7:05am Nov 1 2010
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Something just made Kana's thoughts awaken. "Oooh!" she replied as she got up and turned into her small Fairy form, her strength being weakened a little for this was a hard process. She flew through the bars and down into some random hallway. She could see about 40 guards guarding the big wooden door. "Hmm" she thoughtas she flew back into her cell and transformed again. Sitting down, she continued to think. Looking up at Veser she said, "What doyou think we should do? I mean, I could scout out ahead but...." Kana wanted to discussher troubles with someone.
7:23am Nov 1 2010
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"I..." he looked up. He hadn't expected anyone tno talk to him, and it was a shock. He listened to Kana and she told him there were fourty plus guards guarding their way out and he shook his head. "We've no real chance..." Then he broke off. He ran a hand through his hair. And he looked back up at Kana and grinned slighty, apollogetically. "Sorry. But unless you can knock out some guards....we're stuck."
2:26pm Nov 1 2010
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"What about me? Do I really look that scrawny?" Sakura mumbled looking out at the gaurds. She didnt like to fight but she would do what she must to survive. Her wings fluttered a little bit before falling to her side. "I could destract them long enough for you guys to get out. But you would need to plug your ears." She sighed, looking out again. Sakura stood there listening to ideas, shifting her weight from foot to foot.
5:44pm Nov 1 2010
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He stared at the fairy-like girl in front of him and watched her put her life on the line. His gaze hardened, scrutinizing her face, looking for doubt-when he saw none, he thrust his hand forward. "Veser." he offered. "Sakura." she said, and he nodded once before speaking again. "Do what you do." he grinned slightly and then let it drop, plugging his ears.
6:41pm Nov 1 2010
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Sakura took a deep breath, giving the rest time to cover their ears. She let out a long monatonous(dont know how to spell DX) note as she walked calmly out to where the gaurds were, watching as the lights in their eyes faded and they fell into a trance like state. Then she changed the notes into a beautiful lulaby, a few of the gaurds falling asleep right away. She motioned with her hands that it was safe to move but to keep their ears covered while they went, her song bringing down a few more gaurds. The softly glowing light from Sakura's wings began to dim, she could feel her strength being sapped into the song, she didnt know how much longer she could last.
6:47pm Nov 1 2010
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Veser stared at her. He stared at Sakura as she threw herself out into the middle of te guards and sung. And it was beautiful. His ears were covered, but when she first sang a monotonous (oh, yes lol) note grief struck him suddenly and he couldn't look away. Then she did it again; she entranced him with a soft song that made him feel like lead. He sunk to his knees and Sakura motioned for everyone to move but he couldn't. He couldn't look away from her. She looked weak. She looked weak and in pain. He couldn't let her do this. He couldn't let her die for them. That wasn't fair. Life's not fair. His mind reminded him. It wasn't a gentle reminder. He knew life wasn't fair. That's what got us here in the first place. But he couldn't run to her. He couldn't move. Her eyes flickered. Her wings were dimming. The guards wre stirring. Veser thrust himself forward and without a single thought snatched Sakura's hand and threw her from the cellblock, clambering out right afer he, the silence following deadly quiet. He coughed and shuddered, then jumped to his feet, thrusting his hand out. "Let's go!"
7:03pm Nov 1 2010
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Sakura managed to keep on her feet, her breathing becoming harder and harder. This was the price she had to pay, for everytime she used her power some of her strength would be sapped into it, leaving her exhausted and defensless until she recovered. She could hear the remaining gaurds bellow in fury as they realized what was happening, she shrieked as one began to catch up with them, will her already tired legs to go faster though she knew they could not. "I cant do this. Just go ahead. If I dont make it out, wait for an hour thats how long it will take for me to recover. If I dont make it out in time than I am most likely dead." She grunted as she pulled her hand out of Veser's grasp, managing a spinning kick, which hit her target of the face of the gaurd who had been gaining on them. "I got this, just keep going."
7:09pm Nov 1 2010
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He gritted his teeth an sntched her arm in a sudden rage, digging his nails in. "I am not-" he threw Sakura on his back and grunted. "-leaving you!" he thrust himself forward and started sprinting, begging his body not to start hopping. He dashed forward as fast as he could but the guards were catching quickly. Not being able to think of much of anything but escape, he hopped. He hopped for dear life. He hopped, but just once-straight up and on a pillar above the sociopathic guards. Veser grinned devilishly and rand the pillars like nothing, Sakura being forcefully held on his back. Finally. he thought. Something I can do.
7:12pm Nov 1 2010
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((Meep now im brain dead. serious fail XP... hmm what to post, what to post... hey where is koolgirl? Do you know?))
7:15pm Nov 1 2010
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[[I wish! She needs to get her Kana RP-ying happy butt over here XD and I'm sure you'll think of something =P]]
4:54pm Nov 2 2010
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[[ I'm right here! Oh man, my grandma flipped out and now I'm grounded =_= I snuck on so I could post xD Just don't forget about meh and wish me luck with this crazy lady *points at grandma* ]]
Everything that had pas.sed seemed like it was in slow motion. Kana gasped as she could see a small elf trip and fall to the ground, she couldn't leave him there, even if it meant loosing her life. Turning around she sprinted towards him, a guard spotted her and lunged towards them. Kana managed to help him up and push him forward before the guard was upon her.
The weird thing was, he didn't even touch her, the guard stood there staring. "What!?" she asked, bewildered. Seeing this as her chance to escape she turned around, only to find more guards blocking the way. "You've got to be kidding me" she muttered angrily. The blue spirals on her hand were glowing green and she shrieked with pain. Her hands felt as if they were on fire. "Don't try to move young one. The spell will only make it worst" the guard taunted. Kana glared at him and charged right into the guards, knocking two of them down, there was enough space for her to squeeze through and she continued to run.
The pain in her hands only increased as she continued to move. "Come on... You can make it..." she urged herself, only to halt as tears came out of her eyes. The pain was unbearable. "I'm not gonna make it" she shouted, hearing the clanking of the guards armor come closer. Kana turned around and sobbed silently before starting to run again, not wanting to be kept prisoner.
5:22pm Nov 2 2010
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He grinned, leaning over the railing, only to see another girl fall victim of a terrible curse. His eyes hardened and he watched her attempt to charge the guards and break through, and Veser's hopes soared. Then she seemed to tire; he saw the glitter of tears and the weariness in her step. Grunting, he heaved the fairy girl up and dashed after Kana, keeping close watch, and then falling off in front of the guards that had trapped her. He looked over his shoulder to make sure she was still running and rushed them. The first guard was easy-taken by surprise, a single kick to the jawbone felled him almost instantly. The second guard called for backup and glared at Veser, and he grinned ferally and tripped the guard before dashing after Kana. He could make it, but he wasn't sure if she could.
5:35pm Nov 2 2010
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The pain, continued on and she let out a sharp cry. Looking down at her hands, she felt utterly useless. The green glow that encircled her hands was only getting brighter and more painful. Kana was weak, she couldn't turn into her fairy-form so she continued to run until they came upon a huge pathway that broke into four paths. "Now what?!" she cried as she stared at all of the creatures who ran in their own direction. "No!" she called after them, not wanting to get seperated. From a little far off she could see the little elf and she quickly followed. "I can't loose sight of him" she thought to herself determindly.
5:38pm Nov 2 2010
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Veser grunted again, the fairy girl on his back now becoming a slight burden. He heaved her up and could hear her panting in his ear-gritting his teeth he locked his eyes on Kana and saw her stop suddenly, the blue snaking its way up her arms. She looked hurt. He glared at her bewilderment when suddenly her head snapped towards a small elfen man and she dashed after him. Rolling his eyes, Vesper huffed and grunted, shifting his feet as fast as he could, running after the trapped child. I did not sign up for THIS.
6:17pm Nov 2 2010
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Sakura's eyes suddenly fluttered open, her wings coming to life. "Oh sorry, did I fall asleep?" She exclaimed, rushing her wings into motion. She hooked her arms his, locking them infront of his chest. Her ability of flight and his body already in motion, allowed her to push him forward at greater speeds until they were just behind Kana. "She looks terrible, I wouldnt be able to do anything but get her out of here at this point. What should I do?" She asked, releasing Veser so she could zip beside him.
6:20pm Nov 2 2010
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"You-!" he stumbled, still shocked that she'd woken so suddenly and thrust him forwad in such a way. "I..." he gasped, checked himself, and kept running. After a moment he turned to look at the crazy fair girl. "What?" "What should I do?" "Um..." he gasped and thrust himself forward, amost tired but not quite. "You can fly, right? Are you okay now?"
6:23pm Nov 2 2010
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"I sure hope I can fly, if not I have no idea what I'm doing now." She couldnt help herself from laughing. "Yes I can fly, I just cant use the rest of my powers for the time being. You both look exhausted but hers is coming from magic that will wipe her out faster than you will wear out running. I guess I should help her out, which way are we going?" She looked at the pas.sages, beginning to speed up so she was literaly just behind Kana. ((Brb, eating now.))
6:26pm Nov 2 2010
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He looked at the fairy girl angrily as she laughed and grit his teeth and thrust forward, heeding her words. If she was going to help, he would find away to too. He was sick of his uselessness. Okay...just catch up. Veser's feet slammed on the floor and he let a small portion of his body throw itself forward in a comical leap and land right next to the girl. He grinned at Kana and let himself slow, jogging now, right behind her. Oh, YES.
7:08am Nov 3 2010
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Kana turned to see Veser and Sakura, she tried to smile but the pain in her hands made her flinch. Ahead of them was this remarkable light, it looked as if they had reached outside. Smiling now, despite the pain, she ran ahead. Letting out a gasp she noticed that it really was outside and that the main gate was unguarded. "Common" she called over her shoulder as she raced through the gate and smiled as she saw many creatures run off into the trees. Her hands returned to its regular blue color and she let out a sigh of relief. Looking around, she continued to run into the protection of the trees until she reached a spot that looked safe enough. Sitting down on a boulder she tried to catch her breath.
5:20pm Nov 3 2010
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Veser laughed in joy as the cave ended. They were out. Free. Finally. Free. He was laughing gleefully and saw Kana on a boulder, staring at him. The first thing he noticed was that the wrist bands were now gone and he stifled his grin-the second thing he noticed was how exhausted she was. How exhausted they all were. Breathing in, he mimicked Kana and chose a tall boulder and sat down, putting his face towards the sun. Free.