1:25am Feb 20 2010
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Jake smiled in satisfaction. He hadn't sun since his brother had died and when he did, he felt so much better. Jake hopped off the rock only to barely be missed by a knife. It cut his cheek and he looked around. Nobody was around and Jake didn't evens see a knife. He laughed. "Zane.... Your too harsh to me.." He stuck his hands in his pockets and walked back to the cave. He walked in and looked at Altair. Jake smiled and walked over to Altair. He pet Altair's head. "Just go sleep with his Jake. He is all you have since what happen to me and the other children." Jake began to let te tears flow once more. "Brother, your a retard...." Zane pushed Jake over to Altair's body and sat his down. "Don't get up... Sleep." Zane kissed his brother's head. Jake felt everything. He could not see Zane but he did as he was told. He stayed seated and curled up with Altair. "Altair...."
6:35am Feb 20 2010
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Altair, who had been asleep by the time Jake walked in, twitched his tail, eyes opening slowly to focus on the male he had rescued back then. He lifted his draconic head and yawned, sharp teeth visible before he closed his mouth to look down at Jake. "Mm... Yes...?" he murmured sleepily as his head lowered back onto the ground. ((Sleeepyyyy. -dies-))
2:48pm Feb 20 2010
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Jake twitched as he heard his friends voice. "Nothing... Your warm though. For a dragon.." He yawned and put his head on Altair's tail. He curled up and closed his eyes. "I'm still greatful you came to me that day. I was scared out of my wits... Thank you so much." Jake felt his eyes get heavy and his mind began to wander off into his own dream.
2:52pm Feb 20 2010
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Altair snorted softly, shifting slightly so he could curl himself around Jake, his own eyes slipping closed. "And I'm grateful you've stuck with me for so long..." he murmured softly once he heard Jake's breathing slow, meaning he was asleep. "Grateful for your friendship..." ((Yeah. :D Only Jake gets to see just how gentle he really is. <3))
1:55am Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 354
I looked over at Jake. Seeing him cry really pissed my off. Jake never cried. Damn Hunters I said to myself. I turned to Maruna, " Where is the female Hunter? I wish to speak with her." I moved to my human form so I could blend in with the shadows better. A big purple dragon would be too bright in this cave. Maruna lead me to an area in the hollow of the cave. There in chains was a female, no more than 20 years old. My breath caught, she was beautiful. Strawberry colored hair, and the biggest blue eyes I have ever seen. Why in the hell was she a Hunter? I nodded to Mauna in thanks and she left in silence. Shadow-Skipping I appeared in a corner of the cave no more than 2 feet away from her. My voice low and deep I spoke to her. " Why are you here?" She jerked in response to my voice, scanning the area for me but it was too dark. " If you have some he to kill me you might as well do it now, I'm not telling you anything." She held her chin high in stubbornness. I was amazed, feisty. "How do you fell about yourself Hunter?" I sneered the word at her. "Killing innocent children for nothing. What have they done to you?" She scoffed."Huh it's not what they didn't do it's what they will do. Dragons are nothing but disfrace and need to be exterminated" She annoyed me, I had enough of her. "How would you feel if you child was taken away from you? For nothing? How would you feel if you where discriminated against for nothing you had control over? Humans lack the sight to see over what is in font of their faces. War, poverty, violence, destruction yea we dragons are way worse than humans." I walked off to let her ponder my words.

2:10am Feb 21 2010
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Altair lifted his head to stare over towards the Hunter, eyes narrowed as a deep growl rumbled in his throat. He looked towards the entrance, which was still guarded by his undead minions. "I wish for one of you to come to me," he said, voice lowering. The one with the most ghastly appearance turned and walked over, bones creaking with each step. "Go to the Hunter and show her what humans have done to you..." he whispered. The creature bowed its head and did as it was told, bone wings trailing along the ground as random patches of scaled skin showed. This was a young dragon who had died a while back and had been rotting under the ground. It had been so young....and it had died for nothing. Now it was time for the humans to see what it is they've done. ((Yes. Altair got maaad. ;O))
3:11am Feb 21 2010
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Jake felt the tension in Altair's muscles. He opened his eyes and lifted his goggles. "Altair... You and my higher ups.. All of you.. You guys take care of me as though I was your own brother. I don't get it.. Nobody really cared about me. Except for Zane.. So why? What makes you guys want to take care of me?" He looked back toward the room where the Hunter was begin held. "So he's pissed off... I wana know why. I understand the pain those undead soals went through. Yet I can never understand." Jake stood up and went over to Altair's head. He sat next to Altair's neck and he kissed Altair's scaly cheek. "Whatever the reason. At least you cared for so long." Jake smiled as tears fell from his eyes.
12:03pm Feb 21 2010
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Altair turned his head away from the skeletal young dragon and instead towards Jake as he spoke, bi-colored eyes softening slightly. He gently nudged his head against Jake, tilting it slightly afterwards. "Why wouldn't we? Once I found you there and we grew closer, you really were like the brother I never had," he told him. He lay his head down against the cool cave floor, shifting slightly to drape a wing over Jake. "The worst part of being a necromancer is that you learn to understand what the dead feel. It's...really not something you'd want to know if you had the choice..." ((c: -was at church lol-))
8:18pm Feb 21 2010
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Jake smiled. "Well, I understand too. I'm a ghost whisperer since birth. I've been able to see ghosts for the longest time." He put his hand on Altair's wing. "I guess so... But then again, if I couldn't feel what they went through, then i wouldn't be able to see my brother." He sighed. "Alyways Altair, what do you think of me? Since that incident, have I changed?"
8:29pm Feb 21 2010
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Altair chuckled. "From the kid that was scared out of his mind to now?" Nah, not at all," he said playfully, nudging JAke again. "Of course you've changed, Jake. You've grown a lot stronger since then," he told him, tilting his head slightly. "Where is this coming form all of a sudden, by the way?" he asked, blinking curiously.
9:08pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 9:09pm Feb 21 2010)
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Posts: 354
I leaned against the wall watching my Shadow Brothers. I felt tired. The female as getting to me and I didn't know why. She deserved to be punished yet, I'd seen something in her eyes that made me want to hold her, tell her everything was ok. Eugh, I got up and walked over to Altair and Jake. " Are you guys ok? I mean mainly Jake I know this is a difficult time for you." I watched him intently, concern for my brother radiating from me. " Well it's time for us to go. Maurna I'll take the Hunter back to our cave for questioning, plus I know you have much more to worry about." I closed my eyes and let all types of powers flow through my body, latching onto a particular one, my Air dragon form. I grabbed hold of it and my body ripped apart, clothes became brightly colored scales, feathered wings erupted from my back. Fully dragon now, I breathed in a deep lung full of air, smelling the world around me. I walked to the back of the cave to the Hunter who was now crying, the undead dragon must have gotten to her. Good. With out a word, I snapped her chains and picked her up by her collar, and lead her out of the cave. I waited on the others.

9:18pm Feb 21 2010
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The skeletal dragon that Altair had summoned stepped out of the shadows a few moments later, walking right up to Altair to touch its bony nose to Altair's scaled one in a gesture that other dragons everywhere would recognize. Altair moved his head to lightly nudge the little thing back to where it belonged, a sad look in his eyes. "So innocent she had been..." he murmured, sadness become distance. Very rarely had a reanimated corpse walked right up to him to touch noses with him, but when they did, he was taken on a trip through their lives. He had seen how it felt to die, sometimes for simply being a dragon. A light shudder shot down Altair's spine, the black and silver dragon returning to his human form. He placed hi palms against his head, closing his eyes as the little dragon's short life came at him like a ton of bricks. Watching the memories of younglings was always hard for him... That was the reason why he had finally snapped when he had heard that young dragons had been killed. He had been able to see through the eyes of other younglings what it was like to die so young without a chance at life. ((Sometimes after these things he gets...sick, if you know what I mean. -holds out barfbag- .w.))

9:33pm Feb 21 2010
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Jake jumped and fell over. Altair was not sitting up with his hands on his head. Jake stood up. "Altair... Altair." He looked at Altair. He pulled his goggles over his eyes and began to shift. His clothes turned pure white and his hair grew longer. Wing sprouted from his back and everything came together. He was a pure white dragon. Snowy colored and dcold to the touch. Jake placed his nose on Altair's head. "I have changed... And yes, this is a very difficult time for me." He lifted his head and faced the higher up with the hunter. His eyes filled wuth tears, his heart hot with anger. "Her.... My brother!! what the hell?!!" He growled. "I can't look at a face liek her's and not want to kill her! Get her out of my sight before I can;t contain my anger any longer!" Tears flowed from his eyes.
9:54pm Feb 21 2010
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Altair was fighting to keep himself under control, refusing to give in to the rage that was bubbling up inside him again. He growled, low and deep, the only thing changing so far is his eyes, which were returning to their slitted look as he fought to keep the beast wihin him from being unleashed upon the Hunter. "Innocence lost...years never spent growing....never to see their families....lost forever..." he muttered, his current amount of sanity slipping as the beast within was clawing its way towards the surface, Altair's true inner dragon wanting out right now. "Spilled blood, blood of children, innocent blood...never did anything wrong, never..." he muttered, the one vision from that little dragon mixing with the others from the younglings he'd brought back form the dead that had come to touch noses, a sign of curiosity about other dragons. "So many inoocent children dead, so many coming back, so many still curious...so many...so many..." ((Yeah. He tends to speak in gibberish when he's having those visions anyways, but the rage mixed witht he visions is a dangerous sanity-breaker. o3o))

10:15pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 10:15pm Feb 21 2010)
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Posts: 464
((srry I haven't posted in a long time! )) Wynn flew over the peaks of the mountains which were her home.She wanted to explore the world as she did a few years ago,but knew she could when she couldn't."Ugh!"she looked down from where she was.The land below her was big still,but the creatures were small.She sometimes felt like a feather in the wind.Well,I'll think of something tomorrow..she thought as she flew down and landed perfectly after years of practice.She walked to her cave,hidden by leaves and large trees with some vines dangling down.Settling down in a bed made of straw and leaves along with feathers,she fell in a deep sleep.
10:26pm Feb 21 2010
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Jake looked at Altair and quicjly changed into his human form. "Altair. Please, control yourself." Jake ran over to his friend and hugged him tightly. "Altair... Please. Listen to me. You mustn't let yourself be overtaken by that monster. Please Altair." Jake hugged his friend tighter. "Come on Altair.." Tears spilled from Jake's eyes. They filled his goggles.
10:59pm Feb 21 2010
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Altair's fingers twitched within his long, dark hair, which was currently let down and covering hi face, making him look like some psycho in a horror film. The slits he had for pupils then narrowed further, his body shaking lightly. "Unless you want htat Hunter dead, get her out of here," he snarled through clenched teeth, forcing back the his inner dragon. He clenched his eyes shut, only to have them snap back open when he felt something warm against him. He turned his head to look at Jake, both of his eyes now a shade of blue that seemed to glow, even without any light. This was something he had managed to keep well hidden form everyone in the group other than Jake, who had seen him like this maybe once before, long ago. Until now, it had never been this bad. "Get that MURDERER AWAY FORM ME!" he yelled, piercing blue gaze focusing on the Hunter as his teeth began to sharpen, his voice changing to become darker, showing it wasn't really him speaking. His inner dragon ahd slept long enough. "Jake...you and the others...should go for a bit..." Altair managed to force out, a dark rim around his irises now. His true inner dragon was a fearsome beast, something like in the fairytales from England of dragons eating princesses. "If it doesn't...get let out now...it'll just be...worse...nest time..." he said tthrough his snarls. ((He's wanting to go away for a bit so his inner dragon can go tear down a forest or something. It gets worse as time goes on. o:))

11:30pm Feb 21 2010
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Jake shook his head. "No. I can't leave you like this. I remember what happen last time. I can't let you go through this alone. I can't allow that again." Jake hugged Altair tighter. "Please Altair. I understand how you feel I'll stay far away from you while your in that state, but I wan't to remain with you. EVen if I have to be a mile away even if I have to hide like a coward. I just don't want you to go through what you did last time. I let you just go psycho." Jake looked at Altair and removed his goggles. He poured out the water and put them back on his head. He knew his friend was going to become a monster. He couldn't let Altair stay alone. Jake. Quit being stupid. Help Altair. I command you as a younger brother. You need to help Altair. You've seen what he can do as that monster. Please Jake. Help him. Jake nodded and looked at Altair. "Listen, just tell me where to hide... If i have to hide."
11:41pm Feb 21 2010
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"Anywhere...where your scent..is hidden..." Altair's hands slowly began to shift into the clawed paws of a dragon. "Can't..keep the beast...waiting..." he muttered, moving his hands form his head to clench his hands against his legs, claws digging into his skin to take his mind off of the beast clawing its way out. "J-Jake...go before it's...too late..." ((Once the beast is done, he'll pas$ out for a bit. P: And the undead guards will go bye-bye. owo And every RP needs drama. :D That's what Rika's here for. <3 And when the time comes, Altair's true inner dragon will be described. owo))
12:05am Feb 22 2010
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Jake looked at Altair and stood up. "Altair... Please... Don't let yourself be controlled." Jake looked at Altair and grabbed his claws. He pulled them from his skin. "Don't hurt yourself." He stepped back and looked around. WHat?! There isn't anywhere to hide?!! Jake franctically began to search.