12:16am Aug 15 2010
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((Sorry it took me so long. I was tryinhg to decide over Aurora's personality.))
12:19am Aug 15 2010
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{ It's okay. ^o^ } { And I fixed it.. all genders are even, and all species are even. >:O WE CAN START!!/notit }
wuss poppin jimbo
12:22am Aug 15 2010
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((NOT IT!>D))
12:22am Aug 15 2010
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(Not it!)
Anzu is-Online^^
12:25am Aug 15 2010
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{ hehe... Snowehh ;D }
wuss poppin jimbo
12:27am Aug 15 2010
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(Snowy's it!Where is she anyways?)
Anzu is-Online^^
12:33am Aug 15 2010
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{ Dunno. x3 She's online, though. }
wuss poppin jimbo
12:37am Aug 15 2010
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((*growls* i spaced out XD)) Luke sat on a bench ((XD tada my intro...........jk XD)) in the park. There were people around, but he just watched them. He could smell each person individualy, hear their hearts beating, and practically taste their blood in his mouth, but he didnt attack any of them. just watched. He played wtih the car keys in his hand, his latest item. A 2002 Mitsubishi Eclipse that he had gotten fairley cheap from a used car salesman. He wanted something fast, but fairly common as to not attract attention to himself, and the sleek black eclipse was perfect, it was fast, but a fairly common sports car. Personally, he would have rather bougten the green one with the black wing and nice rims, but the black one had seemed less attention grabbing.
12:53am Aug 15 2010
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Rosa called a hasty goodbye to her mother as she walked out the door, dog leash in one hand, iPod in the other. She sighed, glad to be out of the house for once, and glanced down fondly at her father's husky, Pike. She had to walk him every day, but she didn't mind. It gave her time to let her mind wander. She put in one headphone, and cranked up the volume, strolling into the park with her large fluffy dog and her more-than-gothic-looking outfit. She wasn't actually all doom and gloom... but it was more of her style, and suited her jet black hair better. ~ Jason slid out of his Grandmother's window, wincing at the slightest noises. His Grandfather would've noticed this, had he not died the previous year, and his Grandmother wasn't in the greatest condition of late anyways. She was totally out of it, and had just been diagnosed with a mental disease. Smirking to himself, he jumped off of the room, straightened out his black t-shirt and stretched out his arms. Once his Grandmother pas sed on, there would be no need to pretend to be sick anymore. No more lying about what he was. With a hungry growl, he started to stride towards the park.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:57am Aug 15 2010
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Luke glanced up from the keys in hsi hand as a girl walked by with a dog. His dark red eyes looked at her with curiosity. Most humans instintively gave him space without noticing it, but she didnt seem to fear him. Maybe it was jsut because of the Ipod she was listening to that she hadent even noticed him. He glanced around, there were too many people around, if he were to kill her now, other people would notice. Obviosly. So he was content to just sit and watch for the moment.
1:00am Aug 15 2010 (last edited on 1:04am Aug 15 2010)
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Lexi smiled as she jogged down the street.She ran almost at almost any time of day,so it didn't bother her.She then ran past a guy sitting on the park bench,car keys in his hand.Haji smirked and walked out his front door,going to feed.Lexi then tripped over her own foot and fell on her knee.She began to howl in serious pain. (Sorry i'm brain dead)
Anzu is-Online^^
1:01am Aug 15 2010
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((XD happens to us all Koga))
1:07am Aug 15 2010
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{ /loves how most of the guys are vamps XDD } A sudden snarl made Rosa jump, heart skipping a beat. She paused her iPod, stuffing it in her pocket so she could calm down Pike. The husky was snarling and baring his teeth at Luke, fur standing on end. She stroked him gently, eyes on the curious boy sitting on the bench. "I like your eyes," she blurted out, feeling her own grow wide and her face warm up as she blushed. "Er- I mean-" Rosa sighed. "I'm Rosa. You are?" She flicked Pike gently, finally managing to make him be quiet. But he still seemed quite hostile towards the stranger. ~ Jason nearly walked into a girl jogging, giving her a rather dirty look. "Watch where you're going," he hissed, throat flaring as he caught scent of her blood. She was pretty, yes, but in Jason's view she was nothing more than a snack bar. {Lexi}
wuss poppin jimbo
1:09am Aug 15 2010
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(Is noone going to help Lexi?)
Anzu is-Online^^
1:13am Aug 15 2010
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Kitty tugging on her sister's hand trying to pull her up. "Aurora, you have to get up!" She said looking up at her sisters scared face. She sighed tugging on the girls hand again and finally let go. "Well I am going for a walk. you can stay here if you want but I am nto staying with you." She said. Aurora looked up at her sister. "No! You can't leave." She said jumping up onto her feet and grabbed her sister's wrist afraid to let go. "Its not safe out there." She whispered looking around the room. Kitty rolled her eyes. "I am sure it is just as safe as this gloomy building. Really, Aurora, why must we live in such a strange dark place?" Kitty asked pulling her sister towards the door. She opening the door and yanked her sister out of the room. "Come one, getting some fresh air won't be so bad." She said pushing her sister outside. She growled as her sister tried to argue but just kept walking not caring if her sister followed, which she knew she would. Kitty walked towards the park. She could hear Aurora's heavy breathing behind her as the girl began to panick. Aurora looked around following her sister. She took in a deep breath and smiled. "You are right...Going for a walk wasn't such a bad idea." She said. ((I will do Ash later. XD))

1:13am Aug 15 2010
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Luke stood up off the bench, "I'm Luke." he said, looking down at the dog, "sorry. Most dogs dont like me. I'm more of a cat person I guess." he said with a small grin. Did this human, er, Rosa, lack common sense? When a dog growls at a person, he usually isnt a good guy, but hey, this was working to his advantage. He looked down and growled to low for Rosa to hear, in an attemt to scare the dog.
1:24am Aug 15 2010
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Pike backed down, whimpering softly. "Curious and curiouser," Rosa said, looking him over with a small smile. "Pike likes most cat people too." She paused, getting onto her feet with an openly curious and cautious look on her face. "You're quite abnormal, then." She spun around, putting one earphone in again. She didn't turn it back on yet though. "I'll see you later, perhaps." ~
wuss poppin jimbo
1:24am Aug 15 2010 (last edited on 1:25am Aug 15 2010)
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* lag causes double post XD *
wuss poppin jimbo
1:26am Aug 15 2010
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{{Sather, you should reply on my roelplay about Immortals,Vamps, and Werewolves. XD}}
1:28am Aug 15 2010
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((Ranni:I thought I had? Okay, I guess I will go reply again.XD))