11:49pm Mar 17 2011
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[ I know right? I nearly had a heart attack >.> ] Dinka looked back at Liam, still running, but checking on his to make sure he was behind him. He ran as fast as he ever had before, stopping so suddenly as he approched the Nusery that he fell onto the floor. He brushed himself off and looked around. He shuddered and stepped backwards, crashing into Liam. "Real.. Dragons... they're.. moving.." He said, hiding behind him a little. He was exhausted from the run and the morning routine. He bit his lower lip as he saw the dragons stretch and make noises. Dinka promised himself when he was little that he'd never touch a dragon again, but he had to break that promise now. He tried to find Alexia, but didn't have much luck.
11:55pm Mar 17 2011 (last edited on 11:57pm Mar 17 2011)
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Finally the egg twiched slightly drawing Paig's attention on it quickly. She stops swaying and leans a bit closer to see a hair-line fracture in the shell. Her hands turn into fists in her pockets as she watches the egg intently. All her focus was on the egg. The egg wiggled again but a bit more noticable this time. Her eyes widen as the reality of having a dragon slams into her.She couldn't wait and she tries to hold back a girl-ish squeal by biteing her lip.
12:02am Mar 18 2011
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Posts: 375
(( I don't blame you, I would have felt like attacking him for the shirt :p well that might be a little extreme, but still....)) Liam finally got into the nursery, panting from the run he endured a few seconds ago. He looked around seeing a bit of dragons, some being brought outside so that it wouldn't be crowded with all the students and dragons in the large room. Liam looked down at Dinka as he bumped into him, right away Liam held Dinka's hand, knowing why he might have felt scared. " Don't worry, I'm here. Let's see if we can find Alexia." Liam kept a hold on Dinka's hand as he looked around the room, but found it hard with all the people crowded around. "Mabye we should see if we can find her later and go to our eggs first." he said to Dinka. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alexia sighed as the room filled up with all fifty people, including the two leaders who seemed a bit hectic at the moment. She gave up looking for Dinka and Liam a while ago, and kept an eye on her ege to see if it would hatch. She noticed it move every so often, but it didn't crack. She rested her head on her hand, leaning against her egg's nest. She glanced over to a person next to her, she had on black clothes and a beutiful bracelet. Her eyes were partially covered by her hair, making her seem a bit....secluded. "H-Hi, how is your dragon doing?" She managed a small question, something hard for her even though it seemes easy to nearly everyone else.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
12:08am Mar 18 2011
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Paig turned to where she herd a studered voice come from. She sees a girl that seemed a bit flustered or nervous. She brins her face out of the neck of her coat, "Hey, it's uh doing good I guess nothing happened much just never seen one before...yours?" she says her voice a bit deeper than most girls but not nearly as deep as a guys. She turns her body all the way twords the person.
12:15am Mar 18 2011
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Posts: 375
Alexia stopped leaning on her arm and stood up straight. "It's alright, not much going on really, small movements." She scratched her arm in nervousness, happy that the girl wasn't rude in any way. Alexia smiled, "I'm Alexia Rose, it's nice to have a girl to talk to for a change." She looked at the other girl's egg as it moved slightly, seeing that it was just beggining to hatch. Hers was still moving lightly, barely any movement whatsoever.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
12:19am Mar 18 2011
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"Paig Slinder" she said noding as a slight smile came to her lips. She follows Alexia's gaze to her egg as it moves. She can see the crack getting wider and longer. Through the crack she can see two little stubby black horns poking out just barely. "What are you going to name yours?" she asked turning back to her.
12:21am Mar 18 2011
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Posts: 681
[ I would do the same xD I was just so caught off guard by the shirt xD I wanted to go up to him like, "Hey, is your name Liam or Dinka by any chance?" lol ] Dinka nodded, feeling reas.sured by Liam's touch. He walked through the people, still trying to find Alexia, but not as vigerously as before. Now, he sort of chilled and stayed close to Liam, not wanting to crash into anyone. As he walked over to his egg, he was still weary of the other dragons hopping about. He went to touch the dirty surface of his egg, and he noticed that it had a bump on it. As he brushed away some dirt, it turns out that the bump was a branch-like thing. He furrowed his eyebrows. "W-Why does my egg have a branch coming out of it?" He asked no one in particular.
12:23am Mar 18 2011
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Posts: 375
Alexia glanced back over to her egg, "Well...I was thinking, if it's a girl, then I'm going to name her Ember((made that up on the spot :P )), but if it's a boy....well it's a fire dragon I think, so Axel. Uhh, he's a character from a game that controls the element of fire." Alexia stopped as she noticed herself rambling. "How about you, what do you think your going to name yours?"
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
12:23am Mar 18 2011
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((GRRRRR! I have to go. see you guys tomorow))
12:26am Mar 18 2011 (last edited on 11:47pm Mar 18 2011)
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Posts: 375
(( Imma put up one for Liam, then imma head to bed. Goodnight my peeps p: <3 )) Liam walked up to his and Dinka's egg, noticing that his thankfully didn't hatch yet. He then heard what Dinka said, and looked at his egg, raising an eyebrow a second later. "Huh, well mabye......I don't know, it has a stick growing out of its egg, you know, like Torterra, the pokemon." Liam mentally slapped himself. What the heck is that supposed to mean. He rolled his eyes and went back to looking at Dinka. "Or mabye it's the element it has, my dad used to tell me about them. Mine is ice for sure, Alexia has fire, and this must be.....something to do with the earth, or ground or something." Again, Liam felt like he was making the situation worse as he rambled on about things he wasn't a hundred percent sure about, he was just thinking about making Dinka feel better, even though he was probably doing a lousy job.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
12:36am Mar 18 2011
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Posts: 681
[ See you guys tomorrow ^^ Will post tomorrow, It's getting late >.> ]
11:56am Mar 20 2011 (last edited on 11:18pm Mar 20 2011)
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Posts: 375
(( Such slackers :p, it's alright, Imma bump this though, of course :( ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:00pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 681
[ ehh sorry bout that, was at an anime convention the whole weekend. Will post soon <3 ]
6:12pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 375
(( Ohh, sounds totally worth it, I always wanted to go to an anime convention :D ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:18pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 681
[ yesh, so much merchandise my eyes bled @___@]
6:28pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 375
(( O_O I would love it, I have to go to AnimeNorth this year, I wanna get so much stuff :D ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:27pm Mar 24 2011
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Posts: 681
[ Birthday tomorrow? Oh noes I has no gifts for yous D: ] Dinka smiled a bit as Liam kept rambling. He didn't mind too much, but Liam stopped himself. "Ice, huh?" He said as he leaned in and put a hand on the cool egg. It was coler than usual, but Dinka kept his hand there, feeling a small pulse inside. It creeped him out after a while so he pulled his hand away.
He turned to his egg and tilted his head. "Maybe.. I think you're right." He said, touching his egg again. Suddenly, Dinka heard a large crack and a thump, then something knocked his feet from under him and he was on the floor. He landed with an 'umph' and turned back to see a m*censored*ive tail about the size of his leg near him. Dinka's eye widened and moved back slowly, his eye already forming tears. He was terrified. The egg then toppled to it's side and started to roll towards Dinka. He gasped in horror as it ran over his face. The tail had a twig growing out of it, and it snagged his eyepatch and took it with it as it crashed into a dragon. Dinka didn't move, only looked at the ceiling.

6:50pm Mar 24 2011 (last edited on 6:52pm Mar 24 2011)
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Posts: 375
(( Hmmm, well I guess I'll let it pa.ss this year, and Dinka is a pretty awesome fake gift for me :D even though he is gay, oh well *sigh* :( JK, I LOVE that he's gay :P makes him that much better :D)) Liam noticed his barely moved, only every so often, he looked over at Dinka's as it began to crack. He noticed the look on Dinka's face, the scared boy that he once was when he was younger, coming back out. Before Liam could react, the egg rolled onto the ground, heading right toward Dinka. Liam walked up to it, but by then, it was too late, the dragon managed to take off his eye patch, Liam noticing Dinka looked terrified. Liam walked over and slightly moved the egg, trying not to get hit by the tail coming out of it. It began to crack more, Liam seeing more of it every second. To him, it was amazing, something you don't see every day, but he looked back and noticed Dinka, going over to him right away. "Dinka, are you okay?"Liam went close to him, trying to make him feel more secure, even though his dragon was still desperatly trying to get out of the confined space of the egg. He noticed his eye patch was now gone, but he tried not to notice it for Dinka's sake. (( I messaged Dartmith to see if she would keep doing this roleplay. Come on, you can do it Dartmith :D ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
7:17pm Mar 24 2011
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Posts: 681
[ Dinka? aww to bad he's mine ;P jk jk xD I know what I can doo~! I'll draw a picture on my tablet of Liam and Dinka! >:D and if anything, Liam is my present <3 just because he's so sweet and smexy at the same time ;3 ] Dinka breathed heavily as he tried to recap on what just happened. He didn't see much, he thought the ceiling looked so interesting at that moment. Or rather he was still so shocked at the events that he couldn't move anyways. Liam's face then cut in his line of vision, and Dinka studied him with his one eye. He noticed his soft features and his worry lines- that was what he had been doing right? Worrying? Crackle...crack. Dinka wanted nothing more than to reach up and touch Liam's cheek. But.. why?? Dinka's eye widened suddenly, and he realized something. The way I am around him, the way I blush when he does something around me.. I should have known this would happen. I'm crushing on him. The boy above me right now. Crackle... CRACK. Dinka suddenly felt hot and wierd inside. He had told himself that he wouldn't fall for a guy again. Maybe he would convert to straight and get a girlfriend. Maybe his mom would be proud. Dinka suddenly sat up and hugged Liam around the neck, burying his face in Liam's shoulder. He makes me feel happy. He's nice and he's funny and he's cute. I like him.. I like him a lot. Dinka looked up to see peering eyes at him, and Dinka clutched Liam's shirt tightly. A dirty, green dragon looked at him, holding his eyepatch in it's mouth. [ Yes... come back, darthy! xD ]

7:36pm Mar 24 2011
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Posts: 375
(( Awesome, you draw, I'm still practising that. And I always wanted a tablet, they seem so useful :D. Sounds like a great idea, but no rush. And fine, we can have a switch out of the two guys :p or we can just share them)) Liam held on to Dinka as he wrapped his arms around him, the feeling of comfort washed over him instintlly. He managed a small smile, but stopped when he noticed his grip tighten, remembering his dragon. Liam slightly turned his head to see the huge earth like dragon starring right at Dinka, his eyepatch hanging from it's mouth. Liam moved away from Dinka so that they weren't hugging, BUT he still held him with one arm, making sure he didn't feel alone at the moment. "Okay Dinka, you can do this, try and pet it, it won't hurt you, I won't let it." Liam wispered,keeping an eye on his egg, hoping it wouldn't hatch at the moment. Liam noticed the dragon didn't move much, just starred at it's new mother/father, but it's intentions weren't very easy to depict. What happens if it hurts Dinka, then it'll be my fault. Why do I care about him so much, I mean, I always liked girls, but now..... Liam shook his head, getting any random thoughts out of it for now. "You can do it, remember I'm here." Liam looked at Dinka, trying his best to comfort him in a hard situation, he wanted Dinka to try his best to face his fears, especially because they would have to work with dragons all day.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*