5:55pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka frowned but knew that Liam could not obtain the egg without him letting go. He nodded, and released his grip. As Liam cradled the bright blue egg, he looked it awe, tracing his fingers along the beautiful ice markings. It felt cool to the touch, which actually comforted Dinka. He was a bit taken back at Liam's comment, but remembered not to take him seriously. It was not ment to be insulting, or even a joke. He turned as Alexia motioned at another egg, this time quiet the opposite of Liam's; a vibrant red. He followed Alexia, hoping to keep someone's hand intertwined with his, and watched as Alexia claimed hers. He reached out to touch this one as well, but it was warm, very different from Liam's, but it was still comforting. Dinka held the words 'Two Minutes' in his head, suddenly feeling pressured. He looked around frantically, no being able to see any other eggs. His eyes started watering as his hope ebbed away. What if everyone took all the eggs already? Oh no.. I'm not going to have one. He let go of Alexia's hand, feeling on the walls, looking behind rocks, anything. Suddenly, he tripped, tipping over and sprawling on the floor. He looked to see what had tripped him, and felt embarr*censored*ed as he saw nothing. But as he felt around, he felt something mossy and dirty. He picked it up, putting it on his lap, and thought it was a rock at first. As he examined it closer, it was indeed a dragon egg. This egg.. no one claimed it.. it was just a rock to people, alone. It must have felt lonely and thought it wouldn't get picked. It's.. like me. He held up the egg, feeling rather victorious, and smiled. "I found it."

6:05pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 375
Alexia looked around, triying to help Dinka with finding an egg, but found that there weren't many left. She grasped her egg tighter, making sure it was safe from any harm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam didn't expect Dinka to fall, so when he did, he had no chance to help him up due to the egg he was holding. Before he could worry any longer, he smiled as Dinka picked up a egg, Dinka's face changing alltogether. "Wow, that's the perfect egg for you." Liam kept his gaze on the egg, it seemed to almost blend in with the cave, and the texture of it was so different from his and Alexia's. "Times up group two, we have to go back to the lodge, rememeber, put it in the nursery, that's located in the center of the boys and girls lodges. Okay, come on everyone." Liam looked at Alexia, and seeing that she was still there, he looked at Dinka. "Are you okay, do you need help getting up?" Even though it was nearly impossible to use his hands, Liam thought there could have been SOME way to help Dinka up.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:28pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka smiled shyly, not wanting Liam to have to put his egg down and help him. But he suddenly felt the weight of the egg and frowned. It was heavy like a rock as well. He moved it off of his lap as gently as he could and placed it on the floor. He got up and dusted his clothes off, picking up his egg and nearly falling from the weight. He sighed and hoisted it into a better postion. "Let's go and put them in the nursery before I collapse from the weight." He said, smiling. He looked onward to the opening of the cave, not wanting to be left behind. He walked (or at least tried to) inbetween Liam and Alexia, maybe to feel more comforted. He wanted to hold onto a hand, but seeing as that wasn't possible, rested his head on Liam's arm instead. He could feel the coolness from the dragon egg through his arm, which made him smile.
6:36pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 375
Alexia noticed again that her egg was half the size of the Dinka and Liam's egg, but her's was still heavy. How do they do it? she thought. Shaking her head to get a peice of hair out of her face, Alexia tried to keep a good grasp on the egg so it wouldn't fall. Knowing that they would probably hatch tomorrow made her even more catious. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam smirked as Dinka put his head on his arm, thinking of how heavy the egg must have been. Not far away was the nursury thankfuly for them, even though Liam was fit, it was hard to hold an egg that weighed this much for long, and the cold was making his arm numb. "You two are going to make it right? I wouldn't want any broken eggs or anything." He looked down at Dinka, and his egg, smiling instintly.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:44pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 681
[ Your colors envy me, so I shall post in color too >:D ] Dinka nodded unsure of himself. The mossy egg was heavy like a log, and Dinka wasn't very strong, which made sense given his short stature. He started to walk out of the cave with Liam and Alexia, and he concentrated on keeping his egg in his arms. He looked at Alexia, who seemed to be having some trouble even though the egg was considerably smaller. It was probably a heavy dragon baby. Dinka suddenly felt very motherly (or fatherly..?) and caressed the dirty green egg, imagining what it would look like. He then turned to Liam's egg and wondered the same thing. Before long, they had reached the entrance of the cave, and the sun felt warm and wonderful. He looked for the cabins where him and Liam had first met, and once he found it he knew exactly where to go.
6:56pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 375
(( lol :p oh alright, just so that you don't feel left out)) After walking for a few minutes, Liam sighed in releif as they were in front of the nursery. "Finally." he nearly shouted, the ability to speak loudly was refreshing to him. He turned around and opened the door with his....back. He held the door open for the other's to walk through. After everyone entered, they looked around the huge room, seeing different nest like baskets with names in front of them. "Well, I guess we have to find our name's." Liam saw Alexia's right away. "There, yours is right in front of us." Liam looked over at Alexia as she walked over and nicely placing it in the nest. "Just give me a minute, I want to......spend time with it." Liam nodded and walked over to the right where he saw his name, and coincidentally Dinka's next to his. "Look here, even our egg's are friends." he chuckled at his own comment, resting his egg in the nest. "Is it wierd that I don't want to leave it, it's like my.....child or something." Liam glanced at Dinka in the corner of his eye. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alexia sat in front of her egg, not wanting to leave it. She wanted to see what it looked like, and how it acted toward her. In her whole life she only has ever seen one real dragon. She looked forward where Liam and Dinka stood, hoping they wouldn't leave right away, giving her a chance to spend more time with her own dragon.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
7:12pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 681
[ xDD ] Dinka nodded his thanks at Liam, and he wondered how he managed to open the door with his back. Stepping inside, he marveled at the different eggs all around. They were all unique, not two that were the same. He nodded as Alexia left to go and put her egg in it's designated spot, and only smiled as his egg was set to be next to Dinka's. "Do you really think they'll be friends? He asked him, thinking how two dragons would play together. Dinka's eyes widened as Liam stated his relation to his egg. Just like how I felt with mine.. He leaned forward to put his egg down on the nicely made bed. The relief of the weight was clearly displayed on his face. "I don't really want to leave it either..," He stated. "It's a wierd feeling.. I never thought I'd feel this way towards a dragon, given my past and all." His hand went up to his eyepatch for a second, then he lowered his hand. He turned around to look at Alexia, and he grinned slightly. "By the looks of it, Alexia doesn't want to leave hers either." He stated, turning back to look up at Liam.

7:23pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 375
Liam looked over at Alexia to see that she was smiling, strocking her egg as if it felt the close proximity. Liam then went back to thinking of what Dinka had said about his past, suddenly feeling curious. "Did you have a bad experience with one?" Liam looked at Dinka, then back at his egg, hoping he didn't seem to be intruding on his life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alexia strocked her egg, feeling the heat coming off of it instintly. It must be a fire dragon. A smile came back onto her face as she learned more about her dragon with just an egg alone. She noticed Liam's face become a bit worried/ curious as the two spoke to each other. Alexia stood up and looked around the room at the other eggs, all ranging in different colours and textures she couldn't wait for them to hatch.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
7:52pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 375
(( I'm sleeping over at my friends house tomorrow, so I don't think I'll be able to post :( and on Tue, I won't be able to post until it's late. *sigh* I'll type to you then, unless you or I post before 12 p.m tomorrow afternoon, that's when I leave.))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:21pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 681
[ Not problem at all ^^ we're all busy sometimes. If anything we'll post late or something. I'll keep bumping the thread up ^^ ]
8:23pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 375
(( Alrighty, thanks:) ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
10:38pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 375
(( Oh wait, nevermind, I'm only going there for a few hours, so scratch that. :D but from about 12p.m-10p.m. Sorry about that))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
10:50pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 681
[ Ah- no problem xD ] Dinka smiled, looking to the ground. He looked up at Liam, his eye a bit watery. "Yea, I guess you could say that. My dad had a dragon named Diablo.. it was a dragon that breathed acid. I used to ride him all the time when I was little. He was like my best friend." He started, looking fondly at the mossy egg before him. "Then one day, my dad left home to visit his business partner, and Diablo went crazy. I was only ten at the time, so I guess I was seen as easy prey or something.." He bit his bottom lip, trying to hold back his sadness. He hadn't told anyone this story before, and he wanted to get it out. "Then.. Diablo spewed acid everywhere. Our house was melting, our neighbors houses where melting, the trees were melting.. it was like a living hell," He sniffled, "A-and then.. he did this t-to me." He gestured towards his eyepatch, his other eye unable to hold back anymore tears. "My d-dad came rushing h-home after this.. and Diablo.. killed.." Unable to continue his story, he wrapped his arms around Liam's waist, burying his face into his shirt. He shuddered from the tears that suddenly came all at once.

11:14pm Mar 13 2011 (last edited on 11:15pm Mar 13 2011)
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Posts: 375
Liam held on to Dinka, feeling sorrow for what happened. He rubbed his back slowly, trying his best to comfort him. "You know what I think, I think it's really brave of you to come here, even after all of that. And this new dragon won't hurt you, and if he ever tried, it would have to go through me first okay?" he wispered, making sure not to draw any un-wanted attention that Dinka might not want. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alexia stopped looking at her egg when she heard what she thought was crying coming from Dinka. She pouted as she saw him wrap his arms arround Liam, it almost made her cry. She looked back at her egg and thought it was a good time to leave, her stomach was growling, and she didn't know if she could wait any longer. I'll meet them on the guy's side in a few minutes.((that's where they eat)). She slowly exited the room, making sure to take a quick look at her egg on the way out.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
11:22pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 681
[ *squeals* Liam is so sweet :D ] Dinka let go of Liam, rubbing his swollen red eye with his jacket sleeve. "I-I don't think I'm brave. I begged my mom not to bring me here.. I was really scared that s-something would attack me." He stuttered, his voice shaky from his tears. He smiled at Liam, feeling much better after telling Liam his story. "I don't think this one will hurt me.. I can feel it. B-but thank you, Liam.. your the first person to really care for me and that really... makes me happy." He smiled, hugging him again. "I-I'm sorry for getting your shirt all wet." He apologized, noticing the wet stain on is shirt from his tears.
11:35pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 375
Alexia walked into the lodge, it was exactly the same as the girls, so she knew where to go right away. She made sure to get her free dinner that is already payed for when registered into the camp, and walked over to a table where a few people were eating. ((The guy's will catch up with her eventually)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam looked down at his shirt, noticing what Dinka ment. "Uhh, well it's no big deal, I'll get another shirt, come on, you can come with my to our room before we eat, you must be hungry too." Liam randomly decided to take his shirt off, showing off his six pack. Hopefuly we can walk around shirtless. Liam made sure Dinka was behind him when walking to the boy's lodge, and entering their room. "Let me find a shirt." He threw the one he held in his hand on his bed, and proceeded to look in his bag for another. ((hehe, I had to make him take off his shirt, it was bound to happen))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
12:27am Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 681
[ Good lord. Is it wrong for me to drool? >> ] Dinka nodded, feeling hungry after the long day they had. He looked back at his egg sitting next to Liam's egg. He felt renewed and happy. He turned back to follow Liam, but was caught off guard by Liam taking his shirt off. Dinka's gaze fell right down to his abs, not leaving. His gaze traced over his toned muscled, painting a picture on his stomach. Dinka felt his nose twitch, and noticed that his nose was bleeding. He blushed and quickly looked away, covering his nose with his sleeve. As they walked to the lodge, Dinka tried up the last of his blood on his jacket. It looked a bit nasty, so he took it off and lay it on his bed. He smiled, remembering now that he got to sleep beside Liam. Turning back to Liam, he was a bit disappointed that Liam's bare body was going to be covered up. "Do you need help?" He asked him.
11:09am Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 375
(( :p lol nahh, I wouldn't blame you. I have to go now though, I'll be back at around 8:00 p.m-10:00 p.m tonight :( talk to ya then :D )) (Alexia is waiting, but don't worry, I wouldn't want to rush anything..) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam looked over at Dinka with a puzzled look, then proceeded to laugh. "Yeah sure, I have plenty of shirts but....." He scratched the back of his head, still looking in his huge bag of clothes. "So, which one should I wear? Any suggestions?" Liam looked over at Dinka, a smirk still planted on his face at how Dinka looked. I guess I can't really blame him. (( :O my paragraphs are getting smaller, Imma try to make them longer later on....))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
7:18pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 681
[ See ya later ^^ and I think we're switching places, you used to write so muc and i wrote too little ^^; ] Dinka put a thumb to his mouth, contemplating on what he'd like to see Liam in. He got down on his knees and searched through the suitcase, looking though underwear, shirts, belts and socks. He grabbed a shirt that caught his eye. He pulled it out, holding it up to himself and raised an eyebrow. It was black with a single yellow star. "Familiar..?" He asked.
10:55pm Mar 14 2011 (last edited on 11:05pm Mar 14 2011)
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Posts: 375
((Yay I'm back, and that's sooo true, well hopefully we both will keep up the long posts more often, if we can )) Liam smiled, pointing the the shirt a second later. "You know, I swear I have a shirt JUST like that one." He smirked again, grabbing it nicely from Dinka's hands. "It's actually one of my favourites too, you have good taste. And hey, it matches your eyepatch, what are the odds of that?"Liam pointed to his own eye as he talked, then continued to shut his suitcase, zip it up, and put it under the small space under his bed. Liam stood up and proceeded to put the shirt on, feeling refreshed right away. "Alright, now it's chow time, Alexia's probably sitting in her own misery right about now." Liam waited for Dinka before walking out into the small cafateria, making sure to get their plate of food which consisted of spaghetti and meatballs, with a can of pepsi on the side. " Pretty good food when you think about where we are right about now." he said out loud, accepting the food right away and going over to sit next to Alexia who was alone at the time. "Sorry about that Alexia, we got......sidetracked." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alexia shrugged, only half done her food after all the time that pa.ssed. "It's alright, I understand." She looked down at her plate blushing when she remembered seeing Liam walking in the lodge with his shirt off. "Uhh, c-come on, eat." she informed them as they watched her hide her face. "Don't mind if I do." Liam answered, taking a fork full of spaghetti, and shoving it in his mouth. How can someone so hot be so.......not hot. Alexia smirked at her own thought, and decided to take a few more bites as well.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*