1:00am Feb 25 2010
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Jake looked at Altair's mouth. "don't struggle so much.. You need to rest." He stood up. "i'm sorry, but i'm going to go flying really quick. If i don't get back by the time your up, i've been captured, killed, or im in the middle of a fight." Jake walked out and shifted.
1:23am Feb 25 2010
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Altair suddenly felt very alone, though he wasn't sure why. Without Jake there, it just felt weird to be unconscious on the ground. One day, you will not be able to fight it... 'I'll always be able to fight you, Kyomu' Altair, I nearly had totaly control today. It won't be much longer until you can never regain your control. 'I'd rather die at the hands of a Hunter.'
2:17pm Feb 25 2010
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Jake flew down and grabbed a wild bore. He ate it and licked his scaly lips clean of blood. He was full. He yawned and flew up. He had to get back to Altair. He flew quickly. His wings beating and ice cold wind followed.
2:39pm Feb 26 2010
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3:15pm Feb 26 2010
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((Can't do much witht he unconscious Altair. xD; And I have about three hours before I'm gone for twelve. P: Gonna go to the Lock-in at my church. |D .... -growls at sister- I swear if she lost my rechargeable batteries.... >())
3:02am Feb 27 2010
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((that would suck.. Wat does Jake do?))
8:31am Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 354
((Holy Fish paste Mermaid man! I've been gone to long xD)) Jake returned from eating. I was sitting with Altair worrying, we had to move. Hunters could come back, and he could easily be killed in his current state. "Jake" I spoke his name without looking at him may gaze fixed on my brother."Jake.. can you move him? Is it ok to move him? We have to go. I can leave the Hunter here with Maruna I don't care, my bothers matter most" A lone tear fell down my cheek. I never cried, but seeing Altair like this both upset and saddened me.
2:46am Feb 28 2010
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Jake looked at the leader. "Um.. I can move him. But, if he wakes up, I might have to put him down. No matter where we are." Jake walked outside and raised his hand to a tree. Thewater quickly left the tree and formed a thick ring around Jake. The tree was nothing but dust. Jake walked back in and turned the water to ice. He wrapped it around Altair and raised him. "We must hurry. When Im shifted, we can put him on my back. But for now, let's just leave."
8:24am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 354
I nodded to him. Closing my eyes I latched onto a red swirl of energy deep within my body. As soon as my mental hand grabbed it the power exploded. I roared, clothing became crimson scales, large powerful wings erupted from my back. I reared up on powerful hind legs billowing fire from my mouth as the power of the Fire Dragon took over me. I relaxed the dragon and exhaled. "Maurna?" She came up behind me. " Take care of that hunter. I feel she will be important." " Let's go Jake"
8:50pm Feb 28 2010
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Altair could feel the cold of the ice beginning to seep through the cotton that Jake had placed around him to keep him warm. He shifted slightly as he was lifted intot he air, no more than a very small movement.
12:54am Mar 1 2010
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Jake sighed and shifted into his dragon form. "Lucky you. You can use your dragons to blend. I have one form. And it's very bright.." He manipulated the ice onto his back and the ice broke away. Altair was now laying on Jake's back. Jake focused his fire (even though his power is ice, every dragon has a little fire) under Altair to keep his friend warm. He placed his tail on Altair so he didn't fall. Jake walked out. "Where to, Leader?"
1:10am Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Altair stilled, comforted by both the warmth and Jake's voice. He could tell that he and their leader cared about him, and that made him very glad that he had decided to join up with them. He had friends that were willing to put themselves at risk for his sake, and Jake, even though Altair had ended up hurting him, still cared so much for him.... A single tear trailed down Altair's cheek, hot and salty though it was quickly cooled by the cold around them. His mouth twitched into a small smile, the weary male drifting further and further into the darkness that was sleep. I will win one day, and I'll start by killing your little 'friends'. Kyomu, go rot in a ditch somewhere. You hurt Jake, which is something I will kill you for. I will rid my body of your presence any way I can! Go for it, kid. You'll never be able to get rid of the demon inside you that you created. You're stuck with me until the day you begin to rot in the earth.
2:11pm Mar 1 2010
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Jake looked at altair and smiled. "Altair, you'll be fine. I promise you that I will protect you as logn as you are in this state" He spread his wings and flew up. He walked flyign the clouds so his bright scales were not visible. "SO Altair, you better not even try giving up on me. Your all I have in this life right now. If you give up, then I'm going to drag you by your hair back up to where you have to be." He smiled.
1:18pm Mar 3 2010
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Posts: 354
"We must move quickly and swiftly. High in the sky so we won't be seen. I choose my fire dragon so that I can protect you both." I flexed my wings. "Now you fly ahead of me toward home, Chicago, I will be your eyes" I took of toward the sky high in the air waiting for Jake.
12:11am Mar 4 2010
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Jake took to the sky and flew high above the clouds. "Alright. TO chicago." He flapped his wings and began to fly back toward home. He was worried about Altair. He wasn't paying attention again. He was terrible at paying attention when Altair was in pain or hurt.
2:25pm Mar 10 2010
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2:27pm Mar 10 2010
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(( Join? XD ))
2:46pm Mar 10 2010
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((idk. Probably. Tavi is in charge...))
4:06pm Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Mmmm~ I will make Al wake up soon. P:))
10:51am Mar 17 2010
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Posts: 354
Jeeze sorry guys. My life has gotten crazy! You would not believe but I had a baby scare! So I kinda poofed of Rp's. I;ll continue I guess We made it back to Chicago, not a trace of hunters in sight. I flew down in a wooded area. Hidden by the trees and shrubs was a large rock face. I stepped to it and placed my scaly hand in the middle. The rock glowed dimly and split down the middle. I stepped aside and hurried Jake an Altair in. "Come get him inside"