3:42pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 632
((why not? which rule did i break?))
10:29pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 1,576
((Drag: Sure ;o Tal: There is a conformation in the rules, that is proof.))
10:34pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC;// -dips head- Alright. Bios coming. ^^
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:39pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// And yet, I have to leave. Bios up tomorrow. ^^
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:29am Jul 24 2010 (last edited on 3:48am Jul 24 2010)
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(( 8D Name Lazarus Jedda Age 22 Gender Male Looks/Deion Short blue hair, bright crimson red eyes. He likes to wear a black hoodie and sweatpants. He had huge bat like wings and rarely uses them unless needed. Coven Renzai Family Jedda family consist of Two children, Lazarus and Valh. Then the father, Kino, and mother Saria. Lazarus got his looks and powers from both parents since both were vampires, but Saria being a water demon too Lazarus got the powers of one. Crush/Mate None Power Controls water and can shape it into any form. History Part of the Jedda family he was born after Valh. Lazarus is much nicer then his brother could ever be. He takes pitty on others but thats when its not feeding time. Others Wears a ring around his finger. Hunter and Prey in Others))
3:43am Jul 24 2010 (last edited on 3:46am Jul 24 2010)
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Posts: 1,009
The crimson red eyes peaked through the darkness, as they began to get brighter. Lust filled the eyes ,as the person they blonged to got closer to its dinner. Soon, out came an ivory young man. He had his fangs out as he attacked the neck of the animal. The animal had tried to run away, but wasn't as fast as the young man was. His long red claw like nails dug into the head of the deer pushing it closer to his face as he felt the warm liquid flow down his throat. After a couple of minutes ,he pulled away satified. He put his sleaved arm to his mouth and wiped away any of the left over blood. He gave a smirk as he felt full for once. He turned to walk away but stopped. Something was coming. He could feel it.
10:21am Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 632
((whats a confermation? the hunter and prey thing? i added that...))
2:01pm Jul 24 2010
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X- Name -X Zaou Hidden Moon Scar X- Age -X 3677, but looks Nineteen X- Gender -X Male X- Species -X Native American Vampire X- Coven -X Rakdonia [?] X- Appearance -X Zaou has pitch-black hair. It is cut shaggy and short, ending just below his ears. His eyes have silver irises with a ring of gold around black oval-ish pupils. When he gets angry or thirsty, his eyes glow a silvery-white. Draping over his shoulders is a black t-shirt with bold white lettering; “Fire is the inferno that helps us live. But we only need blood,” on the back of his shirt. The black t ends a few inches below his waist. Lightly hugging his waist is a long pair of dark blue jeans with faded knees. Covering his feet are black sneakers with silver ‘wings’ on each side. The wings look demonic. Zaou’s skin tone is a dark tawny and he stands at six foot two. Around his neck is a black denim collar with silver, three inch spikes. Wrapped around his wrist is a coiled rope that starts at his wrist and ends in the middle of his arm. The rope is on his right arm. Zaou’s fangs are so unlike any other vampires’. His top canines are about an inch long. Right in front of his sharp canines are a shorter pair of fangs that are about half an inch. Both fang sets are curved inward towards his tongue, and also curved outwards, towards his lips. X- Family -X All dead, except for his brothers who have been re-incarnated. But Sanctum is not a vampire... or a human. X- Crush/ Mate -X Open X- Powers -X Zaou can control the Water and Ice elements since they are closely related. X- History -X Zaou was born in an Indian Tribe called the Cherokee with two younger siblings; Silver Fang and Blood Wolf, but they died when they were about five. The year was 1666 BC in the season called ‘Frozen Rain,’ or winter. Back then he was called Hidden Moon by his people. As the years went by, Zaou grew into a fully grown man at the age of nineteen. When he went hunting one day, Zaou ran into a mysterious man dressed in Black Bear fur. Frightened, Zaou turned and ran. Later that same day, Zaou was attacked by the mysterious man he ran into earlier. Somewhere in the scuffle, Zaou was turned into a vampire by the man called Drakani or Falling Star. As the next few days went by, Drakani helped Zaou through the transition. St the end of the eighth day, Zaou fled from his maker to a remote island near the Great Lakes. He stayed there until he was ready to be around human beings again in the year 1776 under the new name of Zaou Scar. As the years went by, he discovered that his brothers had been reincarnated as Markus Kallaticus Taen and Sanctum River Raa. X- Personality -X Zaou is somewhat talkative and when people tell him to “Close your d*** mouth!” he does. Likes to come up with plans and silly missions, he can easily be seen as the ‘Brains’ of any group. Sometimes solitary, he doesn’t crave a companion. Very ambidextrous, Zaou can sneak through any obstacles. X- Other -X Hunter and Prey. [[ Isaac, Zak, and Kyrain coming. The Dhampyrs will not be in this. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:09pm Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 10,925
((I don't know how to start my intro. x3. Guess I'll just wait.))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

10:32pm Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 1,576
((Dragon: Could you put the others in the Renzai coven? It's fair to be equal, but if it's against your wishes, go ahead with the Rakdonia :/ )) The vampire smirked, looking ravenously at the man in front of her. "Close your eyes," she whispered seductively. The man obediently lowered his eyelids down, then, at the same second, the vampire dug her fangs into the neck of the victim. Dead. But the man was having this bitter taste in the blood. "What a drugged person." the vampire thought angrily. Then, she spasmed. This wasn't right. There was going to be something in her Coven soon, a new vampire, she *censored*umed, and it was going to happen soon.
10:50pm Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Don't worry. I'll put one in the other coven. Just have to figure out who... And I'll get my intro up once I finish putting up my characters. Though I should warn you, Zak, Issac, and Kyrain do not have a history as of yet and I might just roleplay them out... Or edit their posts once I have them written down. ^^
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:56pm Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 1,576
OoC: Sure <: Thanks for understanding, Dragon. And I seem to like History-less vampires o_o
11:04pm Jul 24 2010 (last edited on 11:06pm Jul 24 2010)
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X- Name -X Zackary “Zak” Oakenhawk X- Age -X 1056, but looks 19 X- Gender -X Male X- Species -X Viking Vampire X- Coven -X Renzai X- Powers -X Zak can make a weapon out of anything; he can physically change the form of the ob ject to that of another. But larger and longer objects tend to pull at his strength reserves. X- Family -X Dead; killed by rival viking raiders. X- Appearance -X When Zak stands up, he is around six foot. His fangs are like any other normal vamp's; the top two canines. When he gets mad, his blue eyes glow an eerie icy colour. X- Personality -X By being a pure-blooded Viking, Zak is always doing the best he's got with what he has. When angered, his control with snap and he will go into a rage-filled blood lust. That is when he is very animalistic and it is also best to keep away from him. Zak can also be very protective. Protective up to the extreme. Also, when he fights, it is usually to the death. X- History -X [[ Currently working on this. I'll get it up as soon as I've finished it. ]] X- Other -X Hunter and Prey = = = X- Name -X Isaac Quinn X- Age -X 366, but looks Eighteen X- Gender -X Male X- Species -X Scottish Vampire X- Coven -X Renzai X- Power -X Isaac seems to be able to change his form into four other things; an eagle, a komodo dragon, a cougar, and a wolf. X- Family -X Dead. X- Appearance -X Isaac stands at six two. He has bright yellow eyes that glow even brighter when he gets thirsty or angry. And because of a mutation he got when he was turned, he has eight fangs total. Four fangs on each jaw; his canines and the incisors next to them. X- Personality -X Isaac is very hyper and likes to be in the spotlight for whatever reason. Always full of energy, he always gets other people around him on their feet and moving to the beat. Enthusiastic, Isaac loves to have a good time whether he is around other vampires or mortals. He takes almost everything as a joke, which could get hi into big trouble. X- History -X [[ Currently working on. I'll get it up later. ]] X- Other -X Hunter and Prey
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:37pm Jul 24 2010 (last edited on 11:52pm Jul 24 2010)
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Name Calyx Lynn Zorora Age She was frozen at 16 Gender Female Coven Renzai Looks/Deion  Family Calyx's family was killed by Vampires :(. Crush/Mate She dosen't believe in love anymore :( Power Calyx can teleport, but not far. History Calyx was having a happy life. She was visiting her family when the town was attacked in a sudden Vampire Raid. Luckily, she survived. But no one else did. This only happened about three days ago,so she is new to hunting. She is starving, and refuses to drink. Others Mabye someone could make her remember how love felt? :) Hunter & Prey
10:17am Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 10,925
"Hey, boy," Hollyn said with a wink, "Why don't we go some place a little more...private?" Currently they were at a trashy club in the middle of the city. The man, stutturing like a madman, nodded. Hollyn took his hand and lead him into the back room of the place, where there were two people making out. "Get out," She hissed in an inhuman voice to the couple, and they obeyed, running away from her. The man instantly started to make a move, kissing Hollyn. She put both hands on his chest and shoved him back, all the way against the wall. "Let's do things my way, okay?" She said. The man said, " 'Course, beautiful. I love a woman who takes control." Hollyn rolled her eyes and walked towards him. She pulled his head to the left, exposing his neck. Then she took control. Hollyn placed her icy lips on the man's neck, kissed it once for show, then bit into it deeply. "Buh-Bye!" She mumbled loudly.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

11:32am Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 632
(( wait...i still dont get why i cant join. can someone please tell me, i really like this rp :'{ ))
11:34am Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( *Waits to be Accepted* :D))
5:52am Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 1,576
((Tal: :/ you seem so sad. Sure, join :P and Zo, your accepted.))
7:57am Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 632
((WWWWOOOOO! is we starin now?)) Eva followed her nose. That's what she always did when it came to the dark, seemingly endless hours of the feeding frenzy. She had already killed tonight, now she was just looking for entertainment. Hearing a snap from the bushes to her left she spun toward the sound. Relaxing her face but not her position she moved to greet the new vampire. "Hello." she said cooly, "Lazarus, right?"
11:06am Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Kyrains coming. Then I'll post my intro.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.