2:24am Aug 15 2010
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Rosa glanced up at him, smiling cautiously. "I have a boyfriend," she lied smoothly. "Sorry if you misunderstood or anything." She let her eyes settle on his car, thinking longingly of the black mustang her mother owned. "And stalking is a bit much. I hardly even know you."
wuss poppin jimbo
2:25am Aug 15 2010
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(( Jason: -spits up half-digested heart into Snoweh's hand- >:C you takes my food. -growl- ;D ))
wuss poppin jimbo
2:27am Aug 15 2010
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Haji carried Lexi to the hospital and waited to hear what was wrong.
Anzu is-Online^^
2:29am Aug 15 2010
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Luke shrugged, "what can I say? I'm hot." he said with a laugh. He looked at her intently wiht his blood-red eyes. She was very pretty, it was too bad she was human, but of couse, he could change that so easily...
2:30am Aug 15 2010
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Jason, who had just realized the girl hadn't returned his phone, cursed under his breath and followed. His hair hung in his face, white streaks close to the shade of his skin. He looked at Haji, "Why did you help her?" he asked in a disgusted tone. "She's not one of us."
wuss poppin jimbo
2:32am Aug 15 2010
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"She was hurt and her name's Lexi.I've been watching over her since she was born..I'm her brother"Haji said.
Anzu is-Online^^
2:32am Aug 15 2010
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Rosa scowled, mood flipping. "You know," she said, looking at him in a loathing way. "People like you need to drop dead." She was starting to get revved up. "Think you're all that! Well you know what? You're not hot! I can see right through you." She narrowed her eyes. "I know what you are." She whirled around, starting to stalk in the direction of her house. { She doesn't know he's a vampire. XD lol. Just a bad choice of words on her part. And o3o. }
wuss poppin jimbo
2:33am Aug 15 2010
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Jason snorted, rolling his eyes. "So I take it you'd be pretty pissed if I ate your sister, right?" He frowned. "And, by the way, does that mean she knows what you - and I - are?" His eyes glinted. "Because that's totally against the law."
wuss poppin jimbo
2:35am Aug 15 2010
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{{I may join in on this. Its getting interesting.}}
2:35am Aug 15 2010
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How can she know? Luke wondered. He ran ahead and quickly p*censored*ed her, then stopped to face her, his inhuman speed making it look like he just appeared out of thin air in front of her, "tell me then Rosa." he said, stepping closer to her, "what am I?" he asked.
2:37am Aug 15 2010
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"Yeah she sorta knows what we are only because she guessed"Haji said,chuckling.
Anzu is-Online^^
2:42am Aug 15 2010
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Jason smirked. "She still has my phone, that little -" He stopped talking for a moment, and added on sarcastically, "angel sent from heaven to make us all happy." He rolled his eyes. "I want it back, thank you." ~ ( Go ahead, Ranni ) ( and lol, Snoweh. Rosa's bipolar. XDDD ) "A real creep who needs to get out of my way before I call the cops," she growled, hand resting on her back pocket, where her iPhone was. "What's your issue, huh? Got weird contacts and then decided to walk around bothering chicks until you got some?" She was annoyed. "Leave me alone."
wuss poppin jimbo
2:45am Aug 15 2010
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((she reminds me of Sarah XD)) "Contacts?" He asked, then realised she was referring to his red eyes. So, she didnt know that he was a vampire. Good then he didnt have to kill her. he laughed, "you humans entertain me." he said, patting her head like you would a dog and walking past her back the way he came from.
2:50am Aug 15 2010
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Bristling, his pat on the head didn't really help. She whirled around, glaring at him in complete loathing. "Go to hell!" she hissed, stalking towards her house again. "And don't come back!" She was almost considering letting Pike out on Luke, until she realized she was going overboard again. Get a grip...forgot my pills again, damnit...I need to relax... She stood on the edge of the sidewalk, silent and still as she tried not to continue freaking out.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:50am Aug 15 2010
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(( lol. IKR ?! :D ))
wuss poppin jimbo
2:55am Aug 15 2010
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"Already there." Luke called back. either being a living dead body was already hell, or he was doomed to go there when he died, or whatever happens to vampires when they are killed. One ho got back to his car, he hepped in and revved up the engine, it purred and he whipped out into the street. kciking up some loose chunks of concrete as he drove off. ((hehe luke is slightly moody too XD))
2:59am Aug 15 2010
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Luke whipped past her, and Rosa almost considered flipping him off. Instead, she watched him drive away, and trudged onto her front porch. She flopped onto the bench there, and sighed.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:30am Aug 15 2010
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Kitty felt something grab her hand. "Kitty, I want to go home!" Aurora said pulling Kitty to a stop. She growled as Kitty just pulled her hand out of Aurora's and continued to walk. "Kitty, I really think we should go home." She said as her voice got higher. She stopped as her sister continued to walk on. Narrowing her eyes she turned around and began to walk in the opposite direction wondering if Kitty would notice that she had disappeared and gone back to the house.
11:37am Aug 15 2010
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Lexi came out,walking on crutches now."Haji.The doctor said I can't run until my knee gets better."She said.She then looked at Jason."Sorry about taking your cell.Haji wouldn't let me give it back to you until we found out what was wrong.I"m Lexi by the way"Lexi said,smiling.
Anzu is-Online^^
1:23pm Aug 15 2010
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Jason only stared at her, eyes unfriendly. "Jason," he said with a curt, sour smile. "I'd say I'm pleased to meet you, but lying is unattractive..." He ran a hand through his black and white hair, trying not to look uncomfortable. She smelled so good.
wuss poppin jimbo