10:06pm Aug 15 2010
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Luke clenched his teeth, "you are the one who wanted me to save you. I could have killed you then and there and believe me, you have no idea how badly I wanted to." the taste of her blood was still fresh in his mind.
10:09pm Aug 15 2010
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"You should have killed me!" Rosa said, throwing her hands up. "I don't want to be a- well, I don't want to be like you." She turned her eyes away from him. "I don't want to be a monster. I'd prefer death." There was a long paused. "Why'd you save me, anyways? I told you to go to hell earlier!" She was extremely confused.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:12pm Aug 15 2010
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Luke tightened his grip on the steering wheel, "not a damn clue. I jsut did. And now I think I regret it." he snarled.
10:20pm Aug 15 2010
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"Good! You should regret it!" Rosa snapped. "I knew you weren't any good as soon as Pike started barking at you." She narrowed her eyes and glared out the window for a good three minutes. "Stop the car." she said suddenly. "I wanna go home."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:23pm Aug 15 2010 (last edited on 10:23pm Aug 15 2010)
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Kitty growled closing the door. She walked towards where she had seen Aurora go she stopped when she saw the girl sitting on her bed looking out the window. "Aurora...Are you okay?" She asked putting a hand on the girls shoulder. She froze when she felt the girl pull away from her. "Aurora?" She asked bending down and looking into the girls face .It was blank. Her eyes were staring out the window. A sudden fear came over her face as she let out a high scream making Kitty cover her ears. "Aurora! Snap out of it." Kitty said beginning to shake her sister's shoulders. She pulled her sister up and pushed her towards the bath room. Kitty turned on the water and splashed Aurora's face. She growled. "That almost always works." She whispered pulling Aurora towards the 'dark room' where she always took her sister when she did this. She opened the door pushing Aurora inside and closing it behind them. "Aurora...Can you hear me? Its Kitty." Kitty said. "Make them stop." Aurora whispered digging her nails into her arms which she held tightly around. "Make it stop!" She screamed pushing Kitty away and curling up into a tight ball. "Aurora, there is no one to stop. It isn't real." Kitty said making Aurora look at her.

10:27pm Aug 15 2010
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"Fine." Luke snarled, "go home." the car screeched to a halt, "but dont come crying to me when you kill your entire family." he said. He turned hsi gaze to her and hsi eyes were blazin, "trust me I tried it, tried pretending it was going to be fine, tried pretending i was normal. But I wasnt, and now my faily is dead." he said, voice fierce and angry.
10:38pm Aug 15 2010
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"That's not my problem!" she hissed venomously. "And I hope I kill them! Better them suffer the same fate I do!" She slammed the car door and stormed off, not sure of where she was. But she didn't care. Rosa was so angry.... ~
wuss poppin jimbo
10:43pm Aug 15 2010
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Luke sighed, he couldnt just leave her. He pulled the car over and shut off the engine. He got out and shut the door, locking it with the remote, "Rosa! wait up." he said, catching her almost instantly, "its not safe. and do you really want to kill your family? its not fair to them." he said, we should wait and see how this all plays out, then maybe go see your family." he said. His voice was pleading and sincere. He didnt think it was fair for her to kill the people ho loved her the most, she would feel guilty about it for all eternity. He would never forgive himself for killing his family, not in a hundred years, not even in a thousand years.
10:49pm Aug 15 2010
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"No," Rosa said, counting backwards from 10 in her mind to calm herself. "No, I don't want to go anywhere with you." She added on in a louder voice, "I don't even know you!" She tried counting again, attempting to control herself. Under her breath the muttered, "Sorry...I'm not usually this bad...forgot my pills this morning..." { Bipolar Vampire. :O Bad Idea. } ~
wuss poppin jimbo
10:54pm Aug 15 2010
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"Pills?" he asked. If she became a vampire, the pills would have little effect on her. Luke shook his head, "and you don't need to know me. YOu jsut need to trust me." he said.
11:00pm Aug 15 2010
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"I don't trust you," Rosa said stiffly. She added on, "I'm bipolar, if you haven't already guessed." Puffing up a little, she muttered, "And that doesn't mean you get to purposely pick on me just to get me fired up."
wuss poppin jimbo
11:02pm Aug 15 2010
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"why don't you trust me?" he asked, "what did I ever do to you? Besides save your life." he said, voice mellow, "now, call me old fashioned, but when someone saves your life, you are usually grateful to them and trust them jsut a little bit." he said.
11:07pm Aug 15 2010
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Kitty watched as her sister screamed again jumping up and wondered what she was seeing. Aurora pushed herself against the wall trying to get away from the dark figure the reached out towards her. The thing has curly orange hair and was wearing a flower hat her face was half there and half peeled away from the skull. Aurora screamed again before the thing grabbed her shoulders and began to shake her. "Aurora! Stop it!" Kitt ysaid shaking her sister. Aurora felt the lady's nails dig into her skin as the lady pulled it away from her arms. She grasped her arm in pain but was surprised when the wound healed right away. She looked around the room seeing her sister instead of the weird thing. "What?" She asked looking around trying to figure out what had happened. "You were having another one of those weird things." Kitty said opening the door and walking out of it. "Did the blood sucker leave?" Aurora asked looking around. "Yes he did...You don't have to worry anymore." Kitty said.
11:12pm Aug 15 2010
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{ Blood sucker... :c -pats Jason- -rips off fingers- D': ) Jason stopped in the park again, looking for something to feed on. He was dying of thirst, and couldn't take it much longer. Following a young woman into an ally way, he purred with delight to himself... ~ "You're. A. Vampire." Rosa said, looking flustered. "Now, call me crazy, but I don't think I should trust you! How do I know you won't rip out my throat while I'm sleeping because you're thirsty?" Her fever was starting to fade, but she didn't even notice.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:15pm Aug 15 2010
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((JASON! >:O what have I told you? *scolds*)) "Because I already fed today, so I'm not thirsty." he said with a hiss. ((UBER FAIL XD))
11:18pm Aug 15 2010
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She snorted, starting to pace. It was a bad habit of her's. "Yeah, well, how do I know you're not trying to kidnap me right now?" she challenged. "How many times have you done this before? Set it up with your bloodsucker friends? 'You attack her, I save her, then we share her blood afterwards'? "
wuss poppin jimbo
11:23pm Aug 15 2010
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Posts: 5,512
"I would need some 'bloodsucker' friends first. Most of us are loners in the cities, so we dont attract attention to herselve, but their are a few clans. Lucky for you, Im not one of them." he said, "and trust me, if I wanted to kidnap you, I could have dont it without you being able to do a thing about it. In case you havent noticed, I'm a hell of a lot faster and stronger than you." he hissed.
11:25pm Aug 15 2010
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Rosa rolled her eyes, continuing to pace back and forth. "How do I know you're telling the truth?" she said, frowning at him. "You could be lying through your teeth right now!" She shook her head, black hair bouncing. "No. This isn't going to work. You go home. I'm going to my house."
wuss poppin jimbo
11:27pm Aug 15 2010
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"what would I have to lie about?" he asked, "what would be the point? If I wanted you dead, I could kill you just like that." he snapped his fingers.
11:31pm Aug 15 2010 (last edited on 11:31pm Aug 15 2010)
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"Whatever. I'm going home." She pulled out her cellphone, peering at a signpost nearby. Wyndotes Street (random XD). She started to dial her home phonenumber, looking up at Luke for a moment. "I'm gonna get my mom to pick me up," she stated.
wuss poppin jimbo