11:22pm Aug 14 2010
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Hokay. o3o How bouts I do a vampire x human GROUP with you peoples. And a 1x1 vampire x human with Ranni? ;)
wuss poppin jimbo
11:23pm Aug 14 2010
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Anzu is-Online^^
11:25pm Aug 14 2010
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11:26pm Aug 14 2010
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:D okay.
11:29pm Aug 14 2010
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lol. Ranni; we'll do the 1x1 on another thread. You can make it, if you want to. Group RP will be on the this thread :D
wuss poppin jimbo
11:30pm Aug 14 2010
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{{Moo, okay, i'll make it.}}
11:32pm Aug 14 2010
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>:D yuss!!!!!!! Luke will be VAMPIRE!!!! XD
11:32pm Aug 14 2010
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BIO SKELLY!!! Name Age Gender Spieces Looks Persona Crush History Other
Anzu is-Online^^
11:33pm Aug 14 2010
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( I'll do mine last, to even out the gender and species ratios ^^" )
wuss poppin jimbo
11:38pm Aug 14 2010
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Name-Lexi Age-18 Gender-Female Spieces-Human Looks- Persona-Rp it out Crush-Open History-Doesn't like to speak of it Other-none Name-Haji Age-300(lloks 19) Gender-Male Spieces-Vampire Looks- Persona-Rp it out Crush-Open History-He was changed on christmas when his parents died Other-none
Anzu is-Online^^
11:43pm Aug 14 2010 (last edited on 11:47pm Aug 14 2010)
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Name: Luke Age: frozen at 17, but technically, he is 35(he is a relitively new vampire) Gender: Boy. duh! XD Spieces: Vampire Looks: since i cant find a pic that suits him. you will get a deion. XD Luke is tall, with dark blonde hair. His hair is rather short, and is is kept un a mussy style, kind of like edward cullens(for lack of a way to describe it XD) he is rather muscular and athletic. Persona:Luke is epically awesome. He is bold, funny, daring, loud, and proud. He loves to fight, and is really good at it, but stay on his good side, and he is a sweetheart who always makes hsi friends smile. and he has a thing for cars. Crush:... History:.... Other:......
11:44pm Aug 14 2010
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((*noms koga* that was the pic i was gonna use for luke before i decided he wasnt...luke enough XD))
11:46pm Aug 14 2010
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(Don't nom on me!I love that pic so much)
Anzu is-Online^^
11:48pm Aug 14 2010
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((its all good XD))
11:48pm Aug 14 2010
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(lol X3)
Anzu is-Online^^
11:59pm Aug 14 2010 (last edited on 12:18am Aug 15 2010)
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( Yay for permanent Bios. xD ) 
Name - Rosaline Fraiye Age - 17 Gender - Female S.O. - Straight Personality - Rosa is bubbly, fun and open for pretty much anything. She's easy going, fun to be around, and a great partier. The only problem is that she's bipolar, and struggles to control it. She's overly sensitive too, and easily offended. But she's loving and loyal. History - Rosa grew up in a small town. When she was 14, she was involved in a car accident, and it altered her vision, allowing her to see deceased people. Weaknesses - Her emotions. Her sensitivity. Strengths - She is small, but is very strong. She can see ghosts. Other - HUMAN Looks -
{ but no wings } Name - Jason Frost Age - 17 Gender - Male S.O. - Bi-sexual Personality - Jason is withdrawn, anti-social, and absolutely pessimistic. He is shy around people he doesn't know, showing this by rejecting any attempts at a conversation in a rude way. Although he always resorts to sarcasm, violence and rejection, on the inside Jason is very loving and fiercely loyal. He tells things like it is, never lies, and is bluntly honest when asked. History - Jason grew up in Chicago with his older brother, mom and dad. When he was about 7, his brother, trying to pull a prank, threw a stinkbomb in his room. Something went wrong, and the house caught fire and burned down. His parents and brother died in the fire. He moved in with his grandparents, whom he adores. Weaknesses - He's terrified of fire, or anything warm to the touch. Strengths - Courage, and strong sense of will-power. Other - He wears a dog tag ne cklace with his brothers name on it, which he inherited as the only thing to survive the fire, and a shark tooth necklace his parents gave him when he was younger. VAMPIRE Looks -
wuss poppin jimbo
12:08am Aug 15 2010
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I'm not starting!
Anzu is-Online^^
12:11am Aug 15 2010
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{ Snaky didn't make their bio yet? XD idk. I'm not starting either. :D }
wuss poppin jimbo
12:15am Aug 15 2010 (last edited on 1:00am Aug 15 2010)
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Name:Aurora Hawk Age:15 Gender:Female Spieces:Human Looks:Above Persona:Aurora has well...Issues. She constantly has nightmares and freaky 'visions' and most think she is crazy. She is a emotional wreak most of the time. She has anger issues but when she is reminded of her past she ends up hiding in a corner crying and screaming and usually the only one who can calm her down is her sister. Crush:None History:Aurora was born in a rich family...A very rich family. She was a happy girl at first until her family was attacked by a vampire. Her father and her two brothers were killed and her mother and sister had gone shopping so she was the only one who survived when they were attacked. She said that a vampire had attacked them but no one believed her. Not long after her mother was killed by the same vampire and her and her sister were nearly killed but something made the vampire stop. Aurora still has the face of the vampire stuck in her mind. Other:Kitty is her sister. va:void(0);" ti tle="Click to zoom out." cl*censored*="menuTrigger"> Name:Katherine(Kitty) Hawk Age:16 Gender:Female Spieces:Human Looks:Coming... Persona:Rping it out. Crush:None History:*Growls* Other:Aurora is her sister. Name:Ash Griffin Age:No one knows...He looks 18 though. Gender:Male Spieces:Vampire Looks:Coming... Persona:Rping it out. Crush:None History:*Growls* Other:Nope

12:16am Aug 15 2010
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{ OMG. You just set my OCD on fire >:O -gets rid of Sarah- like, omg. Has to be EVEN! Dx }
wuss poppin jimbo