1:28am Aug 15 2010
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{{Lol. XD}}
1:31am Aug 15 2010
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Luke shrugged, "maybe." he said, with a grin. He glanced down at the dog again, "good boy." he said, turning and walking away. He twirled his keys around in his fingers before putting them in the pocket of his faded jeans. He walked toward an alley, where he had seen a girl of about eighteen of nineteen go to try and save some time getting home. Too bad she will never make it home. He thought, before seeming to vanish as he quickly ran to the alley. ((doesnt want to post the gruesome scene of Luke killing the random girl XD))
1:34am Aug 15 2010
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(Some one come help lexi please)
Anzu is-Online^^
1:38am Aug 15 2010
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Jason nearly tripped over a girl who had tripped, giving her a rather dirty look. "What's wrong with you?" he snapped, almost tempted to plug his ears. "You sound like someone is running you over with a truck."
wuss poppin jimbo
1:39am Aug 15 2010
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Rosa smiled faintly, patting Pike one last time before she cranked up her music again and became lost in it, walking through the park at a liesurely pace. She hummed along while Pike tugged at his least and tried to catch a butterfly.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:40am Aug 15 2010
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"You know what you Jerk!My knee could be broke"Lexi snapped.She stood back up then fell again.She started to cry in pain.Her knee felt like it had been ripped off and thrown in to a fire pit.
Anzu is-Online^^
1:42am Aug 15 2010 (last edited on 1:51am Aug 15 2010)
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Luke walked out of the alley, wiping the last of the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. He hadent drank any human blood in days, and now felt refreshed. He walked toward his car, p*censored*ing tow girls and bumping into one of them on accident. One he got to his car, he got in and just leaned back in the seat. Just to get out of the outside world. he turned on the radio and cranked it up to drown out the outside world.
1:46am Aug 15 2010
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"You shouldn't walk on it, then," he said, clearly unimpressed. "Do you have a cell phone? It'd be best if you call an ambulance. I'm no medic." He curled his lip, looking at her with a disgusted look. { ^ Total jerk, btw. } ~
wuss poppin jimbo
1:47am Aug 15 2010 (last edited on 2:00am Aug 15 2010)
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Kitty heard her sister give a small groaning noise behind her. She hadn't expected there to be so many people around. "What is it, Aurora?" She asked as her sister gave another strange noise. "I don't know...I just really want to go home." Aurora said stopping. She looked around nerviously at the other people. "Well...Lets just walk a little longer and then we will go home." Kitty said not wanting to argue with her sister.
1:50am Aug 15 2010
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"No I think I broke my knee"Lexi said.Haji then walked over to then small group."what happened here?"He asked."I think my knee's broken"Lexi explain.She then turned to the other dude."I don't have a fricking cell phone"She snapped.
Anzu is-Online^^
1:51am Aug 15 2010
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"Take mine then," he said, tossing an LG banter at her, with a bored ex pression. "Whatever gets you to shut up. You're going to kill my ears, you know." He red eyes flickered to Haji, who seemed to be another vampire. But his attention was drawn away from him, and to the girl named Kitty.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:54am Aug 15 2010
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"I'll take you to the hospital myself"Haji said,Picking up Lexi gently. (Braindeadedness)
Anzu is-Online^^
1:56am Aug 15 2010 (last edited on 1:58am Aug 15 2010)
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((SQUEE! LG Banter!!! thats what i have XD its literally less than 5 inches away from me right now XD ..........and Luke just lurks XD maybe Haji could walk past Lukes car and he could give them a ride XD Hmmm. Haji...its so familiar. XD OMG! hes the 'kid who lives in my best friends closet' every time we open it, her mom screams HAJI WANT A COOKIE? XD))
2:05am Aug 15 2010
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(( OMG I HAVE AN LG BANTER :OOO / phoneluv And my characters are all left out now. T~T -snuggles Jason- -Jason rips out my throat- D': ))
wuss poppin jimbo
2:07am Aug 15 2010
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(Its from a show called Blood+))
Anzu is-Online^^
2:07am Aug 15 2010
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((*shakes head* you jsut had to snuggle him didnt you XD or maybe Jason could see Luke as a possible threat to him and they could talk or something, seen as how Luke does as he pleases and obeys no laws. He makes his own rules and even those are meant to be broken >:D Luke-Dang straight! XD or maybe Luke could run into Rosa again XD))
2:07am Aug 15 2010
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((I have to go.))
2:08am Aug 15 2010
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((by snaky *snugggles and doesnt get throat ripped out* see moo? it helps when the ob ject you are snuggling isnt a bloodthirsty vampire XD))
2:13am Aug 15 2010
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(( Jason likes me >:O HE JUST DOESN'T KNOW IT YET !! >:O -snuggles Jason- -Jason rips out my heart and noms- T~T And yesh... He should run into Rosa... after she brings her dog home. >8D )) Rosa started to head back towards her house, black flats starting to create blisters in her feet. She didn't even seem to notice as she let Pike into the house, set her iPod on the kitchen counter and threw her string bag over her shoulder. Rosa was headed back to the park.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:15am Aug 15 2010 (last edited on 2:16am Aug 15 2010)
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Luke saw the Rosa girl again and got out of hsi car and leaned against it, "you know," he called after her, "If I didnt know any better, I would say that you were stalking me." he said, grinning at her, but not so much as she saw his sharp fangs. ((*sdmacks Jason* BAD JASON! Very bad >:O I need her Alive! Give me her heart back! *holds out hand*))