12:18am Feb 22 2010
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"Only way...to buy time..." After a few more minutes of sitting there shaking lightly, ALtair simply stood and darted off, letting out a loud cry the instant he was outside the scave. His clawed paws grew bigger, as hi teeth sharpened even more. The whites of his eyes turned black, hi usually bi-colored irises now a glowing shade of blue. His long, dark hair steadily began to gain red color as, instead of the usual black and silver or his dragon form, he grew much larger with blood red scales, his hide covered in old scars. His spiked collar snapped off of his neck to fall to the ground, great black wings spread wide as celtic markings in black began to appear on him, mirroring the ones used in the ritual to summon the spirits. Around his legs the cilrcle formed what could be mistaken for a bracelet. On his wings they bled out bright red as poisoned spikes grew from his tail, which was now lashing back and forth. He lifted hi head and let out a mighty roar, the one heard back in ancient times. Various other Celtic markins in various dark colors appeared on his scaly skin, but the circles held the only real meaning. ((Yeah. ;3 Think about the circle for a minute. Circle...spirits~ ;O))

12:30am Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 5,542
((i see. i see...)) Jake was shocked. "Altair!!" Jake ran over and dodged his tail once and ran under Altair's stomach. He was trembling but he knew he had to help Altair. Altair will be able to smell him but he didn't care. Jake looked up and shook more. "Altair!! Altair!! Please Altair!!" Jake growled and ran forward. He was standing right under Altair's head. "Altair!! Listen Altair!! I know you can fight this off! Please Altair!! I hate to see you like this. This is the second time, but it's a lot worse than the time before this! You have to be able to fight this off!! I don't want you to suffer anymore!!" ((make it dramatic.. Hit Jake with the tail or scare Jake into a cliff... something..))
12:41am Feb 22 2010
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The dragon growled, staring down at Jake with cold, heartless eyes as he parted hi jaws, razor sharp teeth dripping saliva. The dragon took a step forward, foot barely missing Jake. It made no attempts to communicate. It tossed its head back and roared again before taking off with a heavy push from hi large wings, lashing out his tail as he lifted off of the ground. For all they knew, Altair could forever be lost to this dragon. The dragon could have won. Altair as they knew him could very well be dead, never to be seen again. But, the dragon knew better. Hiding within him, Altair's voice yelled out against this, trying to fight against. He tried, but the dragon was too strong for him. Then Altair thought back to the times after he had saved Jake, a smile on his mental face. ((That dramatic enough fer ya? ;D More'll come after your reply. C:>))
12:48am Feb 22 2010
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((definetly)) Jake yelled out as the dragon's paw had nearly squished him. Jake fell back onto his butt and lookedup at the dragon. The roar shook Jake's bones. He was terified. How could this monster possibly be his best friend. The only person who ever really understood him? How? Jake stood up and looked at the dragon. He ran toward the dragon's tail. He was completly terrified. He wasn't paying attention to anythinng. Not the dragon. Not the fear, not the poison spiked tail, not even where his next step would be. All he was focused on was getting into the cave and hiding there until Altair had come back to him. "Altair!!" Tears flowing from Jake's eyes.
1:06am Feb 22 2010
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Seconds after the tail hit Jake, it roared again, but this time differently. It sounded a little like Altair had before changing into this big beast, the roar slowly changing into a yell of Jake's jakes name as the giant dragon disappeared, replaced by Altair in his original dragon form, silver swirls glittering Altair made it as far as Jake before collapsing, slowly shifting back to his human form, out cold with an arm draped over Jake, a soft apology murmured just before everything went black. At that instant, the undead guards fell. Altair's breathing was so soft, it looked like he wasn't breathing at all. ((And ti was just the tail. Not the spikes. :D))
1:13am Feb 22 2010 (last edited on 1:15am Feb 22 2010)
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Jake coughed out blood and held his chest and stomach. His head hurt. That's right... Altair's tail hit me pretty hard... oh my head.. Altair! Jake turned over to see Altair. He could see Altair was breathing but it was so faint. He smiled slightly. "Altair..." Jake placed his hand on his friend's cheek. "Heh, I told you... You could overcome that dragon. You are strong... Stronger than you have ever been." Jake closed his eyes and pas.sed out. His hand fell from his friend's cheek and he w*censored* breathing slowly. The tails had cracked his rib and his gut hurt like bloody hell. Jake endured the pain. If me getting hurt helped you.. So be it. ((i'll reply to your next post tomaro... gotta sleep.))
1:41am Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Altair's fingers twitched when warmth was against his chin, but no more happened. He didn't know just how hard the beast's tail had struck JAke. If he had, he'd be fighting against the silent darkness to help him. But right now, he couldn't even help himself wake up. He was totally spent. ((owo -listening ot Don't Laugh At Me- I randomly started humming that during Gym...though I hadn't herd it for a year or so. owo))
11:36pm Feb 22 2010
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Jake groaned and sat up a little. He was tired, hurt, and concerned. "Altair... oh ow..." Jake sat up on his legs and looked at his fallen friend. "I told you I wouldn't leave you.." He stood up and manipulated the blood that had been spilled. He made it thin and wrapped it around his rib. The blood hardened and formed a cast-like thing around the cracked rib. He carried Altair and walked into the cave. The sun was setting and he was getting cold. He set Altair down on his jacket and walked out. He began to gather soft moss and began taking the wool off the wild rams and sheep.
11:57pm Feb 22 2010
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Altair remained unconscious, still waging a war on the inside, one he was starting to lose because he had no energy left at all right now. He needed rest, which was what he was fight, and losing, against.
((Fail. .n.))
12:08am Feb 23 2010
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Jake walked back in the cave. He placed the moss on the groud ad began to pick out all the sharp thigs in it. Twigs, bugs, and even tiny rocks. Jake finished up and layed the moss out. It was roughtly the same height as Altair. He began to pick everything out of the wool too. He manipulated water and cleaned the wool. He took the water off and the wool was now very fluffy. He placed it over the moss and carried Altair. He placed him on the make shift bed and covered Altair in clean wool. "Sleep Altair... Please." He sat next to his friend and put his jacket on. He shivered a little and watched his friend sleep. ((it won't matter... Everyone gets brain farts))
12:21am Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Altair did just that, breathing calm and even. As he exhaled once, it sounded like he had said something, but it didn't happen again. ((Jake needs to crawl under the wool if he's that cold. owo))
12:29am Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 5,542
((i was about to do that..)) Jake smiled as Altair had finally seemed calm. He felt a strong gust of wind blow through the cave. It was cold enough, but with the wind, it was at least three times as cold. Jake shivered a lot and looked at Altair. He wont mind me right? Jake lifted the wool and got under with Altair. He was warm already. He draped the wool over himself and Altair. He turned over, his back facing Altair.
3:54pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 354
((Man I'm kinda out the loop of this Rp xD.... Hrmm)) Outside of the cave I didn't hear the commotion outside. I wondered why they were taking so long. I started to leave and go check on them why I realized the Hunter as still with me. She wasn't going anywhere I thought, so I left her. I went back into the cave. Altair and Jake where on the floor of the cave...sleeping? No not sleeping, Damn it Altair must have had a vision. I never seen on of them but he has told me of them. I walked over to them and turned back human. "Altair? Brother? Gods, Jake is he ok? ARe you ok?"
4:10pm Feb 23 2010
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Altair could hear the voice of their leader, but even if he'd wanted to, he couldn't respond. Heck, he couldn't even move except for when he had small muscle spasms, which made various parts of his body, such as fingers or a foot, twitch.
12:14am Feb 24 2010
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Jake looked up at the leader. "Yeah.. He's fine. He just kind of lost it for a few minutes. I was hit with his tail.. But he managed to turn back. He's very tired and can't really move, but he's going to be okay.." Jake got out of the wool and held his side where the cracked rib was. "However, you should get the hunter out.. If he wakes up, we won't be able to control himself as well as he did today." Jake looked at Altair and put his hand on his friend's forhead. "You'll be alright... You were fine last time this happened."
5:39pm Feb 24 2010
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Altair let out a small, soft sound, which could have been either an exhale or a sigh, when Jake placed his hand on his forehead. His hand felt so warm against his skin, even though he was nice and toasty beneath the wool. His right pointer finger twitched, but that was the only movement other than his breathing that occured then.
12:35am Feb 25 2010
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Jake looked at Altair as his finger twitched. "Altair... I'm sorry I got in the way.. I should have just hid like you said." Jake grabbed his friend's hand in his tightly. His fingers interlaced with Altair's. "I'm so sorry this happened you again.. I really need to learn how to help you. I wana help you so much but I'm so weak..."
12:39am Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Altair wished he could argue about that, but he could do more than listen for now, pretty much dead to the world until his energy returned. Nobody could help him. This was hi demon to fight, not Jake's. He shouldn't have to deal with it at all... ((Awww. ;u;))
12:45am Feb 25 2010
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Jake's tears fell on Altair's hand. "I'm sorry... I should have known this was going to happen. I've known you for a while now.. I should know you better than anyone else.. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry... I promise to help you from now on. I know i'm no use against your demon dragon form, but I can fight.. I can fight him if necessary.. I'd risk my life to keep everyone safe from you Altair. I wana keep you safe too. You've been the only person to understand me."
12:49am Feb 25 2010
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Altair was glad that he could still hear what the others said. Jake's words touched his heart and, even though he was unconscious, the corners of his mouth twitched as if he were trying to smile.