6:55pm Mar 17 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Mmm~ I may add in another male since my Chinese dragon girl got forgotten. xDDD; -fails-))
2:38pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Jake landed and shifted human. He carries Altair with his ice and ran in. "What's wrong? I can always take him to my place to take care of him. I live pretty far away from the hunters. Anyways, Altair, please wake up. I don't want to think your going to leave me."
6:12pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
After a while, Altair began to stir, his bi-colored eyes slowly sliding open. His vision was blurred, possibly because of the fact that he had been in such a comatose state, dead to the world. For the moment, he still could not move, but he was awake, showing he still lived.
2:22pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Jake looked at Altair. "Altair!!" Jake threw his arms around Altair and smiled. "Thank god your awake. I thought you might really leave me this time." Jake put Altair down on the floor and sat next to him. "I'm sorry for not listenign to you."
3:59pm Mar 22 2010
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Altair made a small sound as he was hugged, blinking when he was set back down. The voice registered in his head as belonging to Jake, so he smiled a bit, blinking again to try and force his vision to clear faster. "I should have seen it coming.... You always were stubborn," he said, voice a little off. He had no idea why it took him so long to recover fully, even if he had awoken. IT just...kind of did.
1:24am Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Jake gave a weak laugh that was shielding his cracking voice. Tears welling his eyes and he put his sleeve to his eyes. "I'm just glad your fine... I'm sorry for being so stubborn. I didn't mean to cause you any more harm than I already have." Jake wiped his eyes and looked at Altair. He wrapped his arms around his friend and his heart thumped/ He hugged Altair tighter and tears fell from his eyes, landing on Altair's shirt.
3:57pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Altair shifted himself slightly in his friend's embrace, barely able to do that much. When he noticed that Jake was crying, the corners of his lips pulled down, the dragon-shifted forcing himself to lift a hand and place it against Jake's cheek. "It isn't your fault...." he told him. ((Awww. <3))
11:53pm Mar 23 2010
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Jake looked at Altair and pressed his cheek against Altair's hand. He sat up and never took his eyes off his friend. "It kind of is. You told me to leave, but i didnt. You told me I could be in danger, I stayed. You told me not to go outide or get near you. And i still did all that..." Jake looked at Altair and tears began to falll again. ((trying to get Jake and Altair to notice feelings.. Haha, Jake is just sad too. He is going to go into a state of depression.))
5:33pm Mar 25 2010
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Altair sighed, the sound more like rushing air than an actual sigh. "You only did that because you're stubborn, and you can't leave a friend behind," he murmured, the sides of his mouth being pulled up into a small smile. "Not even if you know you could get killed in the process..."
1:45am Mar 27 2010
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Jake smiled a little and threw his body across Altair's. He put his head on Altair's chest and his hip was against Altair's. His heart pounded and Jake put his hand on Altair's stomach. "You know. That demon dragon inside of you... It's dangerous and it may not be able to be controlled... But I wanty ou to know that no matter what happened with it, I will help you. I dont care if i end up having to fight that demon."
1:44pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Altair smiled a little. "You know, I would care if you end up having to fight Kyomu. He's...ruthless, heartless, ad uncaring." He shifted a little, his bi-colored gaze settling on his best friend, the friend he had rescued those years back. He's grown so much since then... Altair was so lost in thoughts of the past, that he couldn't feel his own heart pounding in his chest, beating against his ribcage.
11:34pm Mar 30 2010
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Jake nodded and looked at his friend through his blue goggles. "I don't care. If he kills me and ends up sparing you through fatigue, then so be it. I rather save your life since you saved mine. I owe you that much. Even if I survive, I'd fight again and time over.." Jake felt a warm pool of water fill his eyes. He stood up and sat down a couple feet away. He morphed water into different hues of colors. He began to paint on the wall.