was close to the same story of what happened to her arm. Alexia looked around again, seeing everyone talking and having a good time, it sort of made her sad, friends were hard to make for her, mabye that's why she always wanted a dragon, so that they would almost fill in the gap that no one else ever did. Taking all of her negative thoughts out of her head for a minute, Alexia sat down against the lodge, trying her best to be patient and wait for the bell to go off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam smiled as well, returning the gesture, but stopped when he heard a guy who instintly tried to hit on her, making him role his eyes unintentionally. Why didn't I think of that? The nice guy approach never works. He finally stood up normally, making sure to stretch a second later. "Uhh, I'll leave you alone now, good luck with that guy." Liam gave Nikki a single wave, making sure to smile as well, then proceeded to go to the lodge so that he could finally put his heavy bag away.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:12pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc: I'll wait to post, but poor Nikki. lD The girl ain't interested in dating.
8:15pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka noticed the girl looking at him and blushed. Oh great, someone already noticed the wierd kid standing by himself... He tried not to draw attention to himself, he avoided eye contact. Suddenly, the weight of his black and yellow bag seemed much heavier. Taking a deep breath, Dinka walked towards the lodge and looked around. It was pretty big, but Dinka knew that he'd be sharing his place with about five others. He bit his lower lip and tried to think of where he wanted to sit. But what if someone wants that bed and wants to fight me for it? He always thought the worse, as the worst usually happened. He stood in the doorway for an uncomfortable long while, yet he still could not pick a bed. Maybe I should wait till they are all taken..?
8:46pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 375
(Alexia is still sitting, so I'll ignore her for now.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam walked toward one of the random rooms, it was as though his bag wieghed him down so much, he was walking in slow motion. By the time he got to the room, he was exhausted. "I need to work out more." he said out loud, not knowing anyone was nearby. He finally entered the room, slumping onto a random bed, putting his bag on the floor and resting his arms behind his head. He let out a long sigh, finally getting comfortable from that long drive. He noticed in the corner of his eye another kid, about his age, except he seemed a bit catious. Liam noticed the eyepatch right away, wondering where he got it from, but made sure not to stare. Liam sat up, crossing his legs and aimlessly scrutinizing the newcomer. "Hey, the names Liam, I geuss I'll be one of your roomies huh?" He smirked, but decided to stay on his bed, the last introduction didn't work out very well.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:57pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka blushed as Liam made his way to a bed and sat down. He didn't think the lean boy needed to work out, but maybe he was wrong. Dinka bowed his head slightly as Liam acknowledged him. I can't believe someone is talking to me... I thought I'd be the last person to even get an acquaitence... He still couldn't pick a bed. His mind wouldn't let him. "I-I'm Dinka... I sort of really don't want to be here." He said simply. He couldn't bear the weight of his bag anymore, so he plopped it near his feet. He finally took a good look at the boy. He was a handsome lad- seemingly taller than him (by a lot). Dinka found himself staring, so he quickly blushed and looked away. "My mom forced me to come here because of my dad and all. He felt like he was saying to much, so he stopped. He felt wierd, never really having any friends, he didn't know how to even speak to a person correctly.
9:12pm Mar 7 2011 (last edited on 10:27pm Mar 7 2011)
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Posts: 375
Alexia slumped down more as she was starting to become uncomfortable, some people starred as she sat by herself which only made her feel worse. She looked down at the ground, wishing that she didn't come after all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam smirked again, noticing Dinka's ackwardness he stood up and walked over to him. "Here, let me get that for you." Liam picked up Dinka's bag, hoping he didn't mind, and put it onto the bed next to his. "Wow, that was just as heavy as mine." He rolled his shoulder's and looked back toward Dinka. "Hope you don't mind, I really should have asked." Liam almost wispered the last part, scratching the back of his head in a nervous way.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
10:28pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 375
(( Great, now I gotta Bump it :D ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
10:30am Mar 8 2011
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Posts: 9,641
[Woo~ :D]
4:23pm Mar 8 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka almost melted as Liam took the bag from him. He held his hands together nervously and looked at him as he plopped the bag on the bed next to is. He held his hand out as if to grab the bag from him. "A-are you sure it's alright for me to s-sleep there- uh... n-next to you, I mean?" He stuttered, feeling a bit awkward and dumb. What if he thinks I'm flirting with him or something?! He asked himself. He quickly tried to cover up his last sentence. "I-I mean maybe someone else wants that bed?" He asked, slumping over to the bed with his bag on it. He blushed as Liam apologized. "A-Ah... sorry, I mean... it's okay, even though you didn't do anything wrong. Dinka wanted to shrink away quickly, to save himself from embarr*censored*ment.
7:27pm Mar 8 2011 (last edited on 7:28pm Mar 8 2011)
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Posts: 375
((Oh Alexia, how boring you are right now.)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam chuckled out loud at how Dinka was acting, noticing how he must have felt, Liam tried his best to reasure him. "Don't worry, if anyone complains I'll just tell them they should have came sooner. besides. you can be my new buddy, we gotta stick together right?" Liam walked over and put his arm around Dinka's shoulder in a friendy like way. "Listen, I have to go see if I can find the washroom, and the bell should go off soon, tell you what, I'll meet you when we pick out our dragon eggs, deal?" Liam finally took his arm off, and waited for a responce from Dinka. ((Have no fear Det, we are doing the egg picking thing soon. Then eventually they will hatch, YAY ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
7:43pm Mar 8 2011
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Posts: 9,641
[I need Vamp :u]
6:12am Mar 9 2011
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Posts: 204
(Well, guys. I won't be coming on until the 1st of the next month, so if I don't post, I'm really sorry. Lagging behind in studies and stuff...exams coming up...you know the drill. I'll post once I get it out of the way though. ^^ )
7:44am Mar 9 2011
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Posts: 375
((Aww, alright Zae, good luck with everything. Cyaa <3 for now))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:10pm Mar 9 2011
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Posts: 9,641
[Wait. I don't need Vamp. xD It's Zae. Oh well, I'll transport Nikki in a bit seeing as Zae can't post. :x]