5:55pm Mar 9 2011
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[ How rude lol. Jk, jk x3 ] Dinka still didn't feel sure that someone would just hand him the bed, but he felt re*censored*ured by Liam's words. He suddenly broke into a smile as Liam said that they could be buds. A friend? He thought. I can't believe it.. maybe dragon camp wasn't such a bad idea. Dinka turned to Liam, feeling renewed and like a weight was lifted of his shoulders. "Yeah- friends. Heh.. I guess I never thought I'd have one of those. It feels... nice." He replied, sweeping some hair strands off of his eyepatch. Dinka felt sheepish as Liam rested his hand on his shoulder. He blushed and looked down. "Yeah. After the d-dragon picking. I'd like that."
7:10pm Mar 9 2011 (last edited on 10:12pm Mar 9 2011)
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Posts: 375
Liam nodded followed by a smile. "Alright, I'll cya then." He patted Dinka on the back before leaving the room, and trying to find the washroom. I wonder what happened to his eye....Liam thought it was a probably a touchy subject, so he let it go for the moment. Right now, he really needed to look for a washroom and after looking around vigorously for awhile, he finally spotting it. While washing his hands, Liam nearly jumped as the 'bell' went off, even though it sounded more like a horrible siren. He dried his hands and headed outside to meet up in the middle of the field. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alexia nearly had a heart attack when the bell went off, although it made her feel better, the moment was getting way to ackward for her. Are we getting our dragons already? Again Alexia was becoming nervous, trying to ignore it the best she could, she got up and made her way to the center of the field where most people were already waiting. (( :P I wanna make Liam Bi now cause I LOVE Dinka....hmmm mabye later on))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:07am Mar 10 2011
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Posts: 681
[ :DD I'd be totally happy if he was ^^ I was going for one-sidedness, but Dinka needs some more wuv T_T ] Dinka smiled as Liam left the room. He felt really good after his talk with Liam, reas.sured and feeling welcome, but as the bell nearly gave him a heart attack, he clutched his bag and breathed deeply. "Oh no... Now it's dragon picking time.. what if there are mother dragons around, what if they attack, what if someone gets hurt? Liam..." He lifted his hand to his eyepatch, feeling terrible once more. It'll be okay. He rea.ssured himself. After dragon picking, we'll hang out together, and it'll all be fine. He wondered if he should take his bag with him, but he decided to leave it. He grabbed his sleeves nervously as he looked to where the other students where, hoping that they'd lead him the where the dragon-picking started. Seeing as most of them were in the middle of the field, he followed them there.
5:41pm Mar 10 2011 (last edited on 6:02pm Mar 10 2011)
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Posts: 375
Alexia scanned the area, almost all the people were waiting for the leaders to speak, and she was getting anxious due to the people squishing her, the poximity bothering her " Excuse me, uhh, excuse me." Alexia looked up and saw a tall male with grayish brown hair, his coller bone was accentuated by a metal necklace with a dragon charm on the end of it. He was trying to push his way through the crowd as everyone was jammed together. He noticed Alexia's quick stare, but it only made him smirk. "What, is something wrong with my face?" Alexia shook her head frantically. "No, I-I just...." she looked down, blushing instintly. The boy chuckled and ducked down so that he was looking into her eyes. "Don't worry about it, I'm Liam Mercer. You?" Alexia looked up, her face still a bit warm. "Uhh, I'm Alexia Rose." She smiled as well, but was still a little shy, socialing with others wasn't her strong suit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam nodded, eventaully looking back at the large crowd of people who were slowly starting to form. "Are you as excited as me?" Liam noticed how shy she seemed, it made him smile when it reminded him of Dinka. "Yeah, can't wait." She answered timidly. Once again, Liam nodded, followed by a crack of his knuckles as he was getting pumped up. "I hope I get a good one." Liam said to himself. (( Don't worry, if you planned that he wouldn't be in a relationship, then I wouldn't mind :p. Also, pretty much everyone is gone :( this is nearly a 1x1 for now, hope you don't mind that either.))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:54pm Mar 10 2011
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Posts: 9,641
[If you don't mind I'll keep Nikki dormant until Rae comes back. I'm a bit swamped with rps at the moment too. lD]
6:00pm Mar 10 2011 (last edited on 6:01pm Mar 10 2011)
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Posts: 375
((Alright thats fine. Hope ta hear from you soonish then :) ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
3:41pm Mar 11 2011
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 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
4:29pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 681
[ Ah- I don't mind the 1x1 for now. I hope everyone gets back soon ^-^ maybe we should send them an rmail? And I wanted Dinka to have someone but seeing as everyone's characters where straight, I was sort of like 'Eh, guess he's alone.' so Liam is welcome in my book ;D ] Dinka looked around. There was a swarm of people, and he found it hard to get through with all the taller kids around him. He bit the bottom of his lip. He didn't want to draw attention to himself. He thought that people would look at him wierd if they saw his eyepatch, so he covered it with his hair. He was extremely worried with the dragon picking. So many things could go wrong. He tried to keep his mind free of worry. Looking around, he saw the familiar white hair that belonged to Liam. Smiling, Dinka squeezed through som people to greet him. He stopped in his tracks as his eyes lay on the girl he was conversing with. His smile faded and he started to back away.
4:50pm Mar 11 2011 (last edited on 4:52pm Mar 11 2011)
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Posts: 375
(( Okay, I'll message Tld and see. And jtlyn, I put the number down from 100 camp members to 50, too many dragon to people ratio :S )) Aleixa went back to looking in front of herslef when she heard one of the leaders clearing there throat over a loud microphone. "Uhh, can you hear me......okay then. Welcome everyone to Dragon Camp. You were all specially selected to attend, so please be on your best behaviour. I'm Jennifer, call me Jenna, and this is Jack." She pointed to the male next to her, in which his saluted with a single finger. "We're going to the cave now, please try not to make too much noise, and I'll tell you what to do once we're up there. Alright, follow us." When they started walking, Aleixa tagged along, making sure not to fall too far behind. She glanced over at Liam who was looking back into the crowd. "Are you looking for someone?" Alexia said, finally bringing up the courage to speak. Liam looked at her for a quick second, then gave up. "Uhh, kinda. Come on, let's go, it's going to be a long walk." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam wanted to look back again, but decided against it, it would be nearly impossible to find one person in a crowd of nearly 50 people. He sighed as he walked, trying his best to ignore all the people around him, including Aleixia. He liked her, but she seemed to boring for him. "I hope we get there soon." Liam looked next to him, Alexia still walking while pulling her sweater in a worried-like fashion. "Don't worry, we should be there any minute."
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:06pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 681
[ Alrighty ^.^ ] Dinka looked up at the women speaking. His heart lurched as she mentioned 'cave'. Oh no.. are we steaing the eggs from the parents?? I can't do it.. what if they get mad? Or wake up? or.. Dinka shook his head furiously, trying to get the thought of a balistic dragon out of his head. it's alright... the cave is fake.. that's it.. the eggs were placed there.. Dinka held his arms together uncomfortably as the people walked together in a crazy mob. He looked for the familiar cap that Liam bore, but couldn't find it. Damnit... why am I so short? He asked himself.
5:24pm Mar 11 2011 (last edited on 10:20am Mar 13 2011)
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Posts: 375
Alexia stopped when everyone else did, her eyes widening at the HUGE cave in front of her. "Alright, everyone is here, so lets go over the rules. Number one, groups of 10 only, no more. Number two, no yelling or loud noises, you wouldn't want to scare.....anything. And last, meet out here at the most FIVE minutes, no more. Before you choose your groups, let me tell you that most of these dragon eggs are abandoned by their parents, and usually grow up alone. Also, don't worry, when you pick your egg, it'll hatch, then it can wonder anywhere it wants." Aleixa seemed a bit confused as the leader kept going on. "Well, I'll tell you that when they hatch tomorrow. Pick your groups now, you have two minutes. Then I'll tell you what to do." Alexia looked around frantically, hoping someone would pick her so that she wasn't alone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam noticed Alexia's puzzled look, so he grabbed her shoulder lightly. "Hey, come with me, your in my group, is that okay?" Aleixa nodded without saying another word. Liam smiled and looked back. "Come on, we have to find Dinka." As he walked, Alexia asked, "Is that your friend?" Liam chuckled, "You can say that....yeah he is." After rummaging through the crowd, Liam finally spotted him, stopping when he was standing in front of him. "Hey stranger, wanna join our group." Liam smirked as he looked at Dinka, hoping he would join their group.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
10:45am Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka gulped as the woman spoke again. He sighed happily as she noted that the dragon eggs were alone and abandoned. But he quickly frowned again at the mention that we shouldn't speak loudly to awaken anything. He looked down at his shoes, hoping that someone would pat him on the shoulder and allow him to join their group or something. "Hey stranger, wanna join our group?" Dinka's eyes widened at the familiar voice. Dinka looked up at Liam, a huge smile on his face. He noticed the girl next to him. That's the girl he was talking to before... maybe she's his girlfriend. He thought sadly. He bowed his head to acknowlege her. He nodded at Liam. "Y-yea. I'll join your group. T-Thanks." He stuttered.
11:56am Mar 12 2011 (last edited on 11:57am Mar 12 2011)
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Posts: 375
Alexia smiled as Dinka agreed to their group, she remembered seeing him earlier, and by the looks of it, he was upset. "I'm Alexia Rose by the way." She tried her best to smile genuinely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam nodded as Alexia spoke, "Yeah, and don't worry, I told her who you are already, so need for long introductions. Come on, we should find some other people for our group." Liam made sure his two teamates were behind him before going off to find some more people. When everyone was ready Jack took the chance to speak. "So, group one will go first, make sure you come out ASAP alright, now, when you get your egg, you will lead your group back to the lodges where you will put the eggs in the nursery. Put your name in front of it so you remember which one is yours." Jenna then budded in. "Remember, you don't choose your egg, it chooses you, it merely call's out to you. Also, look after it for your life, these are rare creatures that only a handful of people get to care for. So, first group, let's go." Jen walked in with the first group. Liam was in group two, so he had to wait a little while. "I can't wait." He looked over his shoulder where Dinka was standing, he seemed a bit nervous. Liam turned around and smiled, crossing his arms over his chest, almost purposely flexing his muscles at the same time. "Don't worry buddy, I'll make sure no dragon eggs attack you." He laughed and proceeded to scruff Dinka's hair.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
9:31pm Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 681
[ Long Post is long xD ] Dinka nodded at Alexia again, this time more politely. "I guess you know who I am already, so yea, I'm Dinka, nice to meet you." He said. Liam told her about me? He reflected silently. He blushed to himself. As Jack and Jenna took the spotlight, Dinka stayed close behind Liam and Alexia. Maybe she could be my friend too.. He thought. He looked up at Jenna as she talked about how the eggs choosed you. He wondered which dragon egg would choose him. Hopefully a nice one. Dinka twidled his fingers as the first group went into the cave. He wondered what eggs they would leave with.. maybe a vibrant red with flame markings for fire, or a deep purple with swirls for cosmic.. He was lost in thought before Liam appeared in front of him again. He smiled. Dinka noticed the slight flex in his muscle, but thought he was just looking at any detail the boy possesed, so he looked away. He turned his gaze back when his hair was played with. He blushed from both embarr*censored*ment and anger. It wasn't a full fledged grudge anger, more like a 'Hey why'd you take my toy' anger. He pouted. "I don't need protection from an egg." He said with confidence.

10:52pm Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 375
Liam lowered his stance so that he was eye level with Dinka, finally noticing how short he really was. " Oh I'm just messing with ya." He smirked, obviously in a good mood. " You don't got to be so serious with me alright." Liam made sure to slightly wink before turning around and waiting for the group to come out so that they had a chance to pick out their eggs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alexia smiled as she saw Liam talking to Dinka, and how they almost teased each other, or more likely how Liam teased Dinka. When Liam turned back around, Alexia tore her sight from them, to the front of the cave. "I hope it's not too dark." Alexia blushed as she said it out loud without intention. Liam shook his head, "Don't worry, if either of you are scared, I'll hold your hand okay." He laughed at the end of the sentance, so Alexia wasn't sure if he was serious or not. Would he really? Alexia blushed again while thinking of holding a guys hand, but stopped when the first group walked out of the cave, each holding a huge egg that must have wieghed about 15 pounds each. "Come on, group two, your up next." Alexia waited for Liam and the rest of the group to walk before following, mentally praying that it wasn't as dark as she thought.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
2:29pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 375
((Not sure why, but Imma bump it :s ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
4:44pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 681
[ Lol xD ] Dinka felt even shorter than he already was as Liam bent down. He pouted again, feeling uncomfortable at the height difference. "I-I'm sorry. I don't really know the difference so I take people seriously." He said, shyly. He looked away at the wink, blushing, and turned to Alexia, who seemed a bit uncomfortable. That makes two of us. He thought, feeling more connected to her. After she stated her reason, Dinka frowned. He hadn't even thought of the darkness of the cave, and it was now adding to his worries. He looked up to Liam for reas.surance, and sure enough he gave it, although in a different way than Dinka originally thought. He reached out for Liam's hand, again taking him seriously, and clutched it tightly, hoping to ease his mind. As they were signaled to go ahead into the cave, Dinka breathed deeply and headed towards the cave, still clenching Liam's hand. He turned to look at Alexia, who seemed to be hesitating, so he reached out with his other hand and clutched hers. He smiled a warm smile. "If we hold hands, it'll only be half as scary."

5:08pm Mar 13 2011 (last edited on 5:10pm Mar 13 2011)
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Posts: 375
(( Aww Dinka is so cute :3 )) Alexia smiled, but suprisingly didn't blush, she felt as though Dinka was more of a friend then a 'boyfriend' type. "Yeah, thanks." She looked behind her to see the other seven people from the group following right behind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam wasn't really 'shocked' when Dinka held his hand, more like 'suprised', and what suprised him the most was how he felt, instead of being wierded out, or even annoyed, he seemed.....a.ssured somehow. That sort of changed when Dinka held Alexia's hand, but only barely. " Alright, let's see what we can find." Liam made sure to keep a steady pace as Dinka and Alexia followed beside him. Jenna, the leader was in front of everyone, stopping a few meters into the cave. "Okay, you guys can't go past this point, five minutes only, go on." She wispered. Everyone in the group seperated, not including the three amigio's. "We should look together, let's start over there." Liam pointed to the left with his open hand, looking at Dinka and Alexia to make sure they understood. Thankfully there was enough light from the opening of the cave to have some visibility of each other's faces.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:25pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 681
[ I try :DD He's just so uke x3 ] Dinka nodded, and smiled at Alexia. As Liam lead the way, he felt better than he had before. It was reas.suring to be there with him, if Dinka hadn't met him, he wasn't sure how he could survive. Dinka looked around, trying to find an egg fast so he could leave quickly. He couldn't see much around him, so he looked up, and that's when he saw a shiny blue orb high on a ledge. He frowned, seeing as he was too short to reach it. Then, he had an idea. Maybe that egg wasn't ment for him, but for someone taller. He nudged Liam's shoulder, and gestured upwards with his head, as his hands were busy at the moment. "Look, Liam. There is an egg up there, but me and Alexia are too short to reach it." He said. He hoped that he would be ablue to find an egg for himself soon, and hopefully Alexia would too. The time limit seemed a little steep.
5:39pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 375
Liam looked over at Dinka, following his gaze as they fell upon an egg that rested on top of a high rock, just tall enough for him to reach. "I-it's perfect." he wispered, walking over to it instintly. " Dinka, I'm going to have to let go of your hand so I can hold it, is that alright?" Liam truthfully didn't want to, but in order to hold the large egg, he needed to. ((Insert answer here :p )) Liam let go and slowly reached up, taking the egg into both of hands, right away he noticed the beutiful icicle markings, and blue frosty specks all over it, not to mention the wieght of it. "You have a good eye Dinka.... no pun intended." he added, not purposly saying it in THAT way. As he held onto his, he looked around to see if he could see anymore. "Alright, now you two need one, uhhh, let's see." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alexia smlied as Liam grabbed his egg, seeing him so happy made her happy, but then she thought about her egg, and how she needed to find one, quickly. Making sure to keep hold of Dinka's hand, she roamed the area with her eyes. She stopped looking when she saw a spot in the short distance that sparkled a vibrant red colour. " I think I found mine." Alexia thought out loud, a huge grin appearing on her face. "Come on Dinka." She brought him with her and looked at the egg for a quick minute. The flames and colours attracted it to her in seconds. "This is it, my, my egg." She picked it up, nearly stuggling at first, but thankfully it was smaller then Liam's. "We have two minutes still, come on Dinka, yours must be here somewhere." she looked at him with an ex pression of hope and happiness.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*