Benjiro rushed back to the kitchen for more orders from Alince. Alince usually guided him around when he was helping out the resturant, and was glad that Alince knew the manager very well along with Benjiro. "just ask the new guests what they want to drink! A couple tables at a time and right the drinks with the table number!" Alince shouted back from the kitchen as he focused on his dish that he was making.
Benjiro looked around for someone that had just sat down. He spotted 3 teens in a booth and quickly rushed over pulling out the note book that Alince had given him to write down the orders on. He quickly slid past the tables of the other eating customers and stopped at the booth. "Um, what would you like to drink?" he asked as politely as he could. He quickly wrote down what they wanted and looked around once more at another family without drinks. He walked over and took their drink orders as well and quickly jotted down the table numbers before telling one of the waitors that was about to go back for another plate. The waitor grabbed the order and scampered off and Benjiro quickly grabbed the other plates and looked at where they went to before going off again.
A few moments later he was already starting to feel a bit tired. He couldn't even imagine how tired Alince felt while working these hours. During the day he would go to college then at night he would go straight to work at the resturant. It was a long working period but he always managed to get through. Though he would sleep through a couple of his in college but the teacher knew what he was up to and just let him get away with it, since she was a normal customer at the resturant herself.