7:51pm Mar 24 2011
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((sorry I havn't been on it days guys my bad)) Paig stared at her dragon quite big and black with little stubs for horns. She couldn't help but reach over and pick it up. She held the fat baby dragon in her arms carefull not to drop it. She stroked the back of it's neck holding it close to her chest whispering things to him. She had a small smile on her face as it fell asleep in her arms with a tiny sqeal of a yawn.
8:22pm Mar 24 2011 (last edited on 8:43pm Mar 24 2011)
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Posts: 375
(( YAY your here, and it's fine, you don't have to reply all the time, just making sure we don't leave you behind.)) Alexia looked over at Paig's dragon, it was so small and cute, it even drifted to sleep in her arms. She looked over at her egg and noticed a crack appeared, making Alexia internally panic. After awhile, it started to break open, she saw it's pointy red horns right away, followed by it's head poking out. "Come on." she said as it slowly came out of it's egg. She noticed how small it was, it's head was about two feet long compared to the usual four feet. It was perfect, the size, the element, and the way it looked at her, a motherly instinct kicked in right away. Alexia stepped back as it jumped onto the floor, standing at the same height as her (5'5). She brought her hand up to it's head and rubbed it, making the dragon close it's eyes and almost purr. "Hey, I wonder what gender you are? A girl mabye?" The dragon opened it's eyes and shook it's head as if it understood. "Umm, a boy then?" It made the same purring like noise again, making Alexia smile. "Well then, your names going to be Axel, a great name, it suits you perfectly." She stretched her hand out to stroke it's head once more. ((Alright, so I'm thinking that you can eventually they can talk to their dragon's telepathically, but later on, they have to learn how to do it. Also, the dragons grow really fast, every day they get a bit bigger so eventually they can be ridden, every time a day pa.sses, they get about a foot taller, or something near that. Okay, that's it for now.:D ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:33pm Mar 24 2011
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((Souds like a plan)) Paig began rocking slowly to keep the dragon asleep and looked at Alexia's dragon. "Wow yours is huge compared to mine." she couldn't help but smile at the tall red dragon. Her hand abcentmindedly continued petting the dragon in her arms. She looked back down at it it's eyes opening again. It's eyes were a destictive honey yellow. They looked calm and wise for a new born. well looks like we'll be putting your wisdome to the test. The dragon lifted it's head like it heard her and just stared into her eyes. Paig had a hard time looking away his eyes were so hipnotizing but she looked away and to another big dragon that looked like it had been burried under a tree andcrawled it's way back up and hasn't yet cleaned it's self. It had twigs and patches of gr*censored* on it everywhere.
9:16pm Mar 24 2011
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[ Sharing is caring! xD and I'll get on it ^.^ and good idea, the telepathic thing I mean ^.^ ] Dinka nodded subtly, it was barely noticeable. "T-Thank you, Liam. That means a lot." He took a deep breath, sinking in a little more into Liam mostly out of fear, or maybe for another reason. He bit his bottom lip, not wanting to make any sudden movements or the dragon might defend itself. The dragon moved a dirty hand closer to the boys, it's head low to the ground. Dinka clutched his shirt sleeve as the dragon inched closer slowly. Once it was about a foot away, it dropped the eyepatch on the ground. Dinka remembered then that his scar had been exposed the whole time. He lifted a hand to it, feeling embarr*censored*ed that Liam had to see him that way. He reached out with one hand to pick up the eyepatch, when the dragon stretched it's neck and licked Dinka's hand roughly. Dinka pulled his arm back quickly, letting out a yelp. The dragon put it's head down, looking ashamed although it did nothing wrong. "No, no, it's okay, little d-dragon." He stuttered the words, feeling a bit wierd talking to it. The dragon turned it's gaze to Paige, then bounded towards her, jumping up and down happily. Dinka couldn't help but to smile; the dragon was so adorable, if not scary. Dinka looked up at Liam happily, before whiping around when he felt a rush of cold air. He turned around, looking at a bright ice blue opening in the egg. He couldn't see the dragon, which scared him a little. Dinka's dragon then came bounding back, which spooked Dinka and he jumped. Dinka's dragon raised a hand and placed it on Liam's egg, leaving a dirty hand-print. It gave a squeak, looking around the egg as if it lost something.

9:24pm Mar 24 2011 (last edited on 8:31pm Mar 25 2011)
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Paig smiled at Dinkas dragon and scrached it under the chin with one hand as her dragon looked at the other warrily. Paig watched as the dragon left and turned her attention back to her dragon. "I still havn't named you yet have I little guy?" she asked her self more that she did the dragon." How about Fell? does that sound good? I read it in a book at that guy was pretty cool. I could read you the story some time probably." Fell noded and made a thick dark bark like noise as if to say yes. He paws at her noes and niped at the lepell of her coat his teeth to stubby to mess with it too much. His tail swung from side to side stirring up dust beneath him.
10:01pm Mar 24 2011
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Posts: 375
Liam smiled as Dinka's dragon looked happy right away, and Dinka was taking the whole situation pretty well. He then noticed his dragon egg was already opened which made Liam scold himself mentally for not seeing it. "Shoot, where's my dragon?" he said, still holding onto Dinka. He felt a cold breath from behind him, tickling his back and giving him goosebumps. Liam looked back and smirked as he saw his huge dragon standing on all fours, seeming as tough as ever. "Hey, there you are." Liam reached out and touched it's rough skin, feeling the cold come off of it right away. "You didn't have to hatch without me you know. So, your a guy right? Your name's Nezra, it was the same name as my dads dragon, like it?" Nezra made a disgusted noise, blowing out a cloud of air that came out as fog due to how cold it was. "Wait, your a...a girl?" he asked in a weirded out tone. Nezra huffed again, this time in a more reasuring way. Great a girl dragon. Liam sighed, still happy he had a dragon. "Well I guess tha's fine, it doesn't change a thing." Liam went back to looking at Dinka to see if he was alright. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alexia smiled once again, looking over and finally seeing Dinka and Liam. She walked over, her dragon not far behind. "Hey guys." she said, finally looking up at both of their dragons. She noticed Dinka's right away, compared to hers, it was huge, and Liam's was no different, their's almost doubled hers in size which ment a lot. "Wow, there amazing." she had to say out loud, Liam smirking right after. "We should go outside before they can't fit in the room anymore, and we need to get our wistle's." Alexia forgot some of them might not know what that ment, so she shrugged it off. "You'll know what I mean when we go and meet up with the leaders. I'll meet you guy's outside." She stoked her dragon again and walked out the huge back door that led out the back onto the feild, hoping the others would soon follow.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
10:09pm Mar 24 2011
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Paig ste her squirming little dragon down as it raced twords Nezra, Axel and, Dinka's dragon. It made that happy thick bark like noise again skidding to a halt in front of them. Paig walked after it and waved to Dinka and Liam. "Hey" She then scooted Fell forward twords the back door outside. Fell stiood back up and bounded out the door forcing Paig to run so she wouldn't loose him. "Get back here Fell!" she yelled after him a slight laugh in her voice and grin on her face.
8:20pm Mar 25 2011
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9:02pm Mar 25 2011
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((Yay, me too :D )) Alexia ran forward, going outside to see more dragons, ranging from purple to yellow. "Wow." she wisperd, finally looking back to see Axel, making sure he didn't run off. She spotted Paig not far behind with her dragon running ahead. Alexia giggled and looked at her dragon, smiling as it looked at her with a confused look. "We're going to get a wistle for you, so I can call you whenever I want." Axel snorted in contentment, making Alexia smile once again. She looked back at the nursery, hoping Dinka and Liam would hurry up before the leader's started to speak.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
9:12pm Mar 25 2011
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Fell stoped running when he got to Axel. He sat infront of him staring up at the big red dragon. He barked happily and thick as ever putting one paw on Axels leg. Paig caught up with Fell her breathing kind of heavy but she could stand up straight. "Fell don't annoy him allright" Paig warned her dragon Fell looking to her with those yellow eyes again then turned back to Axel.
9:19pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 375
Axel tilted his head, then proceeded to lower it so he was at eye level of Fell. He partially sniffed him, followed by a small snort. Alexia starred as they both communicated using their dragon noises, none of which she understood yet. "They seem to be getting along." Alexia said out loud, now seeing Axel shaking his head slowly in a playful manner.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
9:25pm Mar 25 2011
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((HAPPY B-DAY! XD)) Fell steped back from Axel and bowed his tail whiping around he barked again and jumpd side to side playfully. He grunted getting lower to the ground before running circles around him. Paig couldn't help but laugh at Fell running around like a maniac his tail flicking wildly. "Yup I think so" her hands were back in her pockets to keep warm and her chin back to her chest.
9:36pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 375
((Thanks :D )) Axel stayed still, following Fell with his eyes until he circled him a few times more, finally deciding to take a giant step to his left, and ducked more so that his head was nearly touching to floor. Alexia kept watch on them, making sure her dragon didn't accidentally hurt Fell, he was nearly half the size of Axel. "So, d-do you like it here so far?" Alexia kept her gaze on the dragon's, not wanting to make too much eye contact due to the fact that it makes her blush/become more shy.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
9:42pm Mar 25 2011
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"Yeah I love it here, how about you?" she said bringing her chin up again. Better than regular summer camps thats for sure. Fell skidded to a hault just infront of Axels noes and took a step back before crouching down his tail swining around wildly again. He jumped up some before landing on his side. He got up and stagered a bit beofre shaking his head and crouching some more.
11:28am Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 681
[ Dangit! I missed your birthday and haven't finished my picture TT.TT ] Dinka breathed deeply. He had been feeling more comfortable near the dragon, seeing as it was too young to do harm, but it was big. REALLY big. If Dinka were to lay down on all fours, the dragon would be a good 2 feet higher than him. It spooked him a little. He remembered the eye patch, so he grabbed it and put it on. He eased away from Liam, feeling a bit confident as he looked at the dragon interacting with Liam's. He started to get up a little, trying not to make any sudden movements. The dragon then noticed him, and jumped up, putting two m*censored*ive hand on his chest. Dinka yelped, falling backwards. He tarted to whimper as the dragon moved closer to his face. Then, it licked him. A rough, dirty tongue making a dirt mark on his face. Dinka was speechless. He's... so big. Like a huge German guy.. hm.. Germany... "Doitsu, get off of me." He said as quietly as possible. Little did many know, but Dinka spoke Japanese, and 'Doitsu' was 'Germany' in the asian language. Doitsu's head popped up in surprise at being given a name. He got off of Dinka and raced towards Liam's dragon, happy that they both had names.

1:05pm Mar 26 2011
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1:49pm Mar 26 2011 (last edited on 2:47pm Mar 26 2011)
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Posts: 375
(( Oh it's alright Vammy, no rush, and it's no big deal, at least you acknowledged that it was my birthday :D )) (Imma post, just gimme a minute )
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
1:51pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Sure thing))
2:19pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 375
Liam smirked as he noticed Dinka interacting with his dragon, but he looked back at Nezra when she nudged his arm. "What?" he said, looking deep into her blue eyes. Nezra huffed, looked over to the large door that all of the other people and dragons were going through. Liam sighed and nodded. "Yeah, your right, let me just get Dinka." Liam slightly turned his head and looked over at him, noticing a second later that Nezra was making dragon noises at Doitsu, most likely communicating. Liam then cupped his hands in front of his mouth so that his voice would be a bit louder. "Hey Dinka, come on, we should go outside now." he lowered his hands and stroked his dragon one last time before heading toward the door, making sure to wait for Dinka. He chuckled as Nezra tried to nip Doitsu in a playfull manner, but she seemed hesitant, probably just making sure not to hurt him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alexia smiled, also thinking the same thing. "I love it here, at first I was hesitant, but Liam and Dinka made it better for me." she glanced over at Axel as he walked up to her, lowering his head for her to pet. Alexia giggled and reached her hand out, petting Axel a moment later. "And now that I have a dragon, I love it even more." Axel made a deep purring noise, and closed his eyes, enjoying the contact of his owner.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
2:27pm Mar 26 2011
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Fell began running circles around Paig playfully his tongue lolling out of his mouth. "Yeah getting a dragon deffinatly put the funness of this place go up a notch or two. She knlet down and caught the runnign dragon and swng him around because of the momentum Fell had built up. The topled over and Paig was soon on her back Fell running around her once more. Paig Stood up and shook the dry gr*censored* out of her hair.