1:22am Feb 18 2010
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Altair, who had been going over the many thoughts bouncing in his head, felt his body stiffen when Jake hugged him, his mind jolted back to reality. He quickly relaxed and smiled a bit, returning the embrace with one arm. It was an almost brotherly bond that they shared, almost because they weren't truly brothers. "Nobody could have known. The hunters are very skilled at hiding themselves from us..." he told him before turning his head to look back at the large wall that he had his back against. "But, we will have guards that don't go down easily..." he murmured as he pushed himself away from the cave wall with his foot. He held out his hands and closed his eyes, chanting under his breath in a language that he figured only he knew, a sinister wind winding its way around him as creatures began to rise from the earth, some no more than bones, while others were still in the process of rotting, their flesh hanging off of their bones in a grotesque manner. "Undead followers, my command is that you guard this cave from hunters who would seek to harm us. Do not leave your post unless told to do so by me," he said, voice slightly lower than usual. He opened his eyes, the bi-colored orbs glowing eerily as his long hair fluttered with the sinister wind that wrapped around him like tendrils of dark smoke. The creatures all groaned, far too decayed to have the ability to speak. They took their places in front of the cave, staring out. A few seconds later, the wind was gone. Altair wobbled a bit at first, seeing as raising the dead wasn't exactly effortless, but quickly regained his composure, returning tot he cave wall to sit down, back pressed against the cool stone. ((Oyes. Long post~ <3))

9:50pm Feb 18 2010
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Jake looked at Altair as the wind faded. "Altair.. Your power is a little creepy.. But it's a good power for many.." Jake clenched his fist and different colored water began to drip from his hand. Each a new color yet, there was always more black then any color. Jake dipped the brush tip into the black paint and began to paint an eye. HIs eyes welled with tears and they began to drip down his cheeks. He let his hair fall in fron tof his eyes and continued painting. "A-Altair... If you dared.. Would please bring my brother's ghost back to speak with me? He was all I had and now..," Jake's voice dropped to a whisper, "all I have left is you..." Jake looked at Altair and turned back as the tears began to flow down once more.
10:28pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 354
I looked over at Jake. Seeing him cry really pissed my off. Jake never cried. Damn Hunters I said to myself. I turned to Maruna, " Where is the female Hunter? I wish to speak with her." I moved to my human form so I could blend in with the shadows better. A big purple dragon would be too bright in this cave. Maruna lead me to an area in the hollow of the cave. There in chains was a female, no more than 20 years old. My breath caught, she was beautiful. Strawberry colored hair, and the biggest blue eyes I have ever seen. Why in the hell was she a Hunter? I nodded to Mauna in thanks and she left in silence. Shadow-Skipping I appeared in a corner of the cave no more than 2 feet away from her. My voice low and deep I spoke to her. " Why are you here?" She jerked in response to my voice, scanning the area for me but it was too dark. " If you have some he to kill me you might as well do it now, I'm not telling you anything." She held her chin high in stubbornness. I was amazed, feisty. "How do you fell about yourself Hunter?" I sneered the word at her. "Killing innocent children for nothing. What have they done to you?" Dang gtg, I'll finish when I can teacher calling over google xD Rofl I'ma be in trouble (( Rika that power is awesome, ps we can have more that one power ;D))

10:36pm Feb 18 2010
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Altair sighed softly. "I can try. I'm used to bringing back corpses, which is actually easier than summoning a spirit," he said before taking two steps forward to sit down, then looked back at Jake. "Jake, I'll need your help with this..." he told him before started to draw shapes in the dirt on which he sat. "First, you'll need to trace over the design I draw with black paint." ((c:))
11:38pm Feb 18 2010
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((this is what Jake drew: http://media.photobucket.com/image/black%20roses%20pictures/xamaixadax/Random%20Pictures/rosess.jpg?o=6)) Jake turned around. His blue goggles blocking the redness in her eyes and he walked over to Altait. "Alright.. I can do that..." Jake took out the bruch he made and let black water drip from his hand. It turned thick and he dipped his brush in. Jake began to trace over all the markings that Altair had done already. "Altair... How long have we been friends?"
11:48pm Feb 18 2010
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Altair waited until he had finished drawing the design to answer, having needed all of his concentration to remember what to draw. "A few years at least," he answered, looking up at Jake. The design he had drawn was a large Celtic circle, which held enough space for the both of them. "Once you finish tracing the design, you will have to step inside the circle. I will instruct you on what to do then," he told him.
12:24am Feb 19 2010
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Jake finished tracing over the design. He sighed and stepped inside the circle. He removed his goggles and flipped them over. The tears that had pooled dripped out of the goggles and Jake placed them back on his head. He sighed. "Alright. Tell me what to do. I gotta talk with him just once." Jake felt a twinge and he growled. He sighed and stepped out. "I don't think my brother thinks this is a good time to talk with him."
1:34am Feb 19 2010
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((I found the greatest quote ever. :D So deep. :'3 "When life seems unbearable, you can turn to the sky for freedom....If you just want to get away from the chaos, think of yourself as a butterfly, spread your wings, and fly. Just believe in yourself and you can soar to great heights...." Wanna know who said it? :D)) Altair blinked when Jake stepped out of the circle, having been right about to tell him what he needed to do to contact his brother. He stood, stepping out of the circle as well. It would still be there later. He moved closer, placing a hand on Jake's shoulder, a friendly, almost brotherly gesture.
2:23pm Feb 19 2010
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((sure i wana see who said that. It is deep.)) Jake looked at Altair and tears filled his eyes. He placed his goggles over his eyes and sighed. He walked back to the wall and once again began to paint. He clenched his fist and let blood drip. He had made some finger nail cuts on his palm. Jake began to paint. He was terribly distraught and could not contain his feelings. He was lucky painting would help him. He dipped his brush in the different colors and finished off the painting by signing his name in his own blood. He dropped to his knees. "Hunters... Altair.. I hate them!!!" ((Jake's painting: Hopefully, Altair gets the fact Jake is depressed.... again.....: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20boy%20crying/neopetsgal09/anime/Solonely.jpg?o=17))
5:45pm Feb 19 2010
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((.... I made it up in a roleplay! 8D -bounce- I have my moments~ <3)) Altair shook his head a bit, closing his eyes. "We all hate those who kill out of fear. They don't take the time to even try to see how we really are, that we aren't mindless beasts that eat princesses. We have feelings that can be heart, hearts that can be broken, and minds that can be shattered..." He sat back down on the ground, sitting Indian Style. He reopened his eyes, bright colors blending together as the bi-colored orbs swam with emotion. "We are not here to be killed...we are here because we can survive! They'll never be able to wipe us all out..." he growled, mood switching to anger, an emotion he very rarely ever showed. He lowered a hand to the floor of the cave, clenching at a rock. "The humans will learn that we do not go down without a fight, that we will not surrender to them!" Altair stood, reaching back to pull his long hair out of its ponytail, black hair spilling down his back to make his healthy-looking skin seem pale, eyes glittering with a look of malice that had never, ever been seen in them before. "I'm tired of humans thinking that they're the only species that can be allowed to live!" he shouted after a while of bristling. "I'm sick of them tearing families apart and killing children! CHILDREN!" He glared out of the mouth of the cave, bi-colored eyes slitted now as his released rage began to make him shift, though it was slow since he was fighting against it. "If anything, the humans are the ones who deserve death for wiping out so many species around the world," he seethed, his rage pouring off of him in waves. ((Yeah. Altair's calm has finally been broken. o:))

9:48pm Feb 19 2010
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Jake looked at Altair and stood up. His eyes filled with tears and they fell slowly. Jake walked over to Altair and collapsed onto his friend's lap. Jake upperbody was in Altair's lap and his goggles began to overflow with tears. "Jake removed his goggles. "A-Altair... Please... Don't remond me of the last thing I lost. You know I have nothing more.." Jake wiped his eyes and looked up at Altair, finally revealing that he had been crying for the longest time. (wow.. that's good...)
11:03pm Feb 19 2010
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Altair jumped slightly when Jake ended up in his lap, his mind so clouded over by the rage that had been bubbling inside of him for years that he had blocked out everything else. He closed his eyes, taking a few deep breaths, to try and calm himself. All of his features returned to human, the dark-haired male opening his eyes back up to look down at Jake. "I'm sorry...." he murmured, guilt starting to eat away at his gut. He hadn't meant to make Jake feel even worse...he was just trying to vent an emotion he rarely felt. "I don't know what do with myself when I get mad...." ((Thanks. :D I made it up sometime last year. |D))
11:44pm Feb 19 2010
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Jake looked up at Altair and brushed his white hair from in front of his goggles. "Well, you could scream out like I used to do.." Jake stood up. "Sorry I landed on you. I must have scared you a bit." Jake walked out of the cave and looked around. The wind was blowing his hair slightly and the sun made his white hair seem to glisten. He turned his head to the wind and let his hair flutter slightly. "Altair... The wind.. It's just like the day you saved me... If you even remember. The air has that burning wood smell.. And the air was almost still... I can't forget that day.. Scared me to death.. My hair began to turn white that day too." Jake held his hand out towards Altair. "Come... Please... Your all I have left right now." ((really?? Wow.. your really good,))
12:24am Feb 20 2010
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((Ohrcrap!xD I forgot Yon Chi!)) Altair stood, making his way over, the wind pulling along his long hair as soon as he was outside the cave. He closed his eyes, letting the feeling of the cool air wash over him as that smell took him back. "Now, how could I forget that...?" he asked, opening his eyes to look over at Jake with a soft smile. At that time, a violet dragon, flying without wings, was curling through the sky, her movements like an intricate dance. She slipped into the cave, shifting ot her human form just before she 2touched the ground,2 her own long hair falling around her, her colorful clothing closely matching the colors of her dragon form.
12:29am Feb 20 2010
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((thats why i use one character)) Jake looked at Altair as the dragon flew in. He looked back to the wind. "Yeah.. Heh, I was really lucky that day.. I still don't know how that fire started.. I swore I never did anything anyways." Jake sighed and felt a twinge run down his back. "It's kind of weird knowing where spirts stand nd if they want to speak with others from the world of the living... Zane seems to always be with me.. Yet, he's too far away.." Jake looked at Altair. "You remember the day the forest was suddenly ablaze and I had no where to run.. Too terrified to even shift forms...."
12:37am Feb 20 2010
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Altair, who had let himself get carried with the wind back through his memories, nodded, looking over at Jake. "I remember.... If I hadn't come then..." he let the end of his sentence remain unsaid, figuring Jake would know where he was going with this.
12:47am Feb 20 2010
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(( Join? <3 ))
1:09am Feb 20 2010
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Jake nodded. "let's nto remind me of foul things.. I lost my brother alread, so I have nobody left but you..." He sighed. "I'll be back.. I'm going to go paint..." Jake walked down to the small beach that was on the outskrits of Iceland. Jake stood on a rock and looked out to the ocean. A little embarras.sed, he began to sing. His voice filled the sky and he closed his eyes as he sang. His voice carried a little. He clasped his hands behind his back. He hoped nobody would hear. ((Jake's singing... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyiTMLYfJR8&feature=related))
1:19am Feb 20 2010
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1:19am Feb 20 2010
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Altair nodded, watching Jake walk away. He shifted into his dragon form after a bit, moving inside the cave to curl up on the ground for a nap. He hadn't really slept at all for the past many days, so hr really needed it.