1:28pm Aug 15 2010
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Luke drove around town with no destination in mind. He just followed the road and thought about his human life. It was only about t years ago, making him a child in vampire standards. He missed being...alive. Doing dangerous things with his friends had more appeal. He remebered the year he became a vampire. 1975. The summer before his senior year in high school. Back then, he was like any other teenage boy. Life was all fun and games and carefree. And then it was all ended in a heartbeat. He clenched his jaw to keep from punching the dashboard, which would do serious damage to his car. He kept his gaze locked on the road in front of him.
1:47pm Aug 15 2010
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Lexi reached into her pocket and pulled out his cell."Here you go Jason"She said,smiling.Haji smiled and watched his sister.
Anzu is-Online^^
2:14pm Aug 15 2010
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Jason took the cellphone quickly, making sure no to make contact with her skin. He stuffed it in his pocket, wrinkling up his nose. "Ermph. Thanks." he said under his breath, eyes flickering to the ceiling.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:16pm Aug 15 2010
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(Is it okay if Jason bites Lexi and accidently turns her in to a vampire?) "Your welcome"She said,turning to Haji."Lets go.I'm getting hungry"She said,smiling.She hobbled out of the hospital on her crutches,making sure to be careful.
Anzu is-Online^^
2:35pm Aug 15 2010
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( lol. Later onnn ;D When they start getting to knoww each other ) Jason paused for a minute, unsure of why he was even in the hospital, and then followed them out in silence. Once outside, he took a right turn and sauntered off, nearly getting hit by a car (Luke) as he crossed the street.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:37pm Aug 15 2010
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Haji followed Lexi and smiled.Soon they arrived back at home.Lexi went and sat on the couch while Haji made her dinner.
Anzu is-Online^^
2:39pm Aug 15 2010
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Aurora walked across the street towards her house. She reached for the door and growled when she realized it was locked. "I know she has a key somewhere around here." She said looking around. Kitty walked through the park thinking her sister was still behind her. "I know that you want to go home, but I need to go do some other things." kitty said. She waited to hear her sister's response and turned to see no one behind her.
2:56pm Aug 15 2010
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( * characters have nothing to do * o3o Can you have Kitty run into Jason, snaky? He's walking through the park again. xD )
wuss poppin jimbo
3:09pm Aug 15 2010
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((Sure.XD)) Kitty looked around for her sister. She thought that Aurora had probably went home but it didn't seem like her to leave her sister. She sighed giving up and closed her eyes taking in a deep breath of air. She opened her eyes as she bumped into someone.
3:24pm Aug 15 2010
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Jason jumped, throat flaring red hot as he brushed against Kitty. "Hey!" he hissed, drawing away from her. His eyes were narrowed into blood red slits. "What's the big idea?" His hair hung in his face, as usual, reminding him faintly he needed to get it cut sometime.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:29pm Aug 15 2010
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Kitty looked at the boy. "I'm sor-" Kitty stopped as she stared at his red eyes. They looked kind of cool but scary at the same time and they reminded Kitty of one of her sister's nightmares. "I'm sorry." She finnished what she was about to say.
3:42pm Aug 15 2010
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He saw the girls eyes look him over, which made him feel oddly exposed. "Apology accepted," he said in a brisk, icy tone. "Just watch where you're walking next time." He added on as an afterthought, the corner of his lips curling up to form a small smile. "You might get yourself hurt."
wuss poppin jimbo
3:48pm Aug 15 2010
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"Sorry, usually I do. I was just distracted I guess." Kitty said trying to ignore the unsafe feeling deep inside her.
3:49pm Aug 15 2010
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((>_> -lurks-))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
3:51pm Aug 15 2010 (last edited on 3:54pm Aug 15 2010)
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"Distracted?" Jason inquired, raising one eyebrow. He was still on his guard, though he had loosened up slightly and was standing in a relaxed position. "How so?" His eyes flickered over her body curiously. Pretty, he thought. Such a shame she's nothing more than a midnight snack for my kind. ( EDIT ; Hey Inna. ) ( And omg. o3o Can Jason be the Vampire Aurora has freakeh dreams about? 8DDD )
wuss poppin jimbo
3:59pm Aug 15 2010 (last edited on 4:01pm Aug 15 2010)
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((OMG! Great idea!8D)) "Its just...Well I am just trying to find my sister." Kitty said, "She has had a bad past and she tends to freak out over it."
4:02pm Aug 15 2010
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((*waits* XD))
4:11pm Aug 15 2010
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Jason raised one eyebrow, his attention now more drawn towards her. "Your sister," he said calmly. "What does she look like?" A bad past... that sounded like the few other humans he had let escape his grasp. Of course, he killed them off years after, but that wasn't the point... And speaking of which, Aurora did look slightly familiar.... ( YAy <3 ) ( And omg. o3o What's Luke doing? -drags Rosa back out- >:O )
wuss poppin jimbo
4:17pm Aug 15 2010
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((hes driving around and thinking about his past life XD))
4:18pm Aug 15 2010
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"What does she look like? Well...She is very thin with short dark purple dyed hair, she is a little short for her age and usually she has a serious face...She just dyed her hair not that long ago though so I am still trying to get used to it because I am use to her old white colored hair..." Kitty said as flashes of her sister a few years ago flashed into her mind. Her attention went back to Jason. "Why did you want to know?" She asked.